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Posts posted by Diceman

  1. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    I can't believe you guys would rip me off like this. Here I have been your number one cheerleader and even offered to pick up your dry cleaning, Grammont, and you short change me the bloody bocage.

    "Oh, but we replaced it with Steppe" you say -- well I'm not buying it. CMBB won't be the same until we can enclose the Steppe with Bocage!

    Now, you programming geeks better get your butts back into the program AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE BOCAGE!


    Sorry, the French forgot to mention bocage in their operational contingency plans, in case of an invasion from England. Now had bocage been mentioned, you could bet your bottom dollar a Russian spy would have paid some French farmer for a shrubbery or two, and before you knew it the Russian frontier would be rife with bocage; but seeing as how the French overlooked the value of bocage in their strategic plans : no bocage for you! Blame the French.

    Now what I'm thinking is, wasn't their hemp fields in southern Russia for the production of rope? The real question should be: where are the hemp fields!

  2. Originally posted by zukkov:

    i must admit i was annoyed for a bit too. wanted to turn the angle and it would scroll instead. but i got used to it. in fact now when i play cmbo(yes, still playing. don't have the full game yet. hopefully by weds! bfc, you DID ship my copy on friday, right??), i get annoyed having to hold down the shift key to scroll. anyway, it just takes some getting used to...

  3. I'd love to be a part of it but my plate won't be clean enough to add your campaign to it until at least March, more likely the end of April or May. You see, I go on terminal leave in preparation for military retirement at the end of November; start a new job while at the same time relocating in Anchorage Alaska and finishing up two distance learning college classes in December, finishing a third distance learning college class in February, and will more than likely work part time doing individual income taxes through the 15th of April, and possibly corporate and partnership taxes through the 15th of May. Once all that is done and over with I'll have so much free time on my hands I won't know what to do with it, and your campaign looks just like the ticket to burn a bit of it up. :cool:

  4. Originally posted by Michael emrys:


    How are the maps? Do they look comprehensive? There are few things more aggravating than maps that don't show what you are looking for. I'm not interested in the text; I'm sure I can find better histories elsewhere. But the maps are what interest me in this volume.


    I have a copy. There are a few descent illustrations: Leningrad, Stalingrad, Berlin, Prokhorovka, but overall I walked away from the book thinking I should have checked no instead of yes. I expected more detailed information based on the advertising I saw. It's not a bad book, I just felt the reading was a bit light.

    The maps are not comprehensive by my standards. Movements are displayed in sweeping arrow format at the corps level and larger, far less detail than you find in Guderian's "Panzer Leader", and somewhat less detail than found in Michael Reynolds "Men of Steel, 1 SS Panzer Corps" for example. Just my take on it.

  5. Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    Thank you guys for submitting your models! I can't wait to see 'em! Maybe we should start a "Hey look what I made and it's in the game!" thread when the game is released to showcase your guys' talent!

    Thanks again!!!!!

    OK, but only because you asked:


    Guess what wallpaper I'm using? :cool:

    [ September 10, 2002, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: Diceman ]

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Just to make sure people understand...

    Wargamer's Law #1 is wargamers bitch at anything and everything, no matter how lucky they are to be playing it. Wargamer's Law #2 is that if you get 10 wargamers in one room and ask them a single factual question you will get 15 different "#$&* you, I am right!" answers. Wargamer's Law #3 is that if you as 10 wargamers in one room a single question of opinion, you will get 34.5 "#$&* you, I am right!" answers, 5 bloddy lips, 2 brusised ribs, and 1 broken nose. And that is if the opinion being asked is not controversial smile.gif


    So this is what lurks behind the iron doors of the beta forum. :eek:
  7. Originally posted by Barrett's Privateer:

    Not wealthy!!! (This one is important:)

    Are you only going to buy one game this year, and if so, is there another game that will fill the holes in your gaming library better? If I had to choose between say Icewind Dale II and CMBB I'd go with CMBB, but I'm an armor nut.

    More interested in general strategic and tactical theory/application than any historical reenactment. IE- I like Chess more than a Civil War reenactment:)
    I've studied chess, and I'd call it a gentleman's game. That is to say, you win or loose on the merits of your play, not cheesy tricks. The new features of CMBB make it more of a gentleman's game than CMBO.

    My overall impression of the gameplay (Again note above disclaimer!) is that they overall "feel" has changed significantly from that of the original.

    I personally found it now seems to leave me feeling frustrated.

    My general impression is those that didn't like playing with, or had no interest in playing with unprofessional soldiers, i.e. conscript and green troops, really hate it now, or at least find it very frustrating. If reorganizing conscripts is not your idea of fun, play higher quality troops. I suspect many of the gripes people have will fade away when they have the full game, and can play scenarios and quick battles that are more their speed.

    So, am I right in concluding that CMBB doesn't have anything (or enough) to offer me _personally_ that I wouldn't get out of CMBO (or Chess for that matter.)
    Only you can truly answer that question. But as a competitive gamer, CMBB clearly is such an improvement in game mechanics, such as firing arcs, that I may not return to the western front until BFC does.
  8. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />unfortunate, as CM has lost much of its visceral appeal.

    Cool! And let me tell you, it was hard to do too. One year ago we thought we were done with development, but we said "crap, it is still really fun and playable. Let's spend another year making sure it sucks". Looks like we succeeded, so I hope you preorder and make it worth our while smile.gif


  9. Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    For the record, my CMBB order # is XX409. And my Alienware order # is XX904. WOOT!!! I think I have the current record for most expensive CMBB purchase so far. smile.gif:(

    Doh!! I hope you play a lot of graphics intensive games. My adamant.com machine runs smooth as silk with the demo, and a highly modded CMBO. With my old AMD K6, there were times when you could measure the frame-rate with an hour glass, but life is good with my Athalon 1800, GeForce4MX440 combo. smile.gif
  10. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Yes it would be cool, but the only complete list exists only IN the gamecode and the only man in the universe (if a Brain soaking in a Nutrient Tank can be called a man) who can do that has been too busy lately to yank that all out to populate a list.

    It IS planned to provide such a vehicle list at some point though.


    I'll do it the hard way for you! :D All I need is the complete game. ;) If I play with the scenario editor long enough, I'm sure I can find 'em all. :cool:
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