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Everything posted by Lars

  1. But we are getting better. Abrams M1 1.83 US mi. per gal (4.3 liters per km)
  2. M4A1(76)W Sherman Mileage (liters/100km) 494 on road or 130.46 gal/62.14 miles or 2.09 gallons per mile. Tiger I Mileage (liters/140km) 682 on road or 180.11 gal/86.99 miles or 2.07 gallons per mile. [ April 24, 2002, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  3. Did I say Gamey? No, I did not. This is the Cesspool, gamey is to be expected. I was merely pointing out that your British Paratrooper Squads should have had their arms linked together singing "The Internationale" all the way across the open fields. I didn't hear any singing. Plus, you can't run while carrying a Bren Tripod. {P.S. never throw yourself on the mercy of the court, especially around here}
  4. Another game of "Jabos!" for the ledger sheet. Lars – Playing as Rooster Cogburn with a Gatling Gun. Simon – Playing as the Red Shirt Security Guy. BTW the only good Dr. Who episode was the one with the spaceship on a piece of clearly visible fishing line. Oh, wait a minute, that was all of them.
  5. Is the sniff before or after it passed through your bowels?
  6. Reduced to pointing out spelling mistakes, so pitiable. Let me point out you failed to link Lorak's page. THE CESSPOOL SITE Like that, idjit. Where has he been, anyway? There's a bit of updating needed.
  7. Dag nab it! If your going to start a new thread, provide a link in the old one. And quit bumping the old one too! I entirely missed this one. Must have been the Tripods in the title.
  8. It's this way, dang it [ April 19, 2002, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  9. A Brief Update: MrSpkr: Slow down, speed up. You sound like my ex. CMplayer: We continue pummeling each other. Lots of splody stuff in this one. AussieJeff: Learned that He who uses Infantry Gun on Turn 1, Receives Arty on Turn 2. Noba: A feckin draw! The rematch commences soonest. Axis - 44 (Him) Allies - 55 (Not Him) Everybody else, send a feckin turn!
  10. Dang straight, Skippy! But, in the interest of gouging lower class Midwesterners and getting paid in returnable bottles, used bus ticket stubs and false teeth, I did a brief search. Ohio: State Motto “At Least We're Not Michigan” It is illegal to get a fish drunk. (Peng would not approve) Breast feeding is not allowed in public. (Lars does not approve) Riding on the roof of a taxi cab is not allowed. (Peng would not approve) It's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. (Panzer Leader likes this one, hence, we don’t) Women are forbidden from wearing patent leather shoes, lest men see reflections of their underwear. (Peng would not approve) It is illegal to mistreat anything of great importance. (All right thinking Cesspoolers would not approve) It is illegal for more than five women to live in a house. (Peng would not approve) No one may be arrested on Sunday or on the Fourth of July. (This one, we approve of) The installation and usage of slot machines in outhouses is prohibited. (Croda would not approve) It's illegal for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a man's picture. (Peng most certainly not approve) And worst of all, this damning law in Strongsville (nice name, painted pink for sure): Catch 22 is banned. Grog State! Grog State! Grog State! Grog State!
  11. Considered and rejected. The gubmint expects a well run hovel to meet building codes. Whereas a private enterprise can paper the walls with old newspapers (use the comic section for a cheerful look), leave the rats to nibble on the wiring (noise, what noise?), require a credit check fee (woo hoo, extra beer money), change lease agreements at a whim (says two people, sorry, the newborn has to go), discriminate based on color (green), keep the damage deposit (see that, you walked on the carpet, that ain't coming out), use lead paint (free chips for the kiddies!), arbitrarily raise the rent (more beer money), etc. Mmm, I get a warm fuzzy just thinking about it.
  12. He he he, she’s got her foot in the bun…Wait a minute. You slack jawed yokel, that is the lamest attempt at humor I’ve seen in since Stalin’s Organ.
  13. It's not political correctness but due to German commercial laws. Just do a search and you will find out more than you ever really wanted to know. You can bet it will be a mod though.
  14. For the rest of you, it may be a Monday. But for me, it's the day the Minnesota Cold Weather Rule takes effect. Time to once again legally shut off my tenant's heat. Unlike all those other, err, unexplained temporary interruptions, yah, that was it. Mwuahahaha...
  15. Damn I clean up nice! {you should see what I look like after the wedding reception}
  16. The rubble might still block your LOS though.
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