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Posts posted by bfamily33

  1. Clubfoot:

    Thanks for finishing up the Point du Hoc tiles and scenario. You get my award for originality with both Utah Beach amphibious landing tiles and Point du Hoc tiles. Incredible! Thanks again.


    If it were anybody else, I'd probably be real concerned with them messing/changing a website that I'm so use to. However, I'm sure whatever direction you take in reorganizng it, it is going to be better than the original.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C Dunphie:

    Let us come to the crux - this game derives from the USA. ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    NEW England to be precise!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The most influential set of contributers to this forum are based in the USA. It is, in all probability, an unconscious nationalistic influence <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The only nationalistic influence I see these days is in europe. Perhaps we should pull out and let you go it alone?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> with an almost supernatural ability to fire <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I guess you haven't heard about our supernatural weapons. Haven't you heard about the "shot heard around the world"? It was the start of the Revolution and the birth of that thing you refer to as "strange" democracy. Come try it, like millions of others, you may just like it.

    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C Dunphie:

    US troops often suffered from homesickness ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Heck the only thing our guys were homesick for was good olde homecook'n like apple pie, Boston baked beans and a good cup of coffee.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C Dunphie:

    US troops often suffered from confusion over their role in this theatre. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It was quite clear what our role was in that theatre not to mention the other theatre - you now the one where that other former British colony is. Our role was to save your a$$ or is arse? As far as confusion goes, I think it was Monty that was a bit confused when he hatched Operation Market Garden.

    Sorry, I do apologize to you other Brits. but I just can't sit by and listen to this.

    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall:

    If it was 1940...why do they have StuG III Ausf Gs with schurzen?


    Sorry about that. Mike T is keeping the shorty barrel Stug IIIB to himself. I looks nice and I would have displayed that if I had it. That's why I put that Stug way in the back. I guess not back far enough. ;)

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C Dunphie:

    The justification seems to stem from an innate belief in the technological superiority of the US military


    Let me just point to the following observations about the superiority of certain U.S. infantry weapons:

    "The Thompson was mainly used by Commando forces but was commonly seen in use by airborne forces as well in lieu of the standard issue Sten carbine. One of the main assets of the Thompson submachine gun was reliability; it performed better than most submachine guns when exposed to dirt, mud and rain. (The Sten was notorious for jams mainly due to faulty magazines which plagued all of the Sten models)."

    "Like many of the weapons and vehicles manufactured by the United States during WWII, the 1911 found its way to England via the Lend-Lease Act where it quickly became one of the favorite sidearms of British forces due to its powerful .45 caliber bullet."

    "The U.S. made M2 .50 caliber machine gun is still standard issue today. Mr. Browning's magnificent weapon may see its 100th birthday, still on active duty."

    I dare not argue with such astute observations as it appears they were made by the British 1st Airborne Division Living History Association.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> how could those appalling political systems of 1940's Germany and Russia have come up with such weapon systems as the Tiger, Panther and T34, I wonder! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If you wish to imply that U.S. tanks are inferior please remember "quantity has a quality of its own". Perhaps Hitler wished he'd cranked out a few Shermans in lieu of a King Tiger or JagdTiger?

    As for those appalling political systems, at least you got that one right!

    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

  6. Is MikeT in here? :confused: Nope?

    Mike E (not T) wrote: "This color scheme was dropped some time after the campaign against France in 1940"

    France 1940 and early gray =


    Lo-Res and grade C stuff but what the heck, it's a nice change once in while.

    Can't say anymore. If you see MikeT, don't mention this post. :D

    [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

  7. Clubfoot:

    Thanks for not leaving us just yet. I've been waiting anxiously for this one since your first preview pic more than a month ago. Your beach mod and cliff mod are two of the most original mods/scenarios. They are classics in my book. Thanks for your hard work.

    Btw, have you created any additional scenarios for the beach mod set?

    Lastly, whose German uniform is that in the second pic? DD's or Fox's?

    [ 08-26-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

  8. Tiger:

    Quote: "As far as removing my mods I don't see what the big deal is. It hurts no one as there are more mods out there than you can shake a stick at and more always being made. Maybe I do need the closure."

    -I respectively ask you to reconsider.

    Quote: "It hurts no one"

    - it undermines Manx's Combat Mission.

    It's foundation is built on your mods.

    If I were Manx' and you pulled your mods, I'd call it quits. Why should Manx continue to invest his energy in sustaining a great web-site, to see his time and passion undone at anytime.

    Quote: "there are more mods out there than you can shake a stick at and more always being made"

    - There was Curly and then there was Curly Joe. Those of us who more closely resemble Curly Joe, and the many more to come,

    will still leave CMBO newbies wanting to see the reruns of Curly not Curly Joe. Don't deny them that.

    Quote: "Maybe I do need the closure."

    -If so, fine. Walk away. Don't respond this thread. But before you go, please e-mail Manx, Madmatt, and all other hosts of your mods and retract your request to pull your mods. We will all think fondly of you when we peruse the old files especically when we lose that one very special mod by Tiger.

    If you go, take care.

    Sorry all ... Hi Mom!

    [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: bfamily33 ]

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