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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Plus you learned about stocks. Remember looking up stocks for the dice rolls?
  2. Which reminds me, CMplayer and I have finished our latest match. Lars, Axis - 41 CMplayer, Allies – 39 A Draw. It was a close battle till the very end, when we both decided that our forces were dead, out of ammo, or just not going to listen to the idjits in charge any longer. Till next time, CMplayer, till next time…
  3. Hmmm... So you're saying we have a chance... [ May 07, 2002, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  4. I realize that you are in your dotage, my Liege, and your memory sometimes is a little, shall we say, spotty. So I feel compelled to point out that it was Noba who has sent the scenario that he's already played. While OGSF might have played this one before, and I certainly wouldn't put it past him, it would have hardly mattered other than in picking if he wanted to be the frog in a bucket or the fat boy with a bat. It was designed by none other than Fieldmarschall, who probably could screw up an anvil, so no actual tactics were involved on OGSF's part other than deciding if he wanted the winning side or not and hitting the big "GO" button. The next battle shall be a QB to remove any doubts about pre-playing a scenario, completely unbalanced scenario design, or OGSF's lack of tactical acumen.
  5. Speaking of OGSF, I'm here to report that he is a complete wanker (but you knew that already). The rotten Scot sent me a amusing little scenario where all I had to do was move a reinforced company and four Shermans across a bridge. Right into the waiting arms of a 88mm, several Wespes, a Stug, and a few assorted Germans with nasty dispositions. The scenario brief was especially charming. "Artillery support has been provided to cover your crossing". Yeah, right. ONE FECKING 60MM MORTAR. You can lay down quite the smokescreen with that, let me tell you. The surrender file has been sent after I had the joy of watching all tanks flipped over and turned into barbecue pits with the infantry converted to brats for the Uberlad's victory celebrations. The tie-breaking battle commences tonight. He will pay, oh yes, he will pay...
  6. Cheer up, Berli, you're going to the movies. Don't choke on the popcorn. [ May 07, 2002, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  7. A love bite? {not that there's not anything wrong with that, CMplayer, you perv} [ May 03, 2002, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  8. Due to the fact that, Mr. Boss, after stalling on all projects for months, and deciding THIS WEEK that everything I've worked on for the past couple of months should be dropped in favor of all new projects, and "Oh, by the way, we need those done by Friday, we're already taking orders for the products", and due to the fact that today's Friday and I've not yet learned how to crap paper, this update will be brief. Game Updates: Agua Perdido: Send a turn. Sock Monkey: Send a turn. Hanns: Send a turn. Now that we have the derelicts out of the way, Simon: We are going for a rematch. The results will be the same as "Jabos!" but I'll let him think he has a chance for now. Iskander: He is promising to bring out his armor so I can shoot at it instead of his infantry. CMplayer: Still kicking the snot out of each other. I think I will run out of HE before he runs out of infantry. There will be quite the butcher's bill in this one. Noba: I promised not to mention to everyone that he sent a scenario he's already played. Oops. MrSpkr: And God said: "Let there be Berli, so people don't blame everything on me. And let there be Lawyers, so people don't blame everything on Berli." Congrats, MrSpkr, now you'll never have to do a honest day's work again. I hates him just on the general principal of the thing. That and the fact that he has King Tigers and I don't. OGSF: Pounding the living hell out of me. I hates him. If everybody knew how much I hates him, you'd be proud of me for holding it in. AussieJeff: And then there is AussieJeff. When everybody else is busy kicking the stuffing out of me, it's a real pleasure to get a turn from AussieJeff. We're playing "Fortress Shanghai". Aussie Jeff is in cast in the role of the Emperor's Banzi Horde. I'm swilling gin and watching him run onto the mines. On a side note, I've been having the usual e-mail problems. If I owe you a turn, say something, dang it! Or somfink.
  9. Defending I’d take the IV. Attacking I’d take the plain jane Sherman. The two are pretty evenly matched. You can’t really get into comparing all the Sheman variants to a IