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Posts posted by Croda

  1. I did the same thing with my wife on a Playstation game. It was a car racing game and I'd always get out to a huge lead, see she was losing interest, and then proceed to wreck 35 times in a row so she could beat me by a yard (meter for those of you who are non-metrically challenged) or so. I did it all the time. To this day she thinks she beat me straight up. Well, I guess that's not the same thing after all, is it?

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Personally I prefer being regarded as a 'Member' to a 'Sergeant' or something – military ranks just make the whole thing seem silly.


    Now David, doesn't that seem like a silly comment in light of the forum you're posting in? smile.gif

  3. Hey, those of you in the keystone state. I just challenged Elvis to pistols at dawn. He being from Philly and myself from Harrisburg area...I was wondering if we should have a little battle for the supremacy of the state. Could be fun. I know there are several of us. We could put a ladder together or something. Anyone interested? Peng, Airborne, the rest of you sound off.

  4. Well thanks to everyone for the input. I agree with you that the use is not gamey or ahistorical, though I'm still not thrilled with my delpoyment of them or their use in this particular situation, ( I have 7 deployed in a line overlooking a town in a meeting engagement eek.gif ) but too late to worry about that now. A lesson learned for next time. Besides, 2 have already taken out a halftrack! biggrin.gif

  5. I've been successful a couple of times with this strategy. I take the 3 Stugs and line them up behind the forest to the right, out near the left edge, so that they are out of sight of the road, but can quickly roll in to engage. I keep most of my infantry in this forest also, with a scattered few hiding in the woods behind and around the church. Then I keep it quiet...real quiet, and let those shermies come right on down by the church. Typically by this point, the shermans find some poor kraut to launch HE shells and .50 cal at, so they are occupied slaughering helpless old men and children squads. At this time I roll the first Stug out from behind the forest, keeping behind the hill (so that the sherman which undoubtedly moved down the road by the wheatfield can't see me) and am able to engage 1 - 3 shermans broadside from a range close enought that I get mad kills. Then reverse him back to cover. I set the other 2 stugs to ambush the road, right where it clears the hill. At this point, the odds are fairly even and if the shermans won't take the bait and come down the road, you lather rinse and repeat. Has always worked well to take out most or all of the Shermans. And once you have a numerical or tactical edge, use all 3 to support each other and attack from a few different angles.

  6. First thing is this, before the more aggravatable members of the forum get to you: Anytime you mention anything with specifics (like gun placements) about a scenario, be sure that you put a big disclaimer at the top saying that there are spoilers in your thread, else you will feel the flames of Hades.

    Second, I would first ask how you ordered the Shermies to move? Was it a move order, a fast move order, or a hunt order? The tanks will not stop to fire during a move or fast move order. It will only do so under a hunt order. If this is the case then the tanks were technically doing what they were told to do - move to a specific location. Other than that, were the tanks shocked? Down a crew member? Gun damaged? Out of ammo? Having lunch? All these things will prevent firing.

  7. Tanker - thanks for the opinion. I think you pretty much defined my use of the word "gamey": ahistorical. The question isn't whether or not a unit can accomplish the desired task, but whether or not logic and tactics dictate that said unit would ever be used for the task. Meaning, I can move 6 bazooka teams around and train them all to fire on infantry, probably doing decent damage, but that wouldn't have ever happened I'm sure. To me, gamey is doing something unrealistic with your units, whether it exploits a whole in the coding logic or not. It ruins my fun to know I'm not keeping with the "spirit of the game." That's why I was unsure on this one. Is it conceivable that this type of unit would be deployed in such a manner? I suppose it could have happened, but I enjoy the game more if I feel that I'm leading my troops in a manner and context that is historically accurate.

    Sorry for that long-winded definition of gamey. Suppose that belonged in the other thread.

  8. That scene from Private Ryan was exactly what I was hoping for. I saw how that gun made sloppy joe of that squad and thought I'd try it myself. A friend of mine grabbed the motorized one (can't remember the name right now) and trained that on some of my infantry, and it was cery effective. I'm very curious to see how it works out. Considering their spacing, he'll need to use a lot of artty to get them all.

  9. Hey, I just started a pbem with somone and purchased flak guns because I had never used them before and they were fairly cheap. Well when I saw them, I realized that they were your typical looking immobile anti-air flak guns. So what I did with them was line a ridge with these flak cannons...beautifully interlocked FOV, with great range. They'll chew up any infantry that come within sight. Now maybe I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that the Germans rarely if ever deployed this manner of weapon into an infantry surpressing position, and certainly not with that express purpose.

    Now should this be considered a gamey tactic? To be truthful, I had no idea what I was getting when I seleceted them (sure I had an idea, but not exactly). I suppose I can argue that he could have air support and this gives me the chance to shoot them down, but that wasn't really my intent. So the question is this: Is using equipment in a manner that isn't in the spirit of how that equipment was actually used a gamey technique? If so, I'll not use that again. If not, then maybe this is a great, cheap way to hammer infantry. Either way, I can't stop now, but I'd like to hear people's opinions.

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