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Posts posted by Croda

  1. Originally posted in other Peng wannabe threads:

    Just got the news...

    The Horror, The horror!

    'Just this morning, they let me know you were gone,

    Cesspool the post chrisl made put a end to you.

    I logged in this morning, and I thought up a taunt,

    I just can't remember who to send it to...

    Oh, I've seen Peng, and I've seen Meeks.

    Seen tons of taunts, been reading them for weeks.

    I've read taunts from men when the future of their game was bleak...

    But the Cesspool now's nothing more than a Cess-creek.'

    Let us restart the pool with lovely name-calling, beautiful references to obscure works of literature, jokes about how French people actually get cleaner by bathing in cess-water, and public exposure of Meeks' sister's Topplements. A grand party worthy of Bilbo Baggins eleventy-first birthday!



  2. Originally posted in some other Peng wannabe thread:

    Just got the news...

    The Horror, The horror!

    'Just this morning, they let me know you were gone,

    Cesspool the post chrisl made put a end to you.

    I logged in this morning, and I thought up a taunt,

    I just can't remember who to send it to...

    Oh, I've seen Peng, and I've seen Meeks.

    Seen tons of taunts, been reading them for weeks.

    I've read taunts from men when the future of their game was bleak...

    But the Cesspool now's nothing more than a Cess-creek.'

    Let us restart the pool with lovely name-calling, beautiful references to obscure works of literature, jokes about how French people actually get cleaner by bathing in cess-water, and public exposure of Meeks' sister's Topplements. A grand party worthy of Bilbo Baggins eleventy-first birthday!



  3. Just got the news...

    The Horror, The horror!

    'Just this morning, they let me know you were gone,

    Cesspool the post chrisl made put a end to you.

    I logged in this morning, and I thought up a taunt,

    I just can't remember who to send it to...

    Oh, I've seen Peng, and I've seen Meeks.

    Seen tons of taunts, been reading them for weeks.

    I've read taunts from men when the future of their game was bleak...

    But the Cesspool now's nothing more than a Cess-creek.'

    Let us restart the pool with lovely name-calling, beautiful references to obscure works of literature, jokes about how French people actually get cleaner by bathing in cess-water, and public exposure of Meeks' sister's Topplements. A grand party worthy of Bilbo Baggins eleventy-first birthday!



  4. I cannot find fault with a commander who can kill the enemy without taking casualties himself (eg. use of artillery and air support). That is not much different from the doctrine of Blitzkrieg, and is a very viable, and effective, tactic. So to those who would say that this shows less tactical ingenuity, I disagree. There is no need for ingenuity if your current strategy is effective.



  5. John, excuse my callousness earlier, and let me add this to your discussion. My knowledge of actual strategy and tactics at the field level in Europe are lacking, but I'd like to comment on another strategic area where I do feel the that U.S./Allies were able to gain a decided edge in the war and that is in intelligence.

    The great amount of intelligence and couterintelligence work that went on preceding Operation Overlord was immense and operated wonderfully. It took the combined effort of US intel, British intel, and French rebels to manage to pull off such a large invasion, and to leave the enemy guessing until too late. This includes the operations (whose names escape me) that made a fake show of force in England, as well as a fake invasion in Denmark (I believe).

    This was also used with great results at Midway in the PTO. I've yet to hear any stories of German counterintelligence that surpass what the Allies accomplished in disguising and executing these operations.



  6. Getting my shots in now, because I know that someday, somewhere this thread will be behind bars due to irreconcilable differences.

    I have a grand idea. Let's have another world war, but this time, there won't be any teams, it'll be a battle royal, last country standing (and no, Switzerland, there's no staying out of this one) wins! Wouldn't that be fun? Then the 8 people left on earth can rehash this debate etched on stone tablets due to their being little to no earth left. What fun! But at least we would know who could best talk the talk and walk the walk.

    I actually have legitimate comments on this topic also, but I will spare them because this is a ridiculous argument that has been continued in multiple threads now, all of which will be locked. Start a new thread and argue if yellow is better than red.



  7. Peter, you meant the funniest thing from France since...mimes! Those guys crack me up. Always making arses of themselves trying to open windows and such. Now mimes are funny. Almost as funny as chocholate cake. Boy does that chocholate cake crack me up, with it's chocholate icing and everything. Now Chocholate cake is funny.



  8. I tend to like individual scenarios or QBs. This is mostly due to time, and finishing what was started (which can take forever with PBEMs), but also since operation AARs are not always accurate and the fact that when starting subsequent missions in an operation, your carefully constructed troop placements must be re-created, which is very annoying. I had to set up my defenses anew every mission in the Arnhem Operation...this was horribly annoying. Scernarios and QBs are quick and painful.



  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pathfinder:

    Last night in a DYO it had an HT got guns a blazing thru a defensive position I had shooting up a squad and 2- 50 mm AT guns and was getting ready to come back when I hosed it with an armored car. Sheesh.

    That vehicle crew had cajones!!!


    Translated for those who've used the English language before:

    "Last night when I was DUI in a HalfTrack, I drove through a 7-11, with my guns firing at the store clerk and 2 old ladies when I was preparing to get my slurpy and leave, but then I spilled my slurpy and the police came. Sheesh.

    The policemen had dinner."



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