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  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TeAcH: For what's its worth Jeff, I agree with you. I just wanted to publicly display my support for your efforts in this discussion. I think the whole flaming war started when Slap subtly accused some of us who were for the optics advantage as being part of some secret nazi lovers party then saying that we were anti-science lovers. BTS even made a comment to that end that there are those that are devote freaks of German ww2 military might. An "optics supporter" could easily infer that they were being painted with that brush. Then when the warmth got returned to Slap, he posted fifty times a minute and pointed the finger at everyone else, namely Jeff. Sad. Slap, you were even being snide in your response to my post back on page 7 or so (about the search warrant issue). Funny thing is, and I wont go into it, but there you were trying to use a police related, search warrant example like you knew what you are talking about. It was innacurate at best. Overly presumptious of you, wasn't that? But that appears to be right up your alley. I would not even begin to tell you about, or make examples out of, your field of expertise, because I have not studied it nor have I practiced it for any length of time. If I had a nickle for every person I met who thought they were smart because a certificate on their "I love me wall" says so, well..you know the rest. I realize my post is off topic, but I really found it disturbing that Slap (you) would make subtle snide remarks towards others (Jeff) and their arguments, then cry fowl when they respond in kind. Unfair. I agree with the poster who said this forum would have gone a lot smoother had slap been missing from it. So now what? Slap quotes my whole post and disects it piece by piece? Who cares. Good going Jeff. [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 10-06-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This post is GREAT!!! I mean really great. Really. For a second I read it and took it seriously, so I went back and read the posts about detectives, then I read this one again, and then I got it totally! Cause at first I said, this guy is a cop? He must be that funny little guy who gives parking tickets out at school who gives you a ticket even if you have your sticker. Then it struck me, he can't be crazy too, or else how do they give the guy a gun? Now, not that I have figured out what he was trying to say mind you, but I think you all are reading it wrong, or else he posted to some other thread by accident. Thanks for listening! Tom
  2. You know, lawyers hear excuses all the time. The most common is, "honest, I have only had two drinks!" Many people though do not know lawyers most common excuse. "Honest, I was just trying to help that sheep into my BMW."
  3. I LOVE A CIRCUS!!!!!!! You all don't understand Jeff. You think he is crazy -- but he aint. I have a theory -- he is screwing with all of your heads. I mean really -- he jumps in and acts all foaming at the mouth and all the crazies line up with him, then he discredits the whole optics thing in one blow! He is actually on BTS's side! I think everyone could take a cue from John. Since he and Slappy got slapped down, he has been handing out the information and a real posters. I think John deserves a lot of credit here.
  4. Been reading reading reading, and I have to say this one is silly too. Slaphappy, you take the cake on this one. Telling some guy who is melting down into his own personal little padded cell to grow up will solve nothing except make him flame twice as hard. But I did like the one about breaking the pills in half . I think it is best if everyone acted nice to each other, then just let the flamers flame out on nothing. Ignore em and they will calm down, and maybe come back in! Be joyful, do good work, and kill lots of enemy tanks Tom
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: Thats fine CB, I'm glad in your opinion its been resolved etc. Now what does that have to do with you singleing me out? what do you care what I post? am I being stalked now?. And where have I ever stated that I wanted everyone on my side? have you even read anything I posted in the lacking punch thread? I take from the above you never have. If you believe it is so easily settled then ask yourself why the thread hasn't been locked to date. I posted data from the source CM used to get its 30^ data, it conflicts with what CM uses now & you think that this has no relevance to the discussion nor should i have posted it. Thats an interesting perspective, as it refelcts a closed mind, oh, I forgot you already said you feel the issue has been resolved, silly me. Now the alternative is we cut the discussion board out of the KwK.43 discussion completely and continue it directly E-mail with BTS, through perhaphs Fionn, which would appear to be what some ppl want here anyway. Oh, and a lil note don't bother singling me out in your post's etc, or since we both live in Florida you could stop by and better explain your position to me, in person between classes, or I could visit you at the SPJC campus its not far from me I was their last weekend, & I think I know the place you refered to with your grandfather & benches to as theirs a bookstore near their I frequent. Regards, John Waters <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dude! The moment you start threatening people's grandfathers is when you are definately going overboard. You are saying here if I mention you in a post anymore you will come after me. As I explained to Phil that is not much of a problem, but you may want to stop and think before you threaten. I could be like 7 feet tall (I am not) and my Grand could be the meanest 70 year old geezer on the block. So, no threats of violence huh? Words only is cool by me.
