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Posts posted by busboy

  1. I was recalling a thread a long time ago where someone complained that they allowed the computer to select his force in a quick battle, and he got something like 20 elite jeeps with .50 cal. MGs. He surrendered immediately, and complained about a poor force selection.

    The general response was "you surrendered too fast! You could have surrounded his King Tiger and immobalized/gun damaged it!"


  2. It has always been my understanding that the molotov coctail effects the engine because, if the molotov hits on the engine deck, the air intake will suck in the hot air/fire. This to me seems to be a pretty bad thing to have going into your internal combustion engine.

    If the molotov hit, say, the turret top, it really wouldn't do any damage that would render the tank immoble.

  3. Hehe, kinda makes it all the more poinient to think of the incident where Patton called a Russian general an S.O.B. to his face... tongue.gif

    This is all very very interesting. I think profanity is sort of an art. If you overuse it, you look like an immature idiot, but if you know when, how, and to whom to use it with, profanity provides a very potent element to eloquence. I find it hard to believe that a culture would be so shocked by it.

    I have a Russian friend I'll ask about this myself.

  4. I just wonder how the war would have gone if the U.S. had supported Walter Christie rather than shunning he and the tank program.

    Imagine only U.S. and U.K. tanks with a torsion bar suspension system.

    Also, the BT series of tanks was a direct decendent of one of Christie's prototypes that featured sloping front armor. The hull design on the BT series is a clear evolution of this, and the T-34 partially evolved from the BTs.

    I just wonder what would happen if Germany and Russia didn't have the torsion bar suspension. Idle meusings, thats all.

  5. While wind whips flames in the leeward direction, I'd guess that the windward direction would provide more oxygen for the fire as it naturally is spreading. If your substance is flammable enough, then the fire will spread in all directions, but apparently it'll spread windward the fastest.

  6. In one of my books on the Tiger, there is a picture of a tiger that has at least 70 countable hits on the left side of the turret and hull alone. there are 2 fairly large gashes out of the zimmerett (sp) paste which the caption denotes as hits from th 45mm AT gun. One can only assume that some of the smaller dings were AT rifles.

    It was an impressive picture...the caption noted that it was one of the first published photos of the Tiger tank, and was used as propaganda.

  7. As a college aged American, I take offense to that statement! Its very easy to miss Russia on a map, all tucked down in there... ;)

    In all seriousness, I don't think the American youth is as ignorant as he is portrayed. He is far too ignorant, I admit, and lagging behind the average European, but not THAT ignorant.

    But then I think you need to look at "what is average." Furthermore, I think location has a lot to do with it. Does the average European know the location of, say, the state of Kansas?

    Long story short, and its off topic, sorry, is that everyone should admit holes in their knowledge, and even though some are smarter than others, that is not ground for borad generalizations and sweeping criticisms.

    I certianly do believe that the most intellegent military questions come from the Finnish...Finland seems to me to have a proud military history to encourage popular study. Here in the states, the military is loved and hated, depending on which movie you're watching. :(

  8. I agree that an English option would be great. I prefer the native tounges too, but I just can't understand them and thus can't learn anythin useful from them...but given long enough I'd learn what sound went with what action.

    What would be neat is if someone made a list of the sound files and translated them. Example, you doubleclick, say,


    you hear <whatever>

    What does that mean? You consult your guide, and it tells you the correct native wording/spelling, a hyphonetical spelling, and a translation. This isn't to be used as a battle reference, but this way you could answer nagging questions and generally learn.

    On a side note, when I order a human wave attack, the Russians give this "OOOHHHRAAA!!!!!" sound...what does that translate to? ;)tongue.gif;) Heh, I wonder if I can replace that with the rebel yell.

  9. No, he's right, he's not having a cow.

    Due to the nature of the game, and the fact that it is a game, concentration camps have no part in it whatsoever.

    They don't belong. Period.

    Are they a part of war? Yes. So is diesese and fammin, but those won't be in either.

    CM only seeks to give tactical engagements in a limited scale, not teach about attrocities.

    There is simply no place for that stuff in the game, and there is nothing you could argue that would change that fact.

    And the determining factor:

    Such a "feature" would be bad press, and bad for sales.

    Case closed, and so too will this topic be.

    Have fun with the game though, its a blast!

  10. I think you're gonna have studder problems with CM if you have anything less than a 16 meg card.

    After graphics cards, I'd guess processor speed is the most important for visual performance, unlike WW2OLor a similar realtime game, CM doesn't require massive amounts of RAM.

    My current system is a G4 466 Mhz, 32 meg NVIDIA, and 512 RAM. It plays CM and the demo here fine and dandy.

    My OLD mac, a G3 350 Mhz, 194 RAM, no graphics card could run origional CM very well, though the graphics looked like chipped vomit on toast. If you got a "maxed out" map, that is, random map with hills, buildings, lots of trees, tons of units, ect, THEN it would run in a slideshow. But even then it seemed like the slideshow was only in map movement, not unit movement.

  11. Zee, it IS important. Does it effect gameplay? No. Does it effect our ability to see the value of the game in the demo? No. You are correct there, absolutely.

    But the question is, will the full game have multiple, historic uniforms. These folks aren't bitching, nor demanding, just wondering if something that they see in the demo is a space saving measure that isn't an indication of the game. Valid question.

    And hopefully the answer is that the correct uniforms will be used. If they are not, yes Mods can be used, but then if you want everything just right for your battle you have to switch mods out beforehand, ect.

    So why does it matter? There are those of us that, as odd as it may sound, would have liked to have been there, maybe to observe, and some to have fought. Because we don't have firsthand experience of these battles, we do everything we can to tell what it WAS like. To find out how it was like, you can't just memorize diaries and troop concentrations, you have to study EVERYTHING to totally understand battle and war. Uniforms are a part of that.

    To most of us, games like CM are as close to war as we'll ever come, and we'd like to get it as close as we possibly can.

    This is why there are so many dedicated Mod makers and Mod "sluts," they want the game to be as accurate and realistic looking (and sounding) as possible.

    To us, the more realistic (on every level), the more fun the game is.

  12. It is, however, possible for the tank to take hits from, say, small arms fire even though the target is the men "underneath" the tank. The men get no added cover from being there, but the tank might sponge some fire.

    Its a yes/now answer I suppose. The correct answer, as has been said, is no. I just feel its worth pointing out that the tank might still end up taking the hits.

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