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Posts posted by busboy

  1. I think jaja may be on to something, however not as much as he thinks.

    Bocage is more than just a tangle of undergrowth, the root systems of all those plants create a natural mound of dirt at the bottom of it. (SPR illustrates this pretty well before they attack that RADAR post. Just look at the b ocage they're next to before they attack)

    HOWEVER, if infantry gets spooked, they're not gonna run to the place that provides best cover if they are still gonna be fired apon. I think that if you tell infantry to head for a bocage rather than let them decide for themselves, they'll stay there.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  2. thanx for the answers all, I was kina plannin' on upgrading my Mac a bit. I think I'm gonna invest in some more RAM and one of those new Voodoo 5 3D cards, but they've got a hefty price tag right now. ($350)

    Well, I was hopin that It wasn't that but oh well. I suppose I'm overdue anyway. I've currently got an ATI 128 in a G3 300mhz tower. I just wish there was some place locally that sold this kind of stuff. Well, tally hoe! I'll just drool at eye candy on my bud's PC while I kick butt on my Mac... smile.gif Time to start some PBEMs...



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  3. Hello all,

    Last night I tried a little CM on a friend's PC and the graphics thouroughly trounced my Mac. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to improve my current "lower" graphic quality.

    Really, my main comment is that if you get up close to a building or a tank, the textures look like "chipped vomit on toast." There is a great deal of pixelation, and the colors seem smeared around. However, on my friend's system you could see everything with perfect clairity. A good example of this is, say, the stuart. On my computer the suspension system looks like "blah" and the roundell star looks like a white blur. On my friend's PC everything was perfectly clear.

    Now, I have DLed some high resolution vehicle textures, and they seem to help BIG TIME. However, the graphics "out of the box" on my fiend's system were still better.

    I'm just wondering what the difference is.

    Resolution is an issue, I know. My monitor, a NEC MultiSync 5FGe, can only support one really strange resolution (832x624) However, I don't think this is a problem as CM simply would use one of its three resolution options, in my case 800 x 600. This is the same as my friends.

    Anyone have any ideas what is causing my pixelation problems, and how I can fix it?



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  4. Mine is from the Battle of Fredricksburg, when Lee watched the third or so wave of union soldiers charge up a hill, across an open field towards a stone wall with a sunken road behind...and the Confederates were will in charge of the situation.

    There are plenty of Patton quotes I love too, but I stick with this one.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with the spotting round=run strategy, only I believe you should be running forward rather than backward! Historicly, artillery was often told to fire where directed, but would then correct toward the enemy lines. If you're falling back, the artillery would be pounding you at the same time.

    Furthermore, sitting in a foxhole may improve your survival chances in the short run, but if you stay in a foxhole you WILL eventually get killed by the shelling. (unless someone else kills the "sheller."

    I'd say advance with enough suddeness and surprise that the enemy doesn't have time to call in artillery, but if you've got a long way to cover in the open, just get through the kill zone in a hurry. Remember, the guy WON'T want to call artillery in if his first line of defence is in the same area.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  6. You folks for the most part obviously aren't flyboys! smile.gif

    Most of the errors people posted were eventually cleared up above, but I'll correct the latest. The "Tse Tse" Mosquito had a 57mm cannon, not 37mm, and was used almost exclusively for shipbusting.

    Also, 250kg bombs are the equivelent to a 551lb pound bomb, so the difference is minor; all aircraft bombs are probably modeled the same.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  7. What the mess did I do???

    One of the features I most appreciated in the full version of CM was the snazzy explosion graphics. Then, I DLed the custom replacements and they were even better! But now, I botched things up, and all I'm getting is the good ol' fasioned "shock wave" explosion effect. I'm really ticked off because of it.

    I'm hoping some fellow Mac user might be able to help me. What I think I did was this: recently I DLed some ATI 128 updates off of the apple website, and also an OpenGL updater. My current ATI stuff was more recent than the stuff I DLed, so I just installed the OpenGL stuff. I think somehow that botched things. I just uninstalled it all, but I still have the stupid concussions rather than the pretty explosions. Any ideas?



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  8. What the mess did I do???

    One of the features I most appreciated in the full version of CM was the snazzy explosion graphics. Then, I DLed the custom replacements and they were even better! But now, I botched things up, and all I'm getting is the good ol' fasioned "shock wave" explosion effect. I'm really ticked off because of it.

    I'm hoping some fellow Mac user might be able to help me. What I think I did was this: recently I DLed some ATI 128 updates off of the apple website, and also an OpenGL updater. My current ATI stuff was more recent than the stuff I DLed, so I just installed the OpenGL stuff. I think somehow that botched things. I just uninstalled it all, but I still have the stupid concussions rather than the pretty explosions. Any ideas?



