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Posts posted by Fuerte

  1. I now watched the battle from Kettler's point of view (first time ever I did this). VERY interesting! I don't understand why he didn't surrender after I had destroyed his three vehicles on the left. :cool: My Sherman really ruled the battlefield in the beginning. If I was lucky in the beginning, then the StuH killing my Sherman evened it out, because it had only one hollow ammo, and my tank was hull down (OK, the StuH was veteran). I should have won this game hands down, and I would have if it had lasted a turn longer. The only thing about the map that was favorable for Kettler was the victory location area. He had much better cover from my units there, that's why the flag rush in the last turn was out of the question for me. Also I think that my one and only green 100 mm artillery spotter did relatively much better job than his two rocket, one 100+ and one mortar spotters.

    Btw, my infantry units on the left and right were there mainly for luring artillery fire at them. They succeeded partially, and I had a lot of infantry in good shape in the middle in the end.

  2. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    the map heavily favors the player on Fuerte's end, offering excellent observation, lots of cover for men and vehicles, multiple covered routes to approach the VLs, and superb fields of fire on offense and defense, including a lovely ridge for hulldown firing positions and another one which totally dominates both VLs.

    I totally agree. I wondered this in the beginning, but kept myself silent! :D Especially the Priest position was wonderful.

    Great analysis!

  3. The fight is over. The Priest was worth its weight in gold... it was so self-confident that it didn't even waste its one and only hollow ammo to the StuH, instead killed it with HE! :D Of course showing the left flank helped a lot, only 30 mm armor there. I had two bazooka teams near the StuH, and it was disturbed by one of them.

    Perhaps a bit surprisingly both VLs were in dispute, even if he had infantry units in both of them. In the end I had a lot (about 50) more infantry in good condition. Kettler managed to shock my TD in the last turn, when I decided to unbutton it. It was unbuttoned for about two seconds. If the fight had lasted a turn longer, I probably would have got both VLs. I don't see his artillery spotters anywhere, he must have moved them out of the map (I never do that, perhaps I should).

    The score: Draw. Axis - Allied: 35 - 38. My password: NiMN1uSO (random generated in PBEM Helper).

  4. Originally posted by Soddball:

    And for god's sake, spare us all this waffle about how great the Finns were. If you were so bloody clever, you'd have picked the right side to begin with.

    But we did that! And we were clever enough to stop it in time... :) Historically I don't think that we had much choice. Russia wanted to conquer Finland, and Germany was the best choice for an ally. Of course, I'm not that good in history, so correct me if I am wrong...

    Otherwise I agree with you Soddball, Molotov's suggestions are pretty bad.

  5. Originally posted by russellmz:

    kman's utility to play pbem movies one after another is cool. and each pbem file isn't very big.

    Right. But what we ultimately would want is the ability to view the full movie from CM after the game has ended, and that we have full view of everything, so that we see what the enemy does as well, without having to change passwords.

    Implementing this requires that all PBEM turns are saved on hard disk, of course. I think that this thing would not be too hard to implement.

    But what about the suggestion for faster PBEM, so that we would have a replay on each turn? Has this been confirmed yet?

  6. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Give it a rest, man, they could make patches on CMBO til the cows come home. But we would never get anything truly new from them.

    Calm down :rolleyes: , I am very happy to get CMBB and leave CMBO behind, but this bocage problem IS very serious, that's why I was asking. Basically it makes all/most bocage scenarios unplayable (if you want any realistic results).
  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    Why on earth would you even ask this?

    Eh, are you saying that of course we will get more patches, or that we don't need them because we will get CMBB and everyone is going to play that then? If the second, then it's true, I probably won't touch CMBO anymore, but who knows?
  8. I'm sure that this has been discussed before, but the biggest bug in CMBO must be bocage. Whenever I have my infantry units near the bocage, and if they are fired at, then they decide to run FORWARD at the enemy and the bocage, probably to get shelter in bocage. And then they keep on running FORWARD through the bocage at the nearest woods. Of course they are slaughtered. This has happened to me so many times now, that I now avoid getting near the bocage, just to avoid this bug.

  9. Kettler: I see the tank now. It fired some smoke at my infantry on left. In the woods in the center my infantry sneaked right past enemy units, this "sneak" command didn't work right here. Should have stopped and fired at the enemy of course! On the right my reliable Priest terrorized your infantry once more, turned one unit running back and almost destroyed another. In the end a couple of artillery rounds dropped near the Priest, I see that you are really pissed off! :D

  10. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    I just watched the movie from Fuerte, during which I was astounded to see his galling Sherman explode. I initially assumed that he'd dropped a short round directly upon the hapless tank, but replay showed that it was belated revenge for what his TD did earlier to my SP. One shot kill and wholly unexpected. Wunderbar!

    Right. Totally unexpected. Still I'm not sure what hit it, I thought that you put some panzerschreck team in the woods after it, but I'm not sure anymore. 89 mm front turret, not bad with the first shot.

    Meanwhile I turned some of your infantry units in your left running back. You tried to kill my TD with panzerschreck there as well but fortunately missed.

  11. I have now 27.10 drivers. They indeed fix the transparent white problem etc. in Combat Mission. I had problems when installing, however. I first uninstalled the old ASUS drivers and installed then these. Unfortunately whenever I had ANY window (e.g. Notepad) open on desktop and started CM, it would run for a second and then the display would change back to desktop. I decided to switch back to ASUS 21.81 drivers.

    I installed ASUS 21.81, but I didn't overwrite any newer files (I knew that this is risky). I got a Blue Screen Of Death on WinXP startup. I decided to use the last working configuration. Now I have nVidia 27.10 back, except that nvdesk32.dll (Display management hook library) is 21.81, i.e. ASUS. Now the graphics problem is gone, and the CM screen stays. I don't have that cool new nVidia menu anymore, though.

    So now I have all of the problems fixed... :rolleyes:

    Maybe I should try to reinstall 27.10 once more, but I don't want to risk anything right now.

    [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Fuerte ]</p>

  12. Kettler: I was impressed by the artillery hit! Funny that I started dropping my smaller artillery at about the same time, you probably didn't notice it at all. You are now advancing with one infantry unit, I think that I will make it turn around before it gets to the victory point (that I control).

    Btw, perhaps we need a new thread because this is quite big now?

    [ 01-20-2002: Message edited by: Fuerte ]</p>

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