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Posts posted by Måkjager

  1. I think a wee bit of confusion is creeping in here in regards to the facts.

    Wittman destroyed 21 tanks in Villers Bocage during that day ..as well as numerous light afvs and AT guns.

    The AAR submitted by his CO Sepp Dietrich states

    " With todays action Wittman has destroyed 138 enemy tanks and 132 enemy Anti-tank guns with his tank"

    This is where the confusion comes from as that tally is Wiittmans total career tally up to that point...and not what he destroyed in the V-B action.



  2. Hey Rob1...how the heck did you get the inside track on the secret Allied "paint shell" which they were forced to develop due to losses that they suffered from "friendly fire" at the hands of over zealous fly boys.

    Just as well that the grunts could aim better than the sky jocks smile.gif

    Keep having a go Rob....its your game and you can do what ever you like that makes you happy with it smile.gif...as well as putting a wryy smile on other peoples faces :D



  3. Jaysus..you lot are a hard shower to please ;)

    Dont worry about the wheels....my method of modding usually entails the wheels being the last thing i do...i had'nt forgotten about them smile.gif

    Thanks for the posative feed back.....now i really know mod sluts like nothing better than a dirty set of wheels to make em happy smile.gif



  4. Been a long long time...but i am finally getting my mod lust back.

    This is a WIP pix of a Marder III i have started...but it will be a while before its ready + i still have to do the rest of the vehicles ( Wespe/MarderII ..and 75/50mm Paks)




  5. Abbot..that book you are talking about ie the HB edition has been replaced by the soft cover edition of the same name.

    The authors were Peter Chamberlin and Hilary L Doyle , technica Editor is Thomas L. Jentz.

    It was published by Arms and Armour Press / London/ Melbourne.

    AFAIK the softback is the same as the hardback...with a few corrections .

    Sorry i have no ISBN for you...that disappeared under some spilt black paint :(


  6. Well Tiger..what can i say....ah yes....you owe me a new pair of socks....why u may ask ??? well the only pair i had have just been blown off by the WOW factor of your tri colour Panther biggrin.gif

    Congrats on the release of a very very fine piece of work smile.gif and its great to see u working and getting to grips with the cammo colours smile.gif

    Thanks for all the effort that you put into the modding..its appreciated by one and all....now all i have to figure out is....where the hell u have all your clones stashed...as no mortal man can have that

    many hours in the day to actually work for a living and then proceed to produce the amount of high grade mods u do biggrin.gif




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  7. Sorry Doghouse ..but the black rings denote that the vehicle has had 5-10 afv vehicles killed. The crew would mark single afv vehicles in a white ring...once their kill tally got to 5-10 afvs they would paint a black band. This was used by crew"s who had high kill scores...the best example is M.Wittmans Tiger 1 on the Eastern Front in winter 1943/44..that pix in the snow with his crew and himself under the barrel with 88 kills marked on it.

    Reference is Panzer Colours 2 page 90 - Victory Markings

    Hey Lord ...nice JP ;P

    Keep up the good work smile.gif




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

    [This message has been edited by Måkjager (edited 03-18-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Måkjager (edited 03-18-2001).]

  8. AFAIK production of the Tiger 1 stopped in August 1944. Authorisation for the application of the 3 tone Ambush scheme was given in September 1944.

    This scheme was to be applied to vehicles at the factory producing the vehicle. As this came into effect after the final Tiger 1 was produced it is highly unlikely that you would see any Tigers sporting such a scheme...but this does not discount the field application of such a scheme.




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  9. I'm glad that you like the cd Tiger biggrin.gif ..the way you can pan inside that beast's turret sure is neat...nearest we can get to actually being in the turret of a Tiger .

    It would have been a nice idea ( if at all possible ) for the makers to have included the ability to look through the vision blocks...sure we could onlty wish smile.gif




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  10. Great books , they also have the Combat History of Schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 654 coming out during the summer...covers that units use of the Ferdinand/Elephant and the Jagdpanther smile.gif

    BTW Tiger..have u received your Tamiya Tiger cd-rom yet ????