  6. I like it, the intellectual Cesspool. I dubb the King Tiger thread the place were people can ask each other questions about their heritage without getting flamed down. I for one will answer anyone about living in the United States if they will answer questions about living in there own countries. Like: What is the drinking age in Australia and Germany? Just wondering really, not that I will ever get to another country, travel is to hard so I pretty much stay around here. As for PzKpfw 1 going after Grand or me, he will have to roust an awful lot of geezers to find Grandpa, there are like 30 of them who sit on those benches every day. Likely he would try and Grand would find a new and creative use for his cane . As for me, he can come to SPJC, but although I am easy to spot in the crowd, I wont tell him WHY I am easy to spot in the crowd, so he has to go after a lot of students to find little old me. I am pretty safe I think even if he lives next door. Unless he is some sort of sniper or something, or a private investigator. Maybe I will start wearing a false beard or a mustache. You see, the beauty of the internet is he can't find me and we probably live right next door to each other or something. Unless I tell him my address, I am pretty safe. He does not even know which campus of SPJC I go to. Maybe I am at Seminole, maybe St. Pete, maybe Clearwater, who knows! That is a lot of students to roust -- my bet is he isn't even the stalker type anyway, so be happy!!! I am safe from the terrors of the 88L71 hit squad, and Grandpa is a mean SOB so as the aussies say, no worries. Of course, if he does take me down... AVENGE ME!!!! Tom
  7. Oh yeah, I am almost done reading the book on science my professor gave me, and it looks like Vanir, Slapdragon, and BTS were right about it. Your one set of data, no matter how many people repeat it, would only be what you needed to explore the subject further, and you would need controlled test data of a better quality to actually build a bigger case. Don't freak at me, it is what "Vhost: How Science is Done" says. I have ordered a better book, but I am not sure I will read it. King Tigers ROCK!!!
  8. Very cool, a discussion group were someone gets banned if they disagree with you! I want one myself, it would be cool! You guys are funny as heck. People wrote like 5000 words explaining to you why the problem is not a problem and you two like read none of them. I was rooting for you to start, then they convinced me. I am just a dumb kid, but they said your data was problematic for a bunch of reasons, and people keep reposting those reasons, and then you just put the old record back on and requote the same data. If it had not already been done twice before I would go and cut and paste it back together again for you. But them you would just post the results of that one test again and say, when will it be resolved? BTW- What College did you go to? I am at SPJC and am looking for a good college other than stupid old USF.
  9. Very cool, let me figure out how to do it and you are on!!! My SPJC account is on a mainframe so I use Hotmail, I just have to read the book on it
  10. I know everyone is all uptight about this, but perhaps it is something that cannot be solved. Maybe if everyone just dropped this one issue and talked to each other about their lives and their families and the idiots I have to eat lunch with and cool stuff like that/ Now, I know I am just a dumb kid. But it seems like this one issue is kind of silly. The 88 shoots through two shermans laid end to end far as I can see, and I can win a lot of games just by parking my King Tiger (which ROCKS!) on top of a hill and blasting the US as they rumble down the road. Nothing they got can touch me except this one Brit tank that wasted me last game I played, except I get bogged down sometimes. So there are two groups to this argument: The prove it group, and the Why should we when we are right group. Never are they coming together, and all their discussions are like yelling at a stone wall, no one listens to the saner heads, who eventually leave, and someone gets freaked and starts a flame war, then 6 flames later says, "This is the final note on the matter" like saying that ends the argument. So, if we all just agreed that the 88 rocks well enough and left it alone, we could get back to some real discussions. EXCEPT: Please don't close down the King Tiger thread cause I am learning a lot in it. Thanks for listening! Tom
  11. Seemed resolved to me: not enough evidence and what evidence everyone has is full of problems. I think you mean by resolved is everyone needs to come to your way of thinking. DUDE! I want the 88 to be the baddest gun in the world to, cause I love King Tigers, but I figure if you can't sell the chicken at the market you might as well keep it home and let it lay some eggs. What I mean is you had a chance to do the science thing, and you said you were to practical for science, so who is going to listen to you anymore? Other than me that is, since I think the King Tiger rocks! Anyway, you should just contact people on the side who agree with you and work on your argument more before you run it back out. Peace guy! Be happy! Fall break is almost here. Tom
  12. It stands for BIG TANK... oh, that is BT.
  13. I think the bilding explosions are cool, so why mess with them?
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