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Posts posted by busboy

  1. Well, I bought my current Mac with "World War II Online" in mind.

    WW2OL is one of the most hardware intesive games around, so I got what I considered a satisfactory combo for price and performance.

    As a result, I am quite confidant my Mac'll be able to handle CMB:B.

    I've got a G4 466Mhz, 512 megs of RAM, and an NVIDIA 32 meg graphics card. OS 9.2.2.

    I'm looking forward to B:B. Course, I'm also still looking forward for the Mac version of WW2OL as well. I manage to play WW2OL anyway, my fellow Mac users are, for the most part, left out.

  2. Slapdragon beat me to it. smile.gif

    Anything you saw around here about the Pershing not being used in combat probably referred to the "Super Pershing." I was about to post about that, but agan, Slapdragon beat me to it.

    As for the "Dangerous Missions" episode (why they changed the title from "Suicide Missions" is a mystery to me. They're both poor titles, but atleast the first one has a ring to it.) There is indeed some WONDERFUL footage of the Pershing in combat, stalking and killing a Panther.

    Its the kind of movie that shows how horrible war is, but yet highlights how much I love it for some odd reason...not the killing mind you but...the competition.

  3. Eureka! I have found it! But I haven't fixed it.

    The broken link is the extension "OpenGLMemory". It is 16k big. After hours of extension flipping and experimenting, I found that if I disable this one, the results in CM are:

    -Forces CM to run on the lowest resolution.

    -Seems to disable openGL all togeather

    -Causes a graphics anomoly where the terrain is all yellow. (disabling additional OpenGL extentions causes the yellow to be replaced with static.)

    -FIXES text errors.

    SO...the problem seems to lie with this one extention, or in how it interacts with the others. Perhaps if others are running ok with this extention, they can send me a copy of theirs and see if that fixes it for me.

    Just out of curiosity, is ANYONE running with a similar setup as me that has no problems at all? (from what I'm getting, the black background is a perminant feature)

    We're getting there...

    (identical message posted on the "advertisement" on main page)

  4. Eureka! I have found it! But I haven't fixed it.

    The broken link is the extension "OpenGLMemory". It is 16k big. After hours of extension flipping and experimenting, I found that if I disable this one, the results in CM are:

    -Forces CM to run on the lowest resolution.

    -Seems to disable openGL all togeather

    -Causes a graphics anomoly where the terrain is all yellow. (disabling additional OpenGL extentions causes the yellow to be replaced with static.)

    -FIXES text errors.

    SO...the problem seems to lie with this one extention, or in how it interacts with the others. Perhaps if others are running ok with this extention, they can send me a copy of theirs and see if that fixes it for me.

    Just out of curiosity, is ANYONE running with a similar setup as me that has no problems at all? (from what I'm getting, the black background is a perminant feature)

    We're getting there...

  5. Hmm, intiresting idea, but isn't the font part of CM? I mean, aren't the letterings part of the boxes that go there? Maybe I'm confusing CM for another game in that light.

    While I think the font mess up is related to whatever is causing the black background, it is still an avenue that I must explore. How would I go about reinstalling that font? (I've got oodels of fonts too, FWIW. I should only have to install the CM one)

    One more thing, if it were a font error, wouldn't the lettering in the "mission selection" menu and briefings be messed up too? Its only the in game text that is messed up.

  6. Thats incorrect.

    I know about the limit in the graphics files (and infact I found a great way around it, put your mods in different graphics files, spread 'em around. The game looks for the bmp number, not which file its in.)

    The errors highlighted here occur with a fresh install of CM too, with no Mods at all. Secondly, they only occur with my new computer, my CM setup on my old one was identical mod-wise.

    The problem is the NVIDIA 3d card.

  7. Hello all. I post this question about once every 2 months here, and I have yet to find a fix from Apple, BTS, or the community.

    I want to get this fixed once and for all so I can play, its been MONTHS and I do love this game.

    So, I'm desperately looking for help with my technical problem.

    Ahh, but this topic belongs in the technical support page you say? Well, thats where it is. This is an advertisement to get help to me (I hope the moderator doesn't mind the constructive troll)

    PLEASE, any of you fellas who might have an answer to my problem please read the topic and reply here:

    Graphics error queestion

    I've had some help on these boards before, but never enough that would enable me to fix the problem, and after getting the latest updates and everything last night and STILL having the same ole' troubles, I want to get this fixed once and for all.

    Moderator, if you must lock this I understand and apologize for making your life a bit harder, but after 6+ months of no CM, with "patient" waiting not paying off, I trust you can understand my motive. I hope you let this advertisement stay alive just long enough to drum up the necessary help I need that might ordinarily read the technical help page.


  8. Ok, its been months since I played CM. I haven't played ever since I got my new Mac. Why? Graphical errors that make the game unplayable. I've been waiting ages for Mac to release some driver or update that would fix this, but they haven't. I've asked questions about this problem multiple times and have not recieved an answer from BTS (I thought I might eventually) or a working solution from the players.

    So, after the customary 2 month wait since the last time I cried for help, here it is again, this time with graphics!

    I have a Mac G4, 466 Mhz, 512 RAM, and a 32 meg NVIDIA 3d card. It is the 3d card that seems to be giving me the trouble.

    Here is the trouble (in montage):


    Principal symptom:The hardcoded background "ground" is replaced with black. This is the first thing one notices that is wrong.

    Closer inspection: any in game text is not there and/or warped. (see picture) For example, the turn meter has no numbering, only a white bar, detailed unit discriptions and the hotkey list are just a random collection of white bars.

    I am running on the latest version of OS 9.2, with the latest drivers ect. I was told the last time I had this problem that I could atleast fix the text so I could play, but the fella who was gonna send me the extention that would fix it never did.

    All I do now is lurk around the boards and occasionally post on some non-game related topic..and I want badly to play!

    Can anyone help?

  9. Just a thought, why not have "damaged" textures that go over a complete building. No sky showing, no "hole in the wall" where it was just last shot, just different BMPs to show phases of damage. That wouldn't tie up tthe processor with additional calculations or anything, just be a simple graphics swap. However, I know CM doesn't currently allow that and CM2 might not be any different in that light.

    Just suggesting the idea.

  10. Thats absolutely right Iron. Christie took his tanks to England and Germany too (the PzKw III had a torsion bar suspension).

    If you look at the Russian BT line up to the T-34, you see the evolution from Christie's tank. However, despite Christie's genius and Patton's salesmanship, Congress was downright hostile to new military equipment and the military. As a result, we had to rush to get the Sherman functional when we should have been moving toward the Pershing from the beginning.

    Had Christie kept his tank in America, I firmly think America and Britian would have swept the field, and Russia would have lost unless their KV-1 was produced in T-34 numbers.

  11. Sorry, I guess I didn't explain my logic enough.

    I admit that I don't have the penetration data for the "standard AP" rounds, but considering that we're dealing with an 80 caliber 90mm gun with increased propellant loadout, and given the monstrious penetration of tungsten rounds given in the example, I'd think the normal AP round would be potent enough to knock out any German vehicle, except perhaps the Jadgtiger under certian conditions.

    Looking at the CM penetration table for the super Pershing, and after firing tests between Super Pershins and KTs, I consider CM's Super Pershing gun to be undermodeled. Having seen NUMEROUS such debates about over/undermodeling (which are of course healthy and inevitable) I chose to keep quiet about my opinion rather than get into a debate where everyone might find different numbers...ect. Besides, the game producer has final say, and they've moved on, so there was no point in bringing it up anyway.

    But in my little toy battles, that still leaves the 90mm gun underpowered (in my opinion anyway) So, I compinsate for this by supplying my Super Pershings with all Tungsten AP rounds. I am attempting to simulate the power that [i think] the gun lacks in the game. In other words, I'm pretending its normal AP behaving at realistic capability.

    I'm a historical accuracy nut myself. I simply do this for my own benefit and offer it as a possability for others. In reality though, the Super Pershing plays almost no role in CM other than for free for all PBEMs or really funky scenarios that only see one hard drive [i.e. mine.]

    Of course, I haven't played CM in months due to a graphics problem related to my NVIDIA 32 meg card and my Mac. Despite all the advice of folks here...it don't work. (I miss CM too...I love this game.)

    One more thing FWIW, CM undermodeles the armor of the Super Pershing by a fairly wide margin (based on the added boiler plate and Panther glasis.)

  12. Hello!

    I'm the local Pershing nut, something of a lurker here these days, though.

    The Super Pershing DID see combat...barely. Infact the incident is mentioned in "Death Traps"

    I've got the incident noted in several books, this taken from M26/M46 Pershing Tank 1943-1953 (an Osprey book, by Steven Jzaloga and friends):

    "[talks about additional boiler plate armor put on] This tank got to fire its gun in anger on only one occasion on April 4, 1945 - when it engaged and destroyed a German armored vehicle, probably a Tiger or Panther, at a range if 1500 yards, during the fighting along the Weser River."

    Also, to give you an idea of how powerful that 90mm gun was ("able to penetrate 220mm of armor at 1000 yards at 30 degrees [using tungsten rounds]")

    They test fired the gun at a KOed JadgPanzer IV. I forget the range they put the tank at, but the round went clear through the length of the AFV (Mr. Cooper in Death Traps gives the size of all sizable metal components that the round went through) and imbedded itself in an earth mound behind the tank deestroyer "too deep to be recovered."

    In other words, the gun was powerful enough to KO King Tigers reliably (CM undermodels the gun, according to my numbers. I'd compinsate for this by giving it an all tungsten load-out)

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