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The Commissar

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Posts posted by The Commissar

  1. You can increase your chances by increasing the experience of your troops. Veterans are much more likely to use a faust then regulars.

    Cracks or Elites use fausts very, VERY accurately at medium ranges.

    You can see what sort of faust you have by selecting an infantry unit that has fausts and clicking enter. Amongst other statistics, you will see the faust type, near the top of the windown which opens up.

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral:

    I'll beat swamp down as soon as I find him!! Hes my little girl.<hr></blockquote>

    Bloody imbecile! I told you where to find him before.

    Go to http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/Chat/index.shtml

    and ask for swamp. Do mention you're reservist poop cleaner boy. He'll give you a front row seat to lots of death.

    Oh, and Ill hang out there for the next 30 mins or so, checking back occasionally to see if you show you little tushy in the place. I know you won't, but the other chat participants and I will be making rude jokes about you for that half an hour, so it won't be a total waste.

  3. Well, Ive found this whole discussion very interesting (if somewhat long winded). A few posts ago, The_Capt asked for an example of maneuvre from the game. So here I present to you, gentlemen, a possible example of maneuvre in a game I am currently playing. I say possible because I leave it to you to decide if what Im doing is really maneuvre or not. Whatever your thoughts, please do explain.

    I am playing a 5000 point QB. If you must know, its a medium hills/medium map/village set up. Combined arms, certain restrictions like the Fion76 rule, etc.

    The VL's on this map are all large flags, and are seperated into two groups. One group consisting of 3 VL's is on my left, situated in and around an 'indent' in the ground where some light trees and open space is enclosed by the sorrounding closely sorrounding hills, allowing only limited visibility of anyone outside the indent into the little valley formed by it. The second group of VL's is on my right, but we will concentrate on the former.

    I have in a safe reserve something like a company of Sherman 75's with heavy support in the form of Priests and Hellcats, in support of a motorized infantry company.

    So far in the game, my opponent and I have been thrusting and parrying with scouting teams in and around the group of VL's we are discussing. The maps slopes towards the direction of my opponent, giving him an advantage in concealment.

    However, here is where I formed what I think may be an example of maneuvre.

    The plan:

    First and foremost, I am calling down large calibre arty fire into the little indent with the VL's. This fire will be great in volume, but most likely low in accuracy. Smoke will be used to obscure possible enemy AT gun positions by having spotters smoke a side of the indent and creating a smoke screen.

    As this is going on, 2 tank platoons supporting 2 motorized platoons will perform a semi-circle and enter the indent through one of its sides. I calculate that any enemy infantry concealed in the light trees that grow in the indent will surely be forced to flee or die under the massive barrage. Thus, my attacking forces will enter a savegely smoking but relatively empty piece of territory.

    Now, so far, this may seem like attrition at work. However, this is simply the execution of the plan. The idea behind it is to position my men in such an area that will, without expending manpower hunting the enemy down, block his access to the 3 VL's in the indent. You see, the indent is formed in such a way that any enemy wishing to enter it (the only way to reach the VLs) would have to expose himself at a very short range - something like 200 metres at maximum - and thus encounter heavy resistance from my men and armor.

    Thus, as you can see, I would have taken the VLs while only scaring off any enemy occupiers and not actually participating in an attritionist slug fest.

    Best yet, the only possible way for my opponent to reclaim the VLs would be through attrition tactics, as there is no safe approach to the indent from my enemy's side of the map.

    At least that's the way I see it. I will let you know, if you are interested of course, if this plan actually works or fails misserably, as attempts at unsuccessful maneuver sometimes do.

    So, is this maneuvre, quaisi-maneuvre, or a strange strategic mutt too entangled to really classify as one thing or another?

    I eagerly await your thoughts.



  4. Ive had many guns, while coming under heavy fire, staying put long enough to get rescued by my forces and thus remaining active. If gun crews turned tail whenever a conscript accidently let a bullet off in their general direction, guns would not display the same effectiveness they did in history.

    When a gun becomes routed or panicked, I always think of the commander in charge urging them to hold out for a little longer. Of course, at such a time a gun is ineffective, but if it is helped soon enough, it easily rallies.

    I think its programmed quite well at the moment.

  5. I think shadows will be a hit. Plus, a lot more detailed particle effects. Instead of the bitmap 'splosions we have now, BTS will use the similar effects to those of other, more high-budget/less quality games ;)

    Also maybe bumpmapping, higher polygon counts for the models, lots of little doo-dahs and flashy things.

  6. ROFL!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Im sorry for acting up, but you just made my day, ReservistPoopcleaner!

    You?! Take down swamp?!?! LOL, as someone who has personally played (and crushed defeated horribly by) swamp, your chances at anything but a total defeat are as good as the chances of you actually getting into Harvard, as you so often claim.

    Especially considering the fact that only a few days ago you were asking the community on how to defend against arty...LOL... :D

    BTW, he hangs out at this chat room most of the day:


  7. Sgt_Kelley,

    1) Well, to be fair, you didn't tell us the whole story the first time around, so don't go around blaming us.

    2) Although your plan might sound good to you, the AI might not realise it quite this way. The brush you chose as cover, protected by the ridge or not, must have seemed too barren a place for your troops to take cover. Or perhaps it did not have the characteristics of the cover you usually use with this tactic.

    3) In the military, when you are ambushed, you are taught to immediately charge the enemy.

    To quote Peter McAleese, retired SAS veteran:

    "You have made the classic mistake: no scout out, approaching an obvious focal point. The enemy ambushes you. Unless you are bullet proof or they are terrible shots, you have to react instantly to stand any chance to survive this one. You need to counterattack immediately, deliver as much fire as you can and get in amongst them. Maximum firepower and maximum aggression are the only ways to survive in this situation."

    -Excerpt from 'McAleese's Fighting Manual'

    Once again, I realize you probably did not consider the situation you threw your troops in as an ambush, but they saw it as such because they were in relatively open ground when an enemy opened fire on them. So technically, the AI did everything right, albeit with tragic results.

    [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: The Commissar ]</p>

  8. Sgt_Kelly,

    Could it be that the nearest cover around was the one indeed occupied by your foe? If this is the case, the rather simple Tac AI seeks the closest cover and makes a mad dash for it. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to realize that said cover will bring them more death had they staid.

    It must be brought up that Ive seen this happen, but only under certain circumstances. If the enemy fire is great for example, and manages to suppres your men, then they will react as you described. However, in a recent PBEM, while my men were few and delivered only meager ammounts of fire, the enemy forces in the wheat manages to remain in the wheat and deliver return fire pretty effectively.

    Moral? Don't get caught in the wheat field unless you're sure there aren't many enemies around.

  9. Oh-oh. Is that Slapdragon I spy with his oh-so-hillarious use of the "boner" joke? :rolleyes: Quick, run away while you still can laddy!

    Apparently, BTS has their own schedule for giving us news breifs. In the meantime, CMHQ has some old screenshots and there was a thread by Panzer Leader where MadMatt answered a bunch of questions regarding the game - no screenshots though. A search will fix you right up.

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Thermopylae:

    The typical CM scenario represents a hard pressed attack, and in such it was common for, toi quote the manual, "Entire companies and even battalions to dissappear in the fighting".<hr></blockquote>

    You do mean "Attacks" or "Assaults" when you say this, correct? The QB's players usually play are meeting engagements, and hardly qualify as a "hard pressed attack". Even designer scenarios are not always hard pressed (unless they tell you it is in the briefing).

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