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Posts posted by WineCape

  1. Reporting back,

    The latest certified (WHQL) nVidia 77.72 drivers for my 6800Ultra's in SLI mode did the trick. Hurray! The previous certified drivers (71.89) is a no-no with regard to SLI mode if you want to play CMAK/CMBB.


    Charl Theron



    Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


  2. Originally posted by rune:


    I could go out and buy a nice AMD X2 system with the SLI to test for you. please send the money ASAP so I can begin testing. smile.gif Shouldn't be more then 3000.00 smile.gif


    Oi, Check your tnt 9-digit tracking number - some liquid was send in lieu of your requested donation ;)

    3000.00? US Dollars you mean? Lucky Americano Bastiches. I had to pay the equivalent of $7000.00 do get my specified hard-/software system on my desk 3 weeks ago. And what a system, hehe.

    Even running 2 x Raptor drives in RAID 1 with APC UPS system, just in case the power outlets here fries my spiffy harware. Also Running Silent Hunter III like a knife through butter. Alas, CM is my benchmark for computer enjoyment. What we will do just to keep playing CM, ehh?

    [ June 30, 2005, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  3. Many thanks for taking the time to reply Ian,

    My computer was assembled by a professional, and I mean a pro aka a computer junkie. smile.gif He delivered/assembled my the system with SLI working 3 weeks ago.

    I tested SLI mode 2 weeks ago in the latest 3DMark2005, where this program, I think (can't remember if it was AguaMark maybe) split the screen horizontally in 2 during its test runs so you can actually see the workload on both 6800Ultras on 2 parts of your monitor. Worked fine then. Let me test it again tonight to make 100% sure. I suppose if there was a bad connection then with 2 cards/SLI connector this software splitting would have not showed up?

    And yes, SLI is enabled on my nVidia Propert Disply panel. Guess I'll download that certified ForceWare 77.72 drivers first. Doing that now and if done, will report later here.

    Stay well,


    [ June 30, 2005, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  4. Hi Schrull,

    Been scanning the board here for days with similiar problems to compare notes. Before I start, my specs:


    AMD Athlon64 FX-55

    2 x nVidia Asus 6800Ultras in SLI (drivers 71.89)

    Gigabyte K8NXP-SLI mobo (F7)

    Windows XP Pro (with SP2)

    DirectX 9.0c

    Resolution: 1600 x 1200 @ 85Hz (22 inch IBM ThinkVision C220p)

    No FSAA selected ("Application default")

    MS Intellimouse (wireless) with Thumbprint Reader Keyboard (wired)

    Relating to: CMBB + CMAK (both USA versions)


    I hear the intro music - screen initially blank/black, moving the mouse pointer around brings the intro graphics (selection menu screens at bottom) up in panels/stages, just enough for me to click and see the exit menu. The rest of the screen (top-half) is still blank/black. Alt-TAB does not work to get rid of this partially blank screen. Should I wait longer at intro screen, say 1 min as some has reported here.

    I'm aware of the MS Hotfix 328310 issue, but WinXP Pro SP2 does not give the option to uninstall.

    Both CMBB/CMAK exact same problem. I guess it's nVidia graphic drivers. If I have to do a rollback of nVidia drivers, to which version that's stable and how do I safekeep my current v71.89 for future reference - on dial-up access here, so do not wanna spend hours on getting MB's of OLDER nVidia drivers.

    Many thanks in advance,

    Charl Theron


    [ June 29, 2005, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  5. Originally posted by Walpurgis Nacht:

    My top pick in ROW IV 1st round was _South of Vevi_, likewise my top pick for 1st round ROW V is _Malame_. Hats off to Kingfish. When I see you in a few weeks at Jwxspoon's house, the wine is on me smile.gif

    I've played many scenarios in my day and nothing touches the consistant quality you find in these ROW tourneys.

    WN, now please don't do the honourable thing again and give 'em wine goodies to Jeff. Jeff will receive enough this time round (single Malts) to keep you all busy in Surfside Beach come 7 July @ the CMvention.