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  11. SO THATS how you did your KT Gordon wink.gif

    My hand is much better now bud so i shall be starting back on the mods i was working on before Christmas smile.gif

    Another thing as well Pritzl ...never be afraid to experiment with new stuff or ways of trying to get an effect...and indulge in a lot of lateral thinking smile.gif

    Everything has a use..it just a matter of finding the right context to use it.




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  12. The red and white polls on the rear of the Marder III are i think a compromise on BTS's behalf.....that rear teaxture is also shared by the Wespe which had the polls for alinging their field's of fire when setting up battery fire positions, really wish BTS might find the time in CM2 to allow us have the accurate version ( visually wise ) of the Marder III M.

    I have not yet seen a photo of the Marder with those polls stored on the rear...mb i aint got the book yet smile.gif




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  13. Same here Pritzl....i import the bmp into Photoshop 5 and then use the original outlines as a guide.....the main tool i use is the airbrush .... i will first give it a general overspray..then go back to redetailing...overspray..redetail...overspray...redetail smile.gif...always referring to my reference material.

    Once i have a base colour that i am happy with then i start the cammo schemes...still with the airbrush...

    redetail..airbrush..redetail....it takes me a long time to get something done as i have to use te good services of my critic who kindly sends me back pix of the vehicle as it is at the moment...reason being my iMac has only 6 MB VRAM and cannot display the mod in the clarity i need to see what is right/wrong with it.

    Once the cammo scheme is in place then weathering starts with various shades of buff / brown / black to try and get that in service look ....mb biggrin.gif

    I am stuck with that horrible "puck" mouse..... which is a real pain to use ...though it is accurate ..... i have plans mb to get an Intous Airbrush / tablet set....but thats for the future...first i got to get a new system smile.gif




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  14. I am not sure how PSP works as i use PhotoShop 5.

    They way i make mods is the MAD way...all hand made or there abouts.

    First off try and get a clear idea in your head of the end result.....and then experiment like feck.!!!!

    I have no training in Graphics , just a touch of madness and lots of spare time to experiment....and that was the advice given to me by a very noble modder.

    When i started my first mod ..which was to become my Ambush Hetzer all i did was to spray green cammo over the game supplied texture..then i used ResEdit to get it to play on my imac.

    Once i knew i could add colour it was off to the Mad- house with me....i then had to learn about some of the things PS could do...and i am still learning..so i may not be the best person to guide you frown.gif



    ps...currently taking a break from making mods as i started to feel the strain in my mouse hand from TOOOO many hours at the mod mines frown.gif

    but i shall return smile.gif


    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  15. Yes i can whole heartedly recommend the Rats mod manager MCM3( Mac Combat Mission Mod Manager) over ResEdit..its much easier on the wrist and a doddle to use once you read the clear instructions.

    When i started to make mods i spent more time using ResEdit pasting when i should have been making..then Aikidorat gave us his program.

    ....ok Rat ..thats yer ego swelled enough fer this year..back to the front with ye wink.gif




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  16. Come back to your forefathers homeland Seanachai ..come home....come home ...lets sit by the old peat fire and listen to your tales of wonder and awe ..of time when men had honour and woman fought with valour....when there was no such thing as McDonalds ..except in the Scottish Highlands....when an army was allowed by it enemy to inspect its weapons and given time to make the same.....When no man was allowed to be HighKing if he had so much of a blemish on his skin ..where poets and bards recited the brave deeds of Heros ..and remembered the foul cowards who would do anything to win except fight fair...if that Golden Age cannot intice you Seanachai welll....there is a brown paper envelope full of dirty bundles of money in it fer ye wink.gif

    So Seanachai...come home ...come home to the Misty Isle.

    oh crap...sorry guys...i am suffering a fever at the moment...this all just kinda popped out of my redundent skull.




    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

  17. Hi lads just letting you know that JJ Fedorowicz publishing has gotten their hands on 11 copies of " Micheal Wittman & the Tiger Commanders of the LAH" and 13 copies of "Armour Battles of the WSS"

    The copies all suffer from slight damage but i can recommend them as valuable reference material.

    These books recently went out of print and are not due to be reprinted for a number of years.

    You can find them at





    Once an Ubërcabbage

    Always an Ubërcabbage

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