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The Commissar

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Posts posted by The Commissar

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

    As long as we are speculating, maybe in a few years we will all be playing within a virtual surround video and audio experience.


    Well, it not an impossible fantasy, for sure.

    I think Ive read in one PC mag or another that thanks to the never-ending race for technological supremacy between computer companies, within 5-10 years we will have computers with 10ghz + processor speeds. Who can even guess what 3D cards will be able to do?

    The big question is though, will BTS be able to use such technology to its full effect? Unless they plan to add more members to their team as they go along, CM will always be a tad behind graphically but light years away gameplay-wise.

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

    One question I have with regard to voices in CMBO, which sound file number is it that sounds very Yank like and goes like "Yaaaah".


    I always thought the "Yaaa" sounded German, not American. Americans would perhaps yell "Yeah!", but this was a distinct "Yaa"-ing.

  3. Thanks for the link Marlow!

    Interesting stuff, although these "tanks" seem to be more like up-armored MG carriers. Still, for recon they would be perfect.


    Now I know where the idea for the design of the BMP came from smile.gif

    EDIT: On second thought, it looks more like a BTR on tracks!

    [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>

  4. I hope we will see these in CMBB. Also, I see a "vegetable garden" mod for CMBO - perhaps this will be an actual terrain type in CMBB? It would be different from wheat in that they would be low lying crops, perhaps offering slightly better cover than brush?

    Here you are mistaken. The vegetable garden you are thinking of is probably something else entirely. The Russian vegetable garden is usually rather small (unless you have a seperate dacha for it, like my grandfather did) and positioned in the back of the house. I think it would take up one 20m by 20m tile at most. Its very flat and provides absolutely 0 cover. Mostly you grow low-growing plants like potatoes.

    Heheh, on a side note, its funny we're having this discussion about gardens because the name of the author of this article, Ogorodnikov, literally translates to 'gardener'.

    Here is a disadvantage of CM - you have a bird's eye view of the entire map beginning in the setup phase. Perhaps some day there will be enough computer horsepower to simulate only what each unit can "see" or "know" - and have terrain change as the units move to reflect this new reality.

    Ogorodnikov says they sent out scouts and talked with the residents a lot about the city's layout. Sure, they dont get to see every tiny detail like we do, but it's better then nothing. I don't really have a big problem with disbelief.

    Straight streets - compare with the discussion of bocage in another thread.

    I think Ogorodnikov doesn't really mean all the streets are straight. Its just that he is trying to emphasise the point for the need of moving under cover. Also, the streets may be straight-er in parts of town that are full of farms, dachas, and generally rural areas. The built up parts of town will always have curves and twists.

    EDIT: I forgot to say thanks for the article, Michael. I found it very interesting!

    [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by TSword:

    Is it possible for dead soldiers to pile up in such a way that following (living) soldiers will have some protection against small calibre riflefire and even more important some concealment.


    LOL...that's a classic!

    "Hey comrade, mind I use your dead corpse for a bullet stopper?

    "But I'm not dead yet!"


    "Oh yes you are..."

    Even though there were human wave attacks, they were not so massed together or in such a quantity to make mounds of corpses. The corpses would be spread out along the line of the attack and thus bodies would not be crumpled dead on top of each other.

    Although there were unsuccessful massed armor attacks that would provide enough cover and concealment against bullets from the husks. I dont think the CM engine can handle that though.

  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    If the army is training on a "sim" that does not have spraying fire for Machine guns, or MGs that can fire at more than one target at a time, no illumination at night, no way to clear mines other then thrown DCs, no way to clear wire or obstacles, and worst of all, no Bren tripods, then God help our lads out in Afghanistan.<hr></blockquote>

    You're right Michael!

    They had best wait until CMBB ;)

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    No one will want to do this!


    Speak for yourself, please. I for one like BTS' idea.

    If I am expecting a realistic game, I will enable the rarity option. This will prevent my opponent from purchasing unrealistic forces.

    Sure, I could stay in a chatroom or send e-mails back and forth for a few days deciding what we want to consider rare or not. The rarity system is the better option.

    What you seem to fear is that no one will use the rarer units because they will cost more. I disagree. If I find a good use for a mildly rare unit, I will buy one under favorable circumstances. Say, a Sturmtiger in a large city battle.

    In fact, because I try to play mainly large battles (3000 points +), the rarity option will serve to limit the abuse of rare units (an armored company of Hetzers, for example), but will not eliminate the presence of rare units entirely.

    I think you're fussing too much over nothing.

    [ 01-19-2002: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>

  8. Deadmarsh,

    I don't really see how BTS could solve these city-fighting problems while still remaining realistic.

    I agree with you that it is simply idiotic how troops run out of a building, into the street, and into the adjacent building when you order them to move from one to the other, getting shot up by everyone and the kitchen sink in the process.

    However, how would you propose this be changed? You seem to think that they should walk through the walls.

    Well, I don't think this is realistic at all. Unless you have engineers on hand with powerful satchel charges, there is simply no way you will blow a gap large enough in a wall of a stone building. In cities that are not completely demolished, it will be difficult for troops to find crumbling walls which they can sneak though into the building from the side. So the only choice remains to go into the street.

    However, in real life it would be done differently of course. Men would cross the open space in small numbers, not an entire squad at a time, with lots of small unit tactics ensuring that a minimum ammount of casualties are taken crossing the street or entering into an adjacent building. Likewise, the men who were crossing the open spaces would have plenty of cover to duck behind, from craters in the roads to behind building walls, etc. CM TAC AI does not simulate this, and I think to program it to simulate it would be very difficult. Perhaps an engine change would indeed be necessary.

    There's really no simple way to go around improving city fights. If you simplify it too much, it become unrealistic. If you try to make it too realistic, you reach the limits of what the engine is capable of. Im looking forward to seeing what BTS will come up with.

  9. Guys,

    Ive had the same problem from various public facility computers with the security software installed.

    I encounter this while trying to check on the BTS forums, and such blockings are very irritating when Im trying to see if anyone posted anything interesting.

    If you are like me, I have a solution. Go on google.com (or any other good search engine) and type in Battlefront forums, or Battlefront messege board, or whatever gets you a direct link to the BTS forums. When you find one, it bypasses the security software, which blocks access to the main page only it seems.

    Have fun wasting work hours at our forums!

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ogadai:

    ...and were only defeated in their invasion of Japan because of a combination of bad advice, bad luck and connivance.


    Correct me here if Im off, but didn't the Mongol ships just get taken out by the kamikazi storms before they even reached mainland Japan?

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ogadai:

    As for feats of invasion in winter, remember this, the Mongols were the only invader to ever invade Russia in Winter and they were successful, as well, subjugating the Russians for over 400 years!


    To be fair, Russia really wasn't a nation then. It was divided into regions, each with their own princes, and was really more like a series of small countries then one unified nation. Russia really only become a real nation during the reign of Ivan the Terrible (the grandson of Ivan the Great, who threw the Mongols out of the country).

    Here's a good link I found where you can read up on this:


  11. If I am not mistaken, it is one of the radical Soviet designs of the nuclear age. They had lots of wacky ideas, some of which I personally liked quite a bit. This one looks a little clunky though. I think the Russian Military Zone has scores of these different prototypes around.

    If not, it is the only US super heavy tank designed to take part in WW2. Thankfully, the war ended before it had to be brought over to Europe. Forgot the name, but it is standing on display in one of the US bases now.

    Kind of hard to tell with those tiny pictures Skipper, maybe you could put up larger ones?

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by windstarz:

    I hear alot of talk about the M1 but you dont quote any sources besides Solzsnitchen and how can he be trusted , he barely survived the Gulag. <hr></blockquote>

    As per your request, and on Mr. Hedge's behalf, I have dug up actual live sources to confirm the rumors of Soviet practice to not peel their potatoes. The source? Yours truly.

    I can attest that this unique practice continue even after the war's end to this very day! The other weekend, while out camping, we needed something to go along with the fish we caugh. What better then potatos, I ask you?

    Lacking the flexible fingers to operate the potato pealing knives (it is January for gawds sake!) we decided to bake our potatoes in the coals. After about 45 minutes of baking in this fashion, the potaoes were removed from the still hot coals, completely blackend. We then proceeded to peel off the blackened skin, which came off with the utmost of ease and without the use of any sharp implements, right in our trembling hands. The hot potato underneath was well baked and extremelly delicious. Small wonder the Soviets dominated in the winter when they had such fine potatos!

  13. Wacky,

    IMHO, dump the bastard. Why the heck do you need to suffer through a game stacked totally against you? Unless of course you are enjoying the game (and it doesnt sound like it judging by the title of your post), there is no reason to play the game. Simply tell your opponent this is not your idea of fun and surrender.

    Unless it is ladder of course. Then you're going to have to pursuade him somehow that what the AI gave you and what the AI (or he himself, as you think) granted him is very unbalanced given the terrain. Good luck!

  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Porajkl:

    Well, we are now off the topic, aren't we?

    I just wish that BTS will model rate of fire of this beast correctly, so it wouldn't pose to big threat to Germans. <hr></blockquote>

    I wonder if BTS will allow us to have more then an hour of combat in CMBB. This way, we can use some of the weaponry with more effect. Things like the IS-2, SU-152, or the Sturmtiger for the Germans really need time to get into position and pound away at the enemy. Given such time, they will be formidable foes, but without it, they will be little more then overpriced and overrated trinkets with no real use on a CMBB battlefield.

    Hey we have 6 kilometer maps, so we can hope right?

  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by busboy:

    He defeated Rommel's Africa Korps in El Guitar (sp) ...<hr></blockquote>

    Now, once again, I am no expert in on the Afrika Korps (and I so do hate intruding on topics I am not completely in tune with), but wasn't the Korps in a state of disrepair and severe neglect when it came to supplies? Was El Guitar during or after the siege of El Alamein (sp?)? Im tempted to think after, when the British pushed the Afrika Korps back to where they started. This would mean that the "poor" Germans were in a very tight spot. Even Rommels skills could not make tanks lacking the necessary fuel start moving.

  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by busboy:

    In the desert, an environment where a heavy tank like the IS-3 would in theory dominate, the Israeliis TORE APART the IS-III.


    Now my knowledge of the 6 day war is admittedly limited, I do believe there were occasion when the JS-III did come out victorious when it was used properly.

    Here is a excerpt illustrating this from a book entitled 'Tank vs Tank' by Kenneth Macksey:

    "The Israeli assault on the Jiradi Pass took the strong Egyptian defense by surprise, although after the initial penetration, the Egyptians recovered. Their resistance left the patrol of Sgt Shuval wrecked at the raodside. Nearby are knocked out M-48s of Major Ehud Elad's armored battalion. They had attempted to move off the road, and found the ground free of mines but in deep sand. M48s to the right were crippled by mines, to the left, others were wrecked by gunfire from JS3 tanksand anti-tank guns."

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by busboy:

    The M-46 and M-47, and Centurion tanks admitedly couldn't penetrate their front armor, but through superior tactics they flanked and wasted 'em.


    You see, its not as much the fault of the tank design as it was the fault of the people using said tanks. Again, the book I have previously quoted supports this fact by a paragraph shortly following the one above:

    "...He (Lt. Ein-Gil and his company of M-48s) reached the pass almost unharmed, the shaken Egyptian gunners missing such fast moving targets or deserting their guns which fell silent. Once through, but badly strung out, Haim took charge, ordering Ein-Gil to shoot up the outlfanked JS3s on the backwards slope. The gunners of the JS3s, with slow-traversing turrets, had been unable to track the speeding M48s, and their vehicles begun to erupt to hits through their thinner side armor..."

    A rather obvious lack of proper communications (a simple warning to the IS-IIIs that the enemy had broken through would allow time for rotation to face the enemy), lack of knowledge of the ability of your fighting equipment and men (could a few guns in identified positions really be trusted to hold out? We all know what happens to identified guns in CM...), and an apparent inability to adapt to circumstances, which is a sign of bad leadership on the part of the Egyptains.

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by busboy:

    My dear General, if my tankers were to open fire on your tanks at any range less than 500 M, I'd have them tried and shot for cowardice.


    Damn. I don't get it. :( Can someone tell this dufus what that was supposed to mean?

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