    Many thanks and gratitude to the scenario designers. Kingfish, for the time being I air couriered that specific 18-year old Glenfiddich Single Malt, earmarked for you, to Rune/Tim Orosz in Chicago for favours done past. But my exact same offer still stands for your hard work in past and future RoW's. Will get the goods to you somehow, eventually, even if it means that you have to lodge in a different state.

    PS: Awaiting a RoW V email report, obviously when your time allows: Section/Group Winners, their e-mail details, top/interesting AAR's, result tables, etc.


    Charl Theron



    Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


  6. Originally posted by WineCape:

    Cpl Carrot apparently does not drink :eek:

    Not entirely true. If you wish to send something I will happly accept it. Just make sure it can be stored for a while ;)

    My main reason for not drinking is that I am just not in a financial position to spend money on alcohol when it could be used on other things like food.

    Got that. Just checking if you're alive smile.gif

    Announcement - RoW Final winners

    The winner will have a choice: 12 bottles of fine SA wine or 1 bottle Single or blended Malt Whisk(e)y.

    Please scroll to page 10 to see those Malts that I have @ the moment. I will have more Malts to choose from, put those are just a starting list. Obviously the wine list is/will be more extensive. 114 Wineries to be exact. Recommendations I'll do for those that seems befuddled.

    Please not, especially as to regard to some USA states. You might live in a dry state/county. I'm prepared to courier the wines to a friend/relative that lives in a non-dry area. Some "friends/relatives" might not be a real friend when it comes to drinks - be warned.

    If you do not have a relative/friend in an USA dry area to send the wine/whiskey to, then my friend, I'll be your "friend." I'll toast you with your bootleg goodies.


    Charl Theron


    Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


    Wine donations send to the following for contributions to CM:


    [ June 15, 2005, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  7. Good lord! Why are we playing for wine when scotch is available?!

    ‘cause wine are for mere mortals like winning participants. Single Malts are single for a reason:

    1b x 18-year Single Malt = cost of 6b x excellent SA wine

    1b x 18-year Single Malt = for 1 single person

    Or do you wanna banckrupt me 18 years before my retirement age?

    Charl Theron



    Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


    [ June 14, 2005, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

  8. Originally posted by Londoner:

    ...An admin fee also doesn't seem unreasonable either...

    That has been sorted out. KingFish will visit Jeff Weatherspoon's 3rd CMVention in less than a months time. Single Malt Scotch - I have Irish too - will be send to Fishy in particular for this and past RoW efforts. Cpl Carrot apparently does not drink :eek:

    MadMatt will also attend the CM South Carolina get-together with some special behind the Battlefront scene news. Don't miss it. For this reason I'm sending 10-15 year single Malts as a donation.

    KingFish, please pick your Single Malt poison below (I have them in my shop @ the moment) and I'll include your choice in the shipment for Jeff:

    10-year Aberlour (Speyside)

    10-year Bushmills (Irish)

    10-year Balvenie (Speyside)

    10-year Talisker (Skye)

    10-year Springbank (Campbeltown)

    10-year Benriach (Highland)

    10-year Glenkinchie (Lowland)

    12-year Dalmore (Highland)

    12-year Glen Ord (Northern Highland)

    12-year Highland Park (Orkney Islands)

    12-year Caol Ila (Islay)

    12-year Cragganmore (Speyside)

    12-year Glenfiddich Special Reserve (Speyside)

    12-year Strathisla (Highland)

    12-year Glen Moray (Speyside)

    14-year Oban (West Highland)

    15-year Dalwhinnie (Highland)

    15-year Longmorn (Highland)

    15-year Glenfiddich Solera Reserve (Speyside)

    18-year Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve ( " " )

    I also have

    12-year Johnnie Walker (Black Label)

    12-year Chivas Regal

    12-year Jameson (Irish)

    15-year Johnnie Walker (Green Label)

    Dawg Bonz has e-mailed me and explained the actual reason for his withdrawal, as posted above. I respect his decision.

    Sergio, please nominate the 2nd best in his group (according to the NABLA score) to take his place in the RoW Finals.

    Many thanks to all the particapants. Thank you Sergio and management for the hours, energy and cool heads. Lastly, and most importantly, the SCENARIO DESIGNERS: Thanks for making RoW another success with your creative input!


    Charl Theron



    Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


  9. Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

    It is very true the outspoken are a minority in just about all cases, but, the hidden factor behind that, the outspoken minority have many friends in the "silent majority" as well.

    This still doesn't make the outspoken minority representative of the silent ones.

    Many silent ones (including me) do not have a shelf full of WWII books at home. They don't scream "my life is ruined" if the Panther's front upper hull armor slope is off by 0.5°. They wonder why there are dozens of infantry formations that are essentially equal except for the name. They only get confused by a dozen PzIV versions when four of them would be quite enough from a gameplay perspective. They bought CM because of the depth of the gameplay, not because there are 900 unit types in the game or because the cross-country speed of American half-tracks is modeled accurately. Many of them don't even care about the game setting as long as the game seems balanced and is fun to play.

    It's no wonder that the silent ones are silent most of the time. They don't have the knowledge necessary to participate in a discussion about armor failure of high hardness plates against large caliber shells. And they don't care anyway. They will complain about invincible über-tanks in certain time periods because the game doesn't appear balanced then, not because some gun/armor is under-/overmodeled.

    And they will take a look at the CMX2 demo, be impressed with what Battlefront has accomplished, and then buy the game. All because the game will be fun to play, not because they will have tested the penetration capability of the Sherman 75mm gun against the PzIV front plate to see if it matches their books....


  10. Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

    It is very true the outspoken are a minority in just about all cases, but, the hidden factor behind that, the outspoken minority have many friends in the "silent majority" as well.

    This still doesn't make the outspoken minority representative of the silent ones.

    Many silent ones (including me) do not have a shelf full of WWII books at home. They don't scream "my life is ruined" if the Panther's front upper hull armor slope is off by 0.5°. They wonder why there are dozens of infantry formations that are essentially equal except for the name. They only get confused by a dozen PzIV versions when four of them would be quite enough from a gameplay perspective. They bought CM because of the depth of the gameplay, not because there are 900 unit types in the game or because the cross-country speed of American half-tracks is modeled accurately. Many of them don't even care about the game setting as long as the game seems balanced and is fun to play.

    It's no wonder that the silent ones are silent most of the time. They don't have the knowledge necessary to participate in a discussion about armor failure of high hardness plates against large caliber shells. And they don't care anyway. They will complain about invincible über-tanks in certain time periods because the game doesn't appear balanced then, not because some gun/armor is under-/overmodeled.

    And they will take a look at the CMX2 demo, be impressed with what Battlefront has accomplished, and then buy the game. All because the game will be fun to play, not because they will have tested the penetration capability of the Sherman 75mm gun against the PzIV front plate to see if it matches their books....


  11. Just finished reading David Irving's 1978 The War Path: Hitler's Germany 1933-9

    This book was published after his 1977 Hitler's War - in the USA published by The Viking Press, NY and by Hodder & Stoughton London elsewhere.

    In the former book's "Author's Foreword," he noted thus, and I quote extensively for the sake of clarity ...

    Those critics who took exception … in “Hitler’s War” of his [Hitler’s] attitude to the “Jewish question” … particularly in North America – will find his actions in the years before the war were wholly consistent with my central hypothesis: that Hitler grasped quite early on that anti-Semitism would be a powerful vote-catching force in Germany and that he had no compunction against riding that evil horse right up to the portals of the Chancellery in 1933; but that once inside and in power, he “dismounted” and paid only lip-service to that part of his creed. The Nazi gangsters under him continued to ride to hound … even when Hitler dictated differently, e.g. 9 November 1938*

    * Sidenote:

    [The anti-Jewish pogrom. Throughout Germany/Austria an orgy of burning and destruction, murder and rape took place on that day. The Fuhrer was at Prinz Regenten Platz at his apartment. At 1am the next morning one of Hitler’s adjutants came upstairs to tell him that the Hotel Vier Jahrezeiten had just telephoned asking the adjutants to retrieve their baggage, as the synagogue next door was on fire and the hotel might have to be evacuated. Julius Schaub – Hitler’s ADC – wrote a graphic account of this night of horror.

    According to Irving, Hitler sent angrily for SS General Karl von Eberstein, the city’s police chief, and told him to restore order at once. At 2:56 am a telex was issued by Rudolf Hess’s staff as Deputy Fuhrer – repeated to all gauleiters as Party Ordinance #174 – forbidding all such demonstrations: ”On express orders issued at he highest level of all there is to be no arson or the like, whatever, under any circumstances, against Jewish businesses.”

    The Gestapo followed suit - thus at 3:45am the Berlin Gestapo repeated this prohibition. But the damage had been done, and Ribbentrop left Hitler in no doubt of this. Hitler refused to discipline the instigator Goebbels, nor the Nazi Party members who had actually committed the outrages. Thus – just as on 30 June 1934 – Hitler post facto endorsed the excesses of his henchmen.]

    Back to Mr. Irving’s Foreword and his assertion …

    …he [Fuhrer] rarely intervened in the Nazi Party’s persecution of the Jews, one way or the other. Documents that actually link Hitler with the treatment of the Jews invariably take the form of embargoes. Thus we find a senior Reich law officer minuting in the winter of 1941-2:

    “Reich Minister Lammers informed me that the Fuhrer has repeatedly pronounced that he wants the Jewish Question put off until after the war is over.”

    Whatever way one looks at his [above] document … it is incompatible with the notion that Hitler wished, ordered or even knew of the liquidation programme that was in fact already under way. (The document, believed destroyed in 1946, has only recently surfaced in a Justice ministry file, R22/52, in the archives in Koblenz.)

    And if Hitler was an incorrigible anti-Semite, what are we to make of the urgent edict issued by Rudolf Hess… during the infamous Night of the Broken Glass… Every other historian, even if he found this document (which is in the Berlin files), has shut his eyes to it and documents like it, and hoped that when he opened his eyes the horrid, inconvenient item would have somehow gone away.

    And now the crux of his argument …

    [Historians] have resorted to postulating the existence of Fuhrer orders even if there was not the slightest written evidence of their existence. John Toland… appealed emotionally in the magazine Der Spiegel for German historians to refute my statement that Hitler did not order the systematic liquidation of the European Jews, and was probably not even aware that it was going on…apart from [German historians] suggesting that “of course” the whole project was so secret that only oral orders were issued, so as to not implicate the Fuhrer.

    But why should Hitler have become so circumspect in this instance, since in contrast he had shown no compunction about personally signing a blanket order for the liquidation on tens of thousands of fellow Germans (the Euthanasia Programme); and his comparable orders for the liquidation of enemy prisoners (the Commando Order), of Allied airmen (the Lynch Order) and Russian functionaries (the Commissar Order) are documented all the way from Fuhrer’s HQ’s right down the line to the executioners? Jews did not rank higher than any of these in popularity in Nazi Germany.

    To buttress such hostile arguments, other writers have relied on weak and unprofessional evidence…. For example, they offered shrewd alternative translations of words in Hitler’s speeches – apparently the liquidation was too secret for him to sign an order, but not so secret the Hitler could not brag about it in his public speeches! – and seemingly damning quotations from documents that have, however, long been discarded by serious historians as fakes, like the Gerstein Report or the Bunker conversations.

    ..but explicit, written, wartime evidence, the kind of evidence that could hang a man, not one line has been produced.

    Thus, to sum up, Mr. Irving states that though Hitler probably was an anti-Semite - as deduced from his many public recorded hate speeches against the Jews before WWII - there is no written wartime evidence (yet?) of any Jewish liquidation order. My questions is thus:

    [1] Is this true? Is there no written wartime evidence - since this book was written in 1978 - of Hitler’s “edicts” ordering explicitly the destruction of the Jews?

    [2] And if there is, is these “guilty evidence” sources fakes & discredited as Mr. Irving so sweepingly claims?

    [3] Stating that Hitler did not know of the Jewish liquidation seems improbable and far-fetched IMHO, even if there was no written execution orders by him?

    [ April 01, 2005, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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