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Posts posted by -Havermeyer-

  1. I like playing with the British troops (and the associated "hangers-on" countries), but I am always disappointed with the performance of the Vickers MG. It just doesn't seem to provide the level of suppression (and death and carnage) I look for in a main infantry support MG.

    I imagine it is because I have been spoiled by the US/Boche HMGs?

  2. Originally posted by killmore:

    This works fine only if you know you expect this type of enemy defense...

    If I'm probing, attacking, assaulting I usually carry at least 1 81 mm spotter, and if a bigger map, 2. If you use your proposed defense at night/poor vis, I'm already close assaulting your positions. If during the day I'm smoking (regardless of terrain (even trees)).

    I have successfully held off some assualts from the AI (never human) with balanced forces and good terrain, but would be willing to employ your scheme for the hell of it. I'd do it just for the carnage and the sound of all those pupchens going off...

  3. Let me tell ya what happens. I am going on week three without CM. My 2.5 yr old boy has misplaced my disk. I had made a backup as insurance, but discovered it does not work given the protection scheme BTS has employed. I have taken the place apart, to no avail. I have also begged to BTS-- but as yet have not heard anything.

    So what happens without CM? Some examples...

    Well, as you are laying in bed contemplating your next move (in my case, if I can remember it)-- the clock is not reading a blurry 1:37 am-- but 10:01 pm!!!

    Your wife gets accostomed to the new CM-less schedule. (This is your biggest concern.) She gets used to having you around again.

    I am coping by finishing the first of Churchill's six volumes on the war. That glorious, pompous, self-inflated, ex-PM and his anecdotes ARE NOT HELPING MY WITHDRAWAL THOUGH!!!

  4. I just finished "On Time, On Target: the World War II memoir of a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne." The book was decent (the author was a FO), but the most interesting part was the post-VE commentary.

    The trooper spent the immediate days following the ceasefire in a German backwater. The Mayor of the town killed his wife and daughter and then himself the evening the town was captured.

    The troopers soon found out why.

    Wirbelin was the town's political "camp". It didn't have the engines of death and genocide of more famous camps. The camp commander did find time to hang the intestines of attempted escapees from the barbed wire, though.

    Of the 4,000 inmates, following liberation, 1,000 died from malnutrition despite the best medical care the US Doctors on the scene could provide (including providing the food and water they had been without).

    General Gavin forced the townspeople to dig the graves and attend the funeral services of the camp's dead (few of the inmates were Jewish, most were political). Over 50 of the townsfolk committed suicide in the following days.

    This was a small town and a small camp infested with the cancer of Hitler's National Socialism-- but to me its existence was more poignant and repugnant than the larger camps of death.

    Each society has committed barbarous acts in and out of war time.

    The bombing of Dresden was horrific and pointless. But so was invading Poland.

  5. I will attest to the Hellcat. Never purchased the thing in the past preferring the sherm76. But the M-18 is wicked fast. I had an opponent drive into a clearing. My shreck team got 4 shots off and the PzIVH just barely started turning before the M-18 fired a shot and rumbled on. KO. It was an ugly thing. Since, I've been experimenting with the M-18 and it is great. Jaxons (blech).

  6. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    * Pillboxes have slightly better 'reaction time' and are slightly less easier

    to spot at long range. It is also somewhat harder to hit their firing slits

    from longer ranges.

    * Fixed a bug that allowed tungsten rounds to be overly effective against

    highly-sloped armor.

    * Data changes:

    - Sherman Jumbo speed, turret rotation, and some armor values lowered.

    Pro-Axis Bias?

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