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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Sigh…go eat a load of shrimp down at Snoopy's for me, will ya?
  2. Heh, read this. It'll sound eerily familiar. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/halbouty02/index.htm Oil is not used so much in industrial production. I've never seen a oil driven lathe, vertical mill, or gang drill. In fact, I can't think of any industrial equipment that's oil driven. The electrical plant running it might be, but the machinery isn't. Oil is used on what comes out of the factories. If you made it to use oil, of course. Most rail engines of the time were coal fired, for instance. Ships, only if you needed a high rate of speed. Still had a few commercial sailing ships in the forties. Airplanes, not much you can do there, but they really don't use that much in the big scheme of things. The US basically was using a lot of oil because it had a lot of oil. Go check the mileage on a '36 Ford. So while you have a point Blashy, given what you can do with all that production, it's not necessarily tied to oil production.
  3. Was. It is now cheaper at $75 a barrel to look at coal gasification, but there's no guarentee the price won't go back down to $10, which was what killed it last time.
  4. Hmmm now maybe I’ve missed a joke somewhere... but Lars, how does a Danish Great Grandparent prove that Lizzie is a recent German? </font>
  5. Interesting article, but old. One quibble. We're not really forced to rely on foreign suppliers, we just have chosen to do so. It was cheaper at the time.
  6. Er, no. Electricity = Industrial Production. While you could use oil, Germany had a heck of a lot of coal and hydro. Oil is nice, because you can switch it around to several different uses, which you can't do with the others.
  7. I don't think that was quite Dice's point, Blashy. He's just saying you can't make it something it was never meant to be.
  8. Here you go. http://meteo.infospace.ru/main.htm Go down to climatic data for the location you like. Knowing winter like I do, dec 21 is not far off the mark for the harsh stuff. I've gotten pretty sunburned in the early part before.
  9. Cotton holds water, that's why they make bath towels out of it. Stay dry, stay warm. For anyone who thinks that Russian winter is a killer, just ask yourself, "how many Russian soldiers froze to death?". It's not a weather problem, it's an equipment problem.
  10. Ounce for ounce, silk's the warmest. It's not that expensive, especially compared to freezing your *ss off. You can pick up a set for around $50. Give it a try, you'll never go back to anything else. Just remember, cotton kills.
  11. Ok, to take one. Subs. Too easy to find and kill, which was not the case historically. You killed the sub when they found you. It was always pretty much the sub's decision whether or not to give battle. What we do now is just run a CA spread up and down the convoy lanes till it bumps into something, then everything else comes in for the kill. Subs usually gone by 41. Even the AI manages this. You can't even hide in the middle of nowhere in the Atlantic. Sheer random chance will eventually get you. It's just not worth the bother. Game needs to be re-worked to allow a CA spread to just go cruising on by when the sub is on silent. Can't have stacking, so maybe the engine could just "shift" a sub over to the next tile if not spotted?
  12. God, ain't that the truth. Thermal underwear sucks btw, go silk.
  13. So that's what you did. Bastage. Think SC2's problem, such as it is, is that Hubert put most of his effort into programming the basic game. It's going to take awhile to tweak all the settings to get a historical simulation of WWII. I don't like the sub war, gone in 30 seconds, attack values are too high and reducing diving was the wrong way to go, imho. The Malta effect is screwy. And some readiness hits for invasions are too high, Russia didn't give bugger all about Denmark and Norway. There are others, but I'm willing to give it time to mature. SC1 wasn't perfect out of the box either, but kept me amused for quite some time.
  14. It's terrible if you're not dressed for it. Agreed. But that's not really a weather effect, it's a piss-poor planning effect. Look at '42-43, when they had the longjohns on. Bad, but not a disaster. Er, except for getting surrounded in Stalingrad. But I mean elsewhere on the front.
  15. Well, look then Kuni, you should know that the weather wasn't that damn bad. It just sorta sucks if you forgot to pack the longjohns.
  16. Umm, no. Brown grass, and I said very little snow, not none at all. Our weather pretty much compares with Archangel, Russia. Gets down to -50 C here. Continental weather pattern and all that. Have a German report at home somewhere on the Russian winter. Think it was written by Raus. Yep, in here if you can find it. Fighting in Hell: German Ordeal on the Eastern Front (Hardcover) by Generaloberst Erhard Rauss
  17. Umm, living in Minnesota, which is the Siberia of the US, I can tell you that December weather isn't that bad. You can have clear, which is pretty much frozen ground, very little snow. So it is realistic. Now, in January and February…book plane tickets…it gets colder here than it does in Moscow.
  18. Noticed the units in Canada when I turned FOW off. Thought maybe the AI op moved them up there to ease port congestion. Perhaps have it send one load to England. After that load gets there, set it to load every thing and start for D-Day. Should all arrive pretty close.
  19. Tried again at Expert 1.5. Went for a late Barbarossa, did everything to keep DOW readiness down. Built ubertanks, inf, etc. Effing thing kicked me in the head. No US HQ in Africa, btw.
  20. Now, now Lars a British & Commonwealth Queen is not a mere German just coz some distant ancestor was once related to those sausage sniffing S&M freaks… of all people I’d have thought a Yank would’ve known this… </font>
  21. Well, I noticed it when the US did a Torch. There my Italians sat in Tunis, fat, dumb and happy right next to Malta and killing Yanks with no problem. Meanwhile, over in Tobruk, they were all out of spaghetti.. Think Malta should be expanded on some rational basis if we're stuck with it. And I'd like to see it work for the Axis if they manage to get a hold of it. Also, should be one for Crete.
  22. Since it would take you about a year and a half to get that Italian Engineer, wouldn't you be better off buying it the very first thing as Germans? Gets you about a extra 8 months of building fortifications.
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