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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. ALL RIGHT, YOU FURLESS PUSSY LOVERS!!!!! Quit with the ugly cat thing and SEND A TURN!!!! New video drivers need to be checked out. Oh, and maggots crushed under foot. And bent, folded and spindled. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  2. I had the same problem, Rob. I had first installed 'the official' update only to find out I now had the invisible text problem. Downloaded an 'unofficial' version of the drivers and it fixed the text problem, but now had the smoke visible through the unit info popup also. The latter was the lesser of two evils. EDIT: Now I lost the overclocking tab in my card settings. Anyone know where I can find the utility again? [ November 23, 2004, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  3. One more day? Hunting season on faggy looking guys opens tomorrow? :mad: :mad: I know. I know.
  4. Errr I have a blower and used it. The so called vacuum/chopper is quite unlike you. In other words the blower/vacuum is suckless. Twigs and sticks clog it up. Moreover, you still have to transfer the leaves from the vacuum bag to the blower. A total waste of time. Can't use the blower next to the house, shrubs or fence. Only a rake does the trick. </font>
  5. Are you sure it's not something to do with your AOL settings or a change on your system? Did you or AOL add a new / upgrade a firewall? The reason I ask is I had some problems after BFC changed servers / hosts, and thought it was something BFC did. Turned out it was an update to Zone Alarm that changed my privacy settings.
  6. Nope. I have no clue what happened. Sometimes I almost think the game skipped my 'view' phase and just dropped mr back into the orders phase. I'll have to watch it closely. I am using PBEM helper, so if I see it again I'll certainly have the before, during and after turns.
  7. On a similar theme, I sometimes send out a turn with healthy units, and when I get the turn back, a tank may be destroyed. I notice this happens when I hear 'other stuff' going on as I'm either saving the game turn or just starting it. It has not happened in a while, but it does happen. It's almost like the game continues for 5 or so seconds.
  8. *sniff* The memories. Some of the guys were a little prescient. Leutnant Hortlund -- "Considering exactly how much that guy posts, I'd say the Peng challenge thread has finally met a worthy opponent..." and Doodlebug -- "Peng is dead. Long live the MasterGoodale. I think a thread dedicated to the unabashedly (or is that manically?) enthusiastic is long overdue. Keep those comments flowing MG. I find them a breath of fresh air. Haven't laughed so much in quite a while." :mad: :mad: <font size = 900>I RULE!!!</font size = 900> I'm making up for last week's in-laws debacle (A great novel by Zola, by the way, on the Franco-Prussian War -- 'The Debacle'). GARG ARGGRAGRAGRGA GRAGGARGRAGR!!! Three down, many to go!! :mad: I miss Kitty!!!! GARG ARGGRAGRAGRGA GRAGGARGRAGR!!! :mad: </font>
  9. Hey maggots!!!! Anyone know where I can get a decent turn based computer racing game? My 3 yearold got all excited when I played Hasbro's Email Nascar with him, only ot be very dissapointed when we found out it doesn't play past the first turn. They apparently shut down the server. Anyway, I found this in my search - Flatout - and I downloaded that. Yeah, it's not a war game, but it was a lot of fun and EVERYTHING is deformable. Plus you get a movie after you finish your laps to mock your piss poor driving skills. And for Axe - the two songs in the demo rock. And for a bigger challenge, have a three year old run the gas and brakes as you try to drive. I remapped the the nitro, forward and reverse/brake keys to A, W, D respectively, suggest you guys do somefink similar.
  10. I was a QC manager in a previous lifetime (8 years ago), then did a slew of computer work as a consultant, and a mess of playtesting for game companies. Upgrading anything bites. My two cents - things happen. Was it negligence on the beta testers part that the patch didn't work with PBEM games? Maybe. Was it just a last minute mix up? Maybe. Was it there all along during beta? Most likely not. What's important is that it will be fixed, no animals were harmed during the filming of this movie, and we still have the frosty beverage of our choice available to cry into. Edit: I was writing this as rune responded - so it was as I thought - a late, 'harmless' change caused the issue. Been there, done that!
  11. ANGRIEST OUT LOUD :mad: A certain lady was entertaining me last night. And no, she ain't a two bit hoor like you and she ain't Rosy Palm, Mike the Weener's main squeeze. :mad: </font>
  12. Yeah. You have the outdated version. Axe greatly exaggerates the report of my demise. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. I'd give you a name, but it would come out on the board like Sodd******. :mad: And I have not seen the turn. One of those 'wrong version' errors.
  14. Axe? YOU DIDN"T ASK ME, YOU GUMBY LIPPED MOOSE BERRY!!!!! Watson & Crick - some DNA better have reached up out of a flask and pulled you in maggot, BECAUSE THERE'S NO TURN IN MY MAILBOX!!!!! Non-chuckin' non-splodie owning muggles. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. Pbem helper consistently tells me both you, W & C and Axe have different email addresses from that in the directory. Wazzup with that? I cut and pasted both of your email addresses.
  16. Snarker the lab rat. Do you still want a game???? I have a good map....or you can pick a scenario.... </font>
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