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  9. I think the problem was weight. The US coulda turned out jumbos by the thousands, but shipping 'em across the channel would have been another matter. We had a heavy tank under development, the M8 I think, that had a 76.2mm gun with a co-ax 37mm cannon, good armor, ect. Why did we never make that? Well, first it was deemed unsatisfactory, but more than that is they were heavy. What does that matter? If they're heavy, that means you can't ship a whole heap across the atlantic like you could the relitively light shermans. Plus, there were U-boats poping off the occasional merchant ship. wink.gif They really had to ask "now, do we want a few heavy tanks that we're not satisfied with, or lots of "adequate" medium tanks?"

    IMO, thank goodness they went with the Shermans, the M8 would have been no match for the zoo.

    Anyhoo, there's the fact that they couldn't ship as many. Also, if I understand right, the jumbos just were converted Shermans; no strengthened suspention systems. One time Patton came across some shermans with sandbags all over 'em and he "spiritedly" ordered the sandbags removed. He pointed out that they'd do nothing to slow down an AT round, and a shaped charge either would go thru them too, or it wouldn't go thru at all. He then went on to point out that if it provided no increased protection, then it only wore out the tank's suspension system faster and increased mantianance problems.

    Now, the jumbo DID have effective armor, but I'd bet that it was far less reliable than standard shermans.

    Furthermore, its top speed was reduced, and ground pressure I'd bet went WAY up.

    So, in conclusion, while the jumbo may have been able to take hits from the krauts, the higher-ups weighed its effectiveness vs. its costs and decided that it wasn't worthwile once we broke out of bocage country. Weather they were right is debatable. I personally think that we should have had some for assaults, but in general once the breakout occured the standard Shermans were better suited for the job.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  10. I am, as I freely admit, a great Patton admirer. That speech is very intiresting to study. The emotion he used in the speech was all a carefully staged act. In fact, the speech was first written in early 1941, and was calmly dictated by Patton to his secretary, complete with language. His secretary later commented just how funny it was to hear such an elequant, and profane speech said by such a passionate man with a complete lack of emotion.

    Secondly, Patton, unlike George C. Scott had a high pitched voice. The image one might relate this fact to is Mike Tyson, altho the case wasn't as extreme. Patton was famous for his gruff talk and personality that he presented to most people. His voice, he felt, really did not fir the image.

    Did Patton really read Rommel's book? Well, yes, but not as the movie portrays. The movie shows Patton reading "The Tank in the Attack" which Rommel did not write. Rommel's book was "Infantry in the Attack." Secondly, Patton read it LONG before WW2 started, although he did indeed read it during WW2 before a battle. However, he read the book in preperation for Operation Cobra. (which was, in fact, Patton's plan. Bradley either copied the plan (unlikely) or somehow got the gist of it. Bradley added in the aerial bombardmant idea himself tho)

    Patton is also one of the most quotable men who has ever lived, and not just from the speech. He also wrote poetry, some of which is increadably moving. His most well known poem, "Through a Glass Darkly" was quoted in part in the movie.

    Here are some of my favorite quotes I can remember off hand:

    "A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood."

    "When I realize that I am what I am, I am amazed. But, on reflection,who is as good as I? I know of no one."

    On being ordered by Bradley not to attack Trier, as it would take atleast 5 divisions to capture:

    "Have already captured Trier with three divisions, do you want me to give it back?"

    "Success in war depends on the 'golden rules of war'; speed, simplicity, and boldness."

    "There is nothing more pathetic and futile than a general who lives long enough to explain a defeat."

    "War is the only place where a man lives."

    "Do your duty as you see it, and damn the consequences."

    "A good solution applied with vigor now is better than a perfect solution applied ten minutes later."

    And my personal favorite, which expresses my own feelings about war:

    "Could anything be more magnificent? Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance. God, how I love it!"

    By the way, here is by far the best site of Patton info I have found on the web. It includes the FULL speech, a WAV of Patton speaking (see the high pitched voice for yourself) and also an entire book on the General. In that book (The Unknown Patton) is an extensive collection of his poetry, quotes, and some facts and cleared up misconceptions about the General.

    I love talking about Patton, so much so that my friends kid (and sometimes don't "kid") about me being Patton reincarnate. Well, as of yet I don't recall any of WW2 "as if through a glass and darkly" but I do hold my ideas and opinions that Patton also held, and what I consider the same personality. (oh, but I don't LOOK the part. wink.gif)

    Anyways, I'm sure I'll post much more on this, one of my favorite topics.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  11. well, the bigger problem is that I can't find a way to even CHANGE my resolution. I'm hoping someone'll someday point a control panel I can get, but my resolution is stuck.

    On closer examination of the machine gun problem, I realized that its not just the 2 I replaced that are pixelated SEVERELY, but ALL small arms carried by soldiers.

    Also, is there anything special I need to do when replacing sounds with customs? I think I'm gonna DL 'em if they're recommended by the community.



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  12. Thanx for the replies all.

    My hardware is a Mac G3 tower, 350mhz with an ATI 128, I think it is. My resolution on my NEC MultiSync 5FGe monitor is 832x624, and for some reason I can't change resolutions. (this has been bugging me for a LONG time, if anyone has an idea on what I can do in regards to that, I'd really appreciate it)

    On the machine gun pixelization, I think I did try re-installing 'em to no avail. I may just have to go in and put the old ones back, but I'll give reinstallment another try.

    As for the houses and such, I just noticed that on my computer the finer "lines" seemed blurred over a larger area rather than there being nice and crisp lines for "house features," for example, like I saw on the HQ website. Its no big deal if I just can't get that due to my different system, but I'd like to if I could! smile.gif

    Thanx for the mortar news. How do I tell the command squad to spot? Is there a "target wide" order for them perhaps?

    Oh, and thanx to the CM Borg for assimilating me. Now that we are together, things are so much better. Tell me, what is my CM borg number? biggrin.gif

    Oh, and one final thing to any mac users reading this. I saw voodoo has a snazzy new $350 graphics card out. Anyone got this? Would you recommend this? (well, I know its vastly better, and all, just really looking for opinions.) I think I'm also gonna buy some more RAM too, it'll really help in the future.

    Finally, if I may, could I give ya'll an address for another game that won't be in competition with CM? I mentioned it in another thread that got locked as the moderator said "for obvious reasons" and I assume thats what he meant. I just know that anyone playing CM is really into WW2 and accuratly done combat, and this one game in development is worth the time of anyone intirested in this kind of stuff. However, I won't mention it if its not appropriate to do it here.

    Again, thanx all!



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  13. I just got Combat Mission the other day, and have since DLed lots 'o new textures.

    Now, I got some questions.

    I DLed lots of new textures, as I mentioned. I was hoping I'd end up getting my Mac version of CM looking like some of the EXTREMELY detailed screenshots I've seen lying around.

    Now, some of the Hi Res graphics I DLed helped, but it seems like I fell short and I was wondering if I'm not doing something. An example of my graphics issues are: the suspension systems of Shermans, for example, are highly pixelated if you get "reasonably" close. Windows on houses seem to "melt" out of the walls, rather than stand out. Finally, sometimes the suspension systems of high res vehicles look blurred, wile the screenshots I saw of them in operation were flawless. In general, graphics kick can, but I was wondering if there was some way I could get them better.

    Also, I DLed some custom, hi res Vickers and MG42 replacements, and they came out pixelated beyond all recognition.

    Also, would you CM vets recommending DLing anyone's custom sounds? The sounds in CM seem outstanding as is, what would ya'll recommend?

    I saw someone mention somewhere on the boards that you could have a leader type squad spot for on-map mortars. Did I misread, and if not how can I do this?

    About airplanes, I know you see the shadow when they fly over, but can you see the plane too if you angle the camera right? Just wondering.

    Anyhoo, I'm sure I'll figure out some more questions to ask later on this thread, and I'd like to thank ya'll in advance for your help. I look forward to playing this game, DLing other missions and improvements, and being part of this wonderful community.

    And you have no life that that peng post!!! smile.gif



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  14. One thing that I see here, while not being a game issue, is a concept that brilliant planning and execution is more important than the actual voilence of the attack.

    I'm new here, and I'm still waiting for CM to get here, but I've played the demo, and I've been studying war all my short life.

    I have come to a colclusion, albiet personal, that Patton's ideas of war simply work better.

    If you can mass forces that can overwelm the enemy now, go for it! You will take casualties, but wouldn't you take a similar number of casualties if you let the enemy get set for your calculated assault anyway?

    Sometimes the violence and simplicity of an attack is preferable to a well thought out one. To quote Patton, "A good plan now is better than a perfect one 10 minuites from now." However, I realize that if you always try "the frontal assault now" rather than "the flank in 5 minuites" you WILL get your butt kicked.

    The genus of a commnder, rather, is knowing when is the right time for what, and being able to do both well.

    Oh, and ya'll'll notice pretty quick as I start posting here more, I am a Patton nut, so much so infact, that my friends joke about me being Patton reincarnate. I dunno about that, but just let me know when my Patton pitching gets obsessive. smile.gif



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

  15. Hey all, this is my first post here!

    (FNG, I know wink.gif Have mercy on the newbie)

    I've ordered CM, but have yet to recieve it. Its kinda buggin me, I'm ready to go! I ordered it 2 weeks ago, sent in a money order with a sheet of paper with my return addy and order request on it, and haven't heard anything since. (just sent battlefront an e-mail about it)

    Anyhoo, I hope to get into this game ASAP.

    And BTW, about ya'll's MASSIVE post, it IS famous on message boards far and wide. On my "home," the WW2OL message boards, it has been mentioned and linked to with a bit of awe. However, it lacks the respect of one of our old "superthreads" which was locked at 1000. Ours may have died young, but we prided ourselves on the cleverness of the content, every post was unique and good. I personally barely participated in it wink.gif

    Well, I hope I get my game soon, my trigger finger's itching! smile.gif



    CO, 99th Dragons

    A Warbirds Squadron

    'We will heat you up'

    "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

    -Robert E. Lee

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