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Posts posted by -E

  1. Originally posted by MFOS:

    3. Vehicles: I like the Dunkle Grey mods that GM has available for CMMOS, but I am not really sold on the software yet. (No offense) On my monitor 1600x1200 the Svinirik (Spelling) icons are way off the edge of the screen,etc.

    you easily (though tediously) de-cmmos all mods by renaming each file. Just delete everything but the numbers in the filename (i.e. 32143_www.bmp becomes 32143.bmp).

    (I use dos batch files to rename them all in one swoop)

  2. Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    Basically the tank is doing a slow motion version of what in stunt driving is known as a “J”, or “E-brake” (as in Emergency Brake) turn. You’ve all seen this in the movies. It’s where a car is traveling down the road at a relatively high rate of speed and the driver suddenly throws on the emergency brake, causing the rear wheels to skid (emergency brakes usually only brake the rear wheels). The driver then turns the steering wheel sharply to one side, and the rear end of the car swings around.

    No, no, no. That's a "bootlegger's" turn. *grin* It's usually followed by what we called a "man's turn" (aka: police turn)... wherein a the police ("the man") car's front end is swung around to the direction of travel from high speed reverse. This must, of course, be followed by a CB call to/from the bandit and/or a cry of "yee haw". Note: also this procedure must be performed before baldness sets in or listening to WKRP. (the really, really sad thing is, I bet some of you understand the obscurities in the note.)
  3. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Unfortunately, weiners aren't easy to discern.

    Blood testing. Urine testing highly recommended for non-pengesites. (never urine test a Pengesite... just run a few mental images through your mind and you won't ask why)

    Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I had a truly sad individual quit a game after 20 turns or so because

    By just blindly choosing an opponent at closing time without the blood tests being run, proves you to be just another gamey weiner chooser.

    (C'mon folks, if you can't abstain, at least practice safe cmbb!!!)

    Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    20 turns or so because, after picking computer generated troops, he decided one of my tanks was "obnoxious"

    This is even worse!!! Not only have you proven yourself to be a gamey weiner opponent chooser... you forced them into it! Wow! That has to be even more gamey than this whole thread!!

    (Choosing obnoxious tanks is, in and of itself, definitely gamey!!!)

  4. Originally posted by Vadr:

    I recently had an opponent throw up his hands and quit

    I found it. there, right there (where I'm pointing) is the gamey tactic. You selected an opponent who would quit before the end of the game, thus conceding the battle to you. That was slick! Oh yeah, you misdirected our attention with your amusing in-game story. But it was all smoke wasn't it? You successfully drew everyone above's attention away from the true gamey tactic you're guilty of! ...selecting a weiner as an opponent!

    Are you a magician/illiusionist or politician by trade?

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