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Everything posted by Noba

  1. Hey, AJ...you awake ? 303 posts, no admin types around...quick - start a new thread ! Noba.
  2. Poor Hiram. To lift you from your depression, why don't we engage in some electronic mayhem that requires a game, so that your monday depressions can be equalized across the whole week ? I shall make you loath every day. I am sure I can fill the gap in your pitifull life that is obviously not fulfilled by your angst against that noble opponent, Croda. Noba.
  3. Originally scrawled byBoogerBoy Dork. Think one word. CANNAE. ok ? And that's Vic. Park, you goose. Noba.
  4. Congratulations you snivelling pips-kweak. You poor excuse for a French Waiter. May your garlic go rotten as you are undoubtably are. Oh, and don't bother peddling your bike around here. The local Bobbies know all about "your" type. Noba.
  5. The EVILONE intoned.. Aaaarggghhh ! Not with AJ! He lives in the HILLS, radiation has addled his brain. Extra thorium for breakfast does that. Sire Slapdragon kill the evil forces in two turns...you know you can do it. Give me the springboard for the glorious victory that is rightfully ours. Noba.
  6. Sire Slapdragon spake Gulp. Not... {The Clan Leader hisself ?} Omigod, what have I done ?{Draws Himself up to his full insignificant height} "I shall indeed put myself to the task you set for me. However hard it may seen to be." (I wonder if letting him win our current battle will help ?) ps. Where's Lethe ? Noba.
  7. Posted by the Geelong supporter, We're the Eagles....and you're not. Edited for more emphasis. Noba. [ March 31, 2002, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]
  8. Dear Mr. Leete, Just bend over, you'll love it. ( He has gentle hands ) Joe. He is correct. Take your abacus to the carpenters shop and get it fixed. Peanut brain. Sigh. Noba.
  9. Originally posted by the PILLOCK Well AJ, nothing in the mail as yet...wait tatatatatata - the noise of incoming mail ! Aaaaahhhh, a file. Well you will have to Sod off by yourself for a while Us EAGLES members have a date with the old HEAVE-HO scum. Noba. {We're the Eagles, West Coast Eagles, and we're here to show you why...}
  10. That would apply to all of the Kannigety types in here. Sots. Noba.
  11. Originally posted by my Liege Sire. Welcome back to the 'pool. I have indeed been beating some of the silly buggers in this here dump. Err, the Bard and his English minnions have fallen in the past. Berli, the Evil one is about to fall, as is the Donkeyboy. Other notabless losers may well be Speedbump after he traded one Panther, two Jagdpanzer IV's (with skirts !) and two Halftracks for a lowly Sherman Jumbo 76 ! Unfortunate and downright gamey winners against me have been Croda and the pimply faced gitPondscum, who inflicted Froglegs on my poor troops and kicked them whilst they were in the ablution block (bushes) removing the offending tainted food. Lars and myself are trying to see who has the last laugh in a game in which his 155VT has done all sorts of damage. We are reeling but with two tanks to his none left, I might sneak a win. The late entry goes to Boo Radley who is yet to make contact with my Gerbils in FOG...! Silly bugger is gunna suffer. Oh yes. Everyone's favourite Aussie, AJ and I are playing a NON POOL GAME ! so it don't count. (We have asked for reinforcements in that game cos otherwise our head is orf again). So how are the fingers Sire? Noba.
  12. Posted by the Evil one You forgot, insubstantial, whiney, inconsequential, shallow, slow witted, but I am sure others will add to the list. Noba.
  13. Nick off AJ...you havn't found them yet. Two whole turns and all you can do is pick on a poor unloved pillbox. Noba.
  14. Seanachai. Forgot to send turns, did you? Time to post is time to SEND A TURN ! Noba.
  15. Boo said Of course I said it's gamey. You forget to mention that you didn't mention..(to me) about the fog at purchase time. Swine. My Gebirg-whatsits will fix you good. I know where it's going as well. Meet you at the flags. Noba.
  16. Printed by Croda Peanut brain. A lone sharpshooter does not count for a flank envelopment, and your artillery couldn't hit a barn from the inside. Noba.
  17. An update my liege....Er, Sire ???? Sigh. Berli is in the throes of losing, perhaps all that smoke is stopping my troops from seing his withdrawal ? croda was shelling the crap out of some ground that no-one was occupying. Funny. At least he noticed after a while....Too early to say how much he will lose by. Boo is starting a game by not saying anything about the map or game parameters, hoping to get a gamey edge. Only edge he will get is cutting himself shaving, if he shaves ! Speedhump has found out that swapping Two Stug 3's.... 1 Panther ..... 1 Jagdpazer IV (with skirt) 1 251/9 HT .... for One Sherman Jumbo 76 is really not good ! You might as well send the surrender file now. Oh yes. His infantry have got their heads into a nice little mortar barrage too, not to mention his two remaing HT's. There is also an assault gun crew with a real tight grip on their seats. Pucker up lads. Lars is making my tanks earn their keep by using a "cloak of invisibilty" his troops picked up on the battlefield that was created by his never-ending 155mm barrage. Yeknod and Hanns. MIA ! AJ doesn't really count as this battle is not a 'pool fight. The Bard is temporarily insane. Either that or the bottle is not empty yet. Noba.
  18. Well, as you are from the land of the Long White Cloud, you obviously know all about 'outback'. The whole damn country is 'outback' over there. The inhabitants are descended from Tasmanians. You have a sheep fetish that Mace would be proud of, and you go around with your tongues hanging out all the time. Did I mention you can't play cricket either... ! Noba.
  19. Err, you can't count either ..... By the way AJ, my son leaves home in 5 weeks...and counting. Then it's just me and the Wife again. Plus cats of course. Noba. [ March 26, 2002, 06:38 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]
  20. Let it be known, worldwide, that TELSTRA SUCKS. I have 11 messages/turns in my outbox waiting to join the real world information stream... And NO. I have not forgotten to press the send/receive button. PILLOCKS. Have I mentioned, TELSTRA SUCKS ? They can jolly well SOD OFF. Noba.
  21. Ooh, ooh, Sir ! Sir !..I know this one.... DOPEY, Sir ! {Hey. TWO GROGS ON ONE PAGE ! One official of course} Noba.
  22. And you don't want to try for three in a row ? Obviously you want to defend your gamey 2-0 win ratio forever. What you fail to mention, is that these were two games you foisted upon me. Not a real test at all. A 1500pt QB is the only way to satisfy who is really best. Two flukes do not a champion make. I really enjoy losing to you, gives me a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling all over. Still, you're obviously to busy. Mind the kids don't drain the pond in the meantime. Noba.
  23. Originally posted by Mace {Shudder}Please, No !{Shudder} Then we would be invaded by ... PENG and tourists. Ugggh. And Joe Shaw might get a transfer. Horror. And they might make us play Gridiron. (They have 'World Championship Teams' you know...snigger. Anyway, push them closer to somewhere else, thankyou. Noba.
  24. Rugby sucks. Now the title of the thread is crap. So is the poster. Nothing new there. Pond-dweeb, you may have managed to pass off a couple of close wins in games you foisted on me, more by luck of course. But, you are obviously basking in your ill-perceived glory like a lizard on a rock. Low life should be splattered by well flung rocks. You need a lesson in QB diplomacy. Stop growing amoebic appendages shaped like the Bard's nose and i'll send you a 1500 point set up you can lose on. Any reply to the negative will be taken as cowardice. Noba.
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