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Posts posted by Croda

  1. Odd, I thought you were blatantly a typical American Capitalist-Imperialist whose disdain for the the untermensch of the world led him on frivolous bombing campaigns the world over with the sole goal of getting cheap oil. Is it not true that that you planned to get that futon years before you actually purchased it?

    It's people like you who make people like me say: Thank god I'm not the only one.

  2. Poseur, I say we lynch him!


    Ladies, Gentlemen, et al.

    First, My apologies to anyone who has previously asked to get off this list, but is still getting emails. Your requests were initially honored (I removed half a dozen names from my reply sheet), but some people, accidentally or otherwise, are replying to older copies. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Now, to business. Everyone, please stop forwarding or replying to this email. As I said, although I tried to remove those who have asked, some people can’t seem to understand the concept that not everyone wants to get these endless replies. What has started out as a joking response to my initial email notification has gotten a little out of hand, and is beginning to affect relationships and reputations. Whether you think some people are overreacting or not, and whether you think this is all in good fun or not, I would politely and honorably ask you all to stop replying to this series of emails, and let the matter die.

    Thank you for your cooperation.



  3. I have a winter map that I made over a year and a half ago. I think it's pretty nice. It's not a scenario, but a map. Ardennes, and looks great with the Battle of the Bulge snow textures someone did way back when. It's more a landscape than catered to a battle, so it has a lot of options, especially for a campaign. Anyway, if anyone would like to try it out, just shoot me a mail and I'll send it on to you. I've been meaning to give it to the community, and kind of forgot about it.

  4. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

    Alright, I know I've been out of touch for a while, but can one of you nongs please enlighten me as to what the hell this is?

    Out of touch he says ... AWOL I call it.

    I think Andreas said it best when he identified that thread as a place for those who couldn't handle it here.

    Joe </font>

  5. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Ahh. It's good to live in Texas.


    I'm getting sick and tired of the FAUX TEXANS like MrSpkr and George W. Bush!

    MrSpkr is from Oklahoma and GWB was born in CONNECTICUT!

    I, on the other hand, was born in Texas, my parents were born in Texas, my GRANDPARENTS were ALL born in Texas and ALL of my Great-Grandparents are buried there.

    Texans he says ... sheesh!

    Joe </font>

  6. Originally posted by dalem:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

    Some days I miss Meeks.

    yet you don't miss me?

    I'm aghast.

    I'm ajar.

    I'm aloof.

    You're afarkingmoron.

    Meeks, the biggest poser to ever sit foot in this Pool of Cess (after Hiram, Andreas, and that bastage Hamsters) </font>

  7. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


    Always remember, in this house, we are mean, nasty, violent, vile, hurtful, hateful, boastful, wasteful, insolent, indolent, impudent, insolvent, irrespectful, irreverent, irradiated, irritable, incorrigible, illegitimate, illiterate, impervious, impractical, impossible, impoverished and vain.

    Now, go forth and take no prisoners.

    You left out ill-mannered, ill-tempered, and that we have a license to ill.

    Good show anyway.

  8. Originally belched by Boo_Radley:

    Boo visits the home of his liege, Croda


    To be continued…

    It's Central PA, not Eastern.

    I'd never be caught dead drinking Iron City - Yuengling Lager is the preferred general drinking beer in these here parts.

    The part about the diapers is true, however.

    Though he lied about disliking the smell.

    Send a turn you lunkhead.

  9. I remember the good old days when Joe ranted endlessly, but at least stopped at making no sense.

    This feed the rich and eat the poor thing is quite tiring.

    As for my "Squire:"

    Just because you leaped from my teat (figure of speech everyone, just a figure of speeech) before you could wash your own ass, much less string together a caustic remark or twelve does not mean that you shouldn't still take direction from your Pappy.

    Shaw, as I have eloquently displayed, is a booger-brained goof-ball who tends to pee-pee himself every time he gets his blood up - roughly 3 times per posting.

    Meeks, on the other hand dates a cantonese girl who actualy knows what bukake is and at which public functions it is not appropriate. His twisted soul is more twisted than a twisted oak, or a twisty straw, or even Hiram's putrescent visage.

    To back Shaw is to back a guy from Utah.

    To back Meeks sucks as well, but at least it's better than backing Shaw.

    Didn't we ever have the Lesser of Two Evils talk? Oh yes, you preferred the stories about the birds and the other birds...never were much for the bees, young Boo - not that there's anything wrong with that.

    {Edited to ensure that many animals were harmed in the creation of this post.}

    [ February 03, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Croda ]

  10. Oh, Squire-O'-Mine,

    If you knew your Cesspool's history as well as you say you do then you'd be reconsidering your current campaigning.

    Back in my days of patrolling the Cesspool in my faithful PT boat, I had many unpleasant experiences. While run-ins with that scamp Marlow kept my days interesting, it was the morning ritual of exhuming Shaw's rancid and festering corpse from the shallow end of the Pool which made me ponder a change in my chosen vocation.

    Harken back with me now, and I'll Larn you a Lessin:

    An overcast and drizzly dawn opens another stolid day in the CessPool. Captain Croda and the stalwart crew of his PT Boat scour the outlying areas of the Cess - a morning ritual as repugnant as Mace is Australian. An object floats in the water to port.

    Croda: (Poking the object with a cattle prod) Wake up. Wake up Shaw. Time to start the day.

    Shaw: I stand for the...

    Croda: Save it.

    Shaw: Is it time for my pudding?

    Croda: It's time for work. Let's go.

    Shaw: But I can't find my teeth. I think an eel took them.

    Croda: I doubt the Mormon wives will notice.

    Shaw: Give us a ride to Schloss Peng, will you lad?

    Croda: It's going to cost you. The normal fee.

    The acrid stench of rank and stagnant Cess mixed with Boone's Apple Wine formed a cologne most knew only as The Justicar.

    Croda: We're here. Get out.

    Shaw: Thank you again, dearest Croda. You are certainly kind to...

    Croda: Remember my fee. Speeds off into the distance. Shaw last sees an earless dog chuckling at him from the back of the boat.

    Shaw: Ah yes, the fee...Must pay Charon, afterall...

    To be continued...

  11. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Boo and I have had some fine discussions lately about our memories of the program 'Romper Room'.

    Romper Bomper Stomper Boo.

    Tell me, tell me, tell me who.

    Magic Mirror, tell me today:

    Did all my friends have fun at play?

    Boy...I remember the time that Miss Molly looked in the mirror and said:

    I see Sally, and Billy, and Tommy, and little Croda, and...

    Perhaps the most formative event in my life.

    Now my daughter is bereft of any quality television and is forced to watch Australia's latest attempt at world domination: The Wiggles.

    As if I didn't despise OddStralians enough, now they send America these cute little ditties that get all the kids dancing in the family room and all of the parents with hands over ears screaming for clemency.

    Hot Potato, Hot Potato

    Hot Potato, Hot Potato

    Hot Potato, Hot Potato


    Potato, Potato, Potato

    Repeat add infinitum with "Cold Spaghetti" and "Mashed Banana" and "Vegimite Sandwich."

    Now my daughter asks me who my favorite "Wiggle" is. She was quite shaken up when I told her my favorite was the one who would die the soonest.

    Henry the Octopus,

    Lives down in the deep blue sea.

    Henry the Octopus,

    He's a friend to you and me.

    This is the type of crap that makes you appreciate the versification of dalem, the earless wonder.

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