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Posts posted by Diceman

  1. Yes it is time for confession.

    Forgive me father for I hath sinned. I hath removed the holy CM CD from the sacred disk holder of wargaming and inserted the heretical CD of Icewind Dale. I did abandon that pure and chase madon: the balistic algorithim, for that cheap tart: the 20 sided dice. I hath wondered through snow covered mountains that never existed, ransacked the temples of gods no man has ever bowed a knee too, butchered monsters and demons that live only in gothic myths. I have forsaken THE game which strives to be as close to reality as possible ... for ...for...pure popcorn fantasy. And the thing that scares me most about it father is...is...is...I liked it eek.gif



    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    I don't recall any cannon armed jeeps, but there was a version of the M3 armed with a 75mm Howitzer that made it over to Europe with some recon companies. Not even sure how many of them were still in use by 1945, my bet is not many.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    All ready in the game: M8 Howitzer Carriage.



    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

    Actually, I wouldn't say that German tanks drastically outclassed British tanks until either late 1942, or early 1943. Until this preiod the main German battletank was the Pzkpfw III, armed with a 50mm Gun, vs. the British Crusader II armed with a 40mm Gun. Most accounts of tank vs. tank warfare in the desert do not show that the Germans had superior tanks (as they lost the same number as the British in purely tank vs tank engagements) but, the Germans had better arms cooperation and usually had many AT guns sitting around to sway things in their favour.


    Actually the British two pounder was far inferior to the German 50mm L48 or L60. Don't have the actual #s to refute your tank vs tank claim but it was common for German tanks to take out British tanks before the British tanks got into range. The British couter tactic was to charge German tanks in an effort to close the "kill zone" gap. The Germans would take advantage of this by slowly retreating back toward prepared anti-tank positions. The "88's" would then dessimate the British tanks trying to close in with the German ones. The British didn't gain an advantage in tank gun firepower untill 1942 just prior to El-Alimen (SP). The 75 mm gun on the Grant/Lee, and the 6lb gun on the Crusader III, issued in time for El-Alimen (SP), turned the tide for British tankers and they outgunned almost all German armor through the rest of the Desert War.



    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    [old codger voice]

    Why, back in my day, sonny, we didn't even have computers. Yep, had cardboard counters on paper maps.... Yessirree, them's was the Golden Age of wargaming...[sighs reminiscently]

    [/old codger's voice]



    I have to go soak my teeth now. wink.gif



    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

    [This message has been edited by Diceman (edited 09-23-2000).]

  5. Ive bought units units from more than one nationality, but I keep the nation's troops integrated. British infantry with British armor on the right, U.S. armor with U.S. infantry on the left for instance. Not exactly realistic, but no quick batle is. If you're worried about accurate TO&E's it would probably be best to state the TO&E's up front.

    As a long time PBEM'er I can only suggest that you get the personal rules clear up front. When playing Steel Panthers I had a set of rules as long as my arm. No 88's, only one platoon of engineers, no mech infantry, no artillary calling their own fire, etc, etc, etc.

    CM is can be extreemly flexible on the unit purchases allowed, and I think that's a good thing. Just make it clear what you expect from a PBEM apponent before you start. You can allways find somebody willing to play by reasonable rules.





    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

  6. I started wargaming at the age of 15. We're talking the days of Pong and Asteroids here. We used 1/285 scale die cast models, painted lichen for trees, grey foam for smoke, Styrofoam for hills and a pingpong table for a map. I have to say CM is way cooler.

    You should pick up a book or two on WWII. You'll appreciate the game even more.



    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pham911:

    Ok, ahem, here's a quote that makes the CMHQ question irrelevant:

    From the license agreement in the CM manual:

    "User created scenarios may be distributed free of charge, but may not be sold or licensed, or included as part of any package or product that is sold or licensed, without prior written consent from Battlefront.com"

    So, even if Matt makes an agreement with scenario designers, it will leave Battlefront.com in a bind, as copyright law is a "use it or lose it" deal. If they don't enforce it against someone who is selling a package to advertisers("The CMHQ website, along with the great and popular feature of user made downloadable scenarios"), Battlefront.com can lose the ability to enforce the copyright.

    Your destruction of my argument detonated prematurely.


    He's not selling scenarios or anything else on the sight. TGN is renting advertising space, a quite seperate issue from selling scenarios. It's not a crime to attract potential customers to advertisements by giveing away matterial for free. Nor is it an infringement on the above copyright. Your argument is specious at best.



    "Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

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