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The Commissar

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Posts posted by The Commissar

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redeker:

    I wonder if there will be a field mice doodad? And whether the presence of such doodads will prevent a portion of German AFV's from responding to any movement orders? ;)


    Why, it wouldn't be a realistic wargame without this feature!

    As any wet-behind-the-ears amateur historian knows, the "Elefant" tank destroyer was known to ommit high pitched squeals and seek the safety of the nearest stool whenever a mouse was in the viccinity.

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moon:

    Irregardless if such a command would make it in or not, assaulting a vehicle will NEVER be an automatic success and will ALWAYS be a very dangerous thing to do. It's what they got medals for durin WWII. <hr></blockquote>

    Moon, you better watch it there buddyboy. If you're not careful about all this "dangerous" and "unsuccessful" talk, you're just going to get stomped on by a bunch of uber-finns.

    In fact, if BTS does not include such a command, all the uber-finns on this board will go into a raving frenzy because sooner or later one of their Finnish half squads will actually fail to destroy an enemy tank from close up. Hell, we might even see such grand historical inaccuracies like Finnish teams armed with nothing but a can opener and an angry hedgehog being repulsed by a battalion of Soviet BT class tanks.

    I think all of us here want the crew of BTS alive and well to code us more CM games. I say appease the Finns - give us "assault vehicle" commands!

  3. Well, it does look like vehicle assault will be the only way Soviet troops will be able to take out enemy armor (I dont think they had many AT weapons besides the AT Rifle - am I mistaken in this?), so a command like this could see use. I just don't see it being given to conscripts and greens though - I know you couldn't tell me to climb on a tank and try to find somewhere to stick a grenade if I don't know which way to point a gun yet.

  4. In the "Soviet Naval Infantry in CMBB" thread, "V" asked a question about helmet textures in CMBB, and whether we will be able to have more then one for winter and summer.

    I would like to expand on this question, and ask about textures on everything, not just helmets.

    We of course know that some textures in CM are 'shared', for lack of a better word, on a single unit several times. This creates problems for modders, because while the texture will look good on one side of a unit (whether it be a tank, a helmet, or other), it will be shown backwards on the other side sharing the texture.

    So my question is, will this be 'fixed' in CMBB? We already have other graphical improvements like Doodads, right? Why not put an end to this texture sharing thing?

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead:

    This was the Bison, a post-Dunkirk lash-up job. It consisted of cement pillboxes on a Thornycroft truck chassis.<hr></blockquote>

    Well it sure is ugly, but can it really qualify as an Armored Fighting Vehicle?

    Its basically a MG pillbox on wheels. Probably made to stand around immobile, like real pilboxes - except this one you can relocate.

  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf:

    Yeah, it's really a Shogun thing.

    That doesn't mean it has to share those weaknesses, though.<hr></blockquote>

    *Shudder* Don't remind me...I hope this game is a lot more slow paced then Shogan was, to maintain realism and discourage "speed-mouse" syndrome. IE: If I can select my men and send them somewhere faster then you can, Ill probably have a good advantage over you position wise.

    Im waiting for this game actually, but since they didnt want to release a demo, Ill wait to hear what some people say about it before purchasing.

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

    haha! My only point is that i find most topics in here overly magnified and examed.<hr></blockquote>

    You know Chef, you're right. In fact, you are so right that I can't begin to understand what the heck it is you are still doing here with us stuffy, groggy scholars!

    An open mind like yours should be used in a much more creative way, doing something important for the world at large. Go grasshopper, leap forth from thy accursed sorroundings and bring light into the world above this forsaken dungeon! We would all love to go with you of course, but our damnable intellect chains us to the cold floor of reality much too tightly.

  8. I don't think Christie had any say in the sloped armor. In fact, everything but the suspension was original Russian engineering.

    It's funny how sometimes genius advances in war technology are ignored by the home countries and find a new home elsewhere? Christie and the T-34 suspension, Sikorski and the helicopter, Einstein and the A-bomb (well sort of)...

  9. Truth be told, the machine gun is one of the very few things in CM that is not modelled correctly.

    Ill leave explaining the details to others, but to simplify the matter, let's just say that machine guns aren't as deadly as in real life because they basically can't "sweep" with their fire across their line of vision. If you've ever seen a WW1 movie you know what Im talking about. Soldiers run at a trench, and one machine gun sweeps an area of perhaps 100 metres and everyone within that area gets shot by the sweeping fire of the MG. CM doesn't model that, and thus the MG is underpowered.

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

    Oh gimme a break. German armor is just plain boring looking. It lacks character. I'd take a Challenger any day of the week for pugnacious, bulldog-like grit.<hr></blockquote>

    Oh, and I suppose you think sharks lack character as well? If there's one thing the German armor reminds me of, it is that killer of the deep, the shark. That sleek body, menacing contours, deadly arnaments - a good description of the later Panzer builds, me thinks.

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


    COMMISAR Dont go ripping off my "Hi, Mom," thread lines now... Anyway: [nixon]God DAMMIT mittens! [/nixon]

    EDIT: Stupid UBB

    [ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]<hr></blockquote>


    You are too late! Now that I have stolen one of your trademark saying, who knows what I might steal next? *cue maniacal laughter*

  12. I rely heavily on half squads.

    Split one or two squads from one platoon into half squads. So right then and there you have 4 half squads. With these, approach from different angles of the village.

    Note, it is inevitable that if your opponent is even in the least bit intelligent, some of those half squads are bound to get severely mauled, routed, or completely destroyed. Such is war. You can only attempt to augment their sufferings by following them closely (but not TOO closely!) with the rest of your men, sharpshooters, and LMG's.

  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by George-III:


    The US Government Online Bookstore link was not working so I couldnt look up the book - here is a link to the GPO home page http://www.access.gpo.gov/

    Hope this helps.<hr></blockquote>

    Well, I didn't find the book "Small Unit Actions During the German Campaign in Russia" but there were some interesting works available after I entered the title into the search field.

    Some of the more interesting looking titles:

    "Terrain factors in the Russian campaign"

    "Combat in Russian Forests and Swamps"

    " Military Improvisations During the Russian Campaign"

    "Effects of Climate on Combat in European Russia"

    Check them out, they look like a good read!


  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dima:

    In eastern front damaged russian tanks _on_occasion_ would ram enemy tanks to damage or destroy them. <hr></blockquote>

    Actually, it wasn't such a rare occurence. Over a hundred cases were recorded, and many many more went unrecorded due to the moving front. The majority of such cases happent early in the war IIRC, when the Germans were winning and the Russians were desperate and short of supplies.

    In any case, it cannot be modeled due to the physics model in the current CM engine. It might go into consideration for the engine rewrite however.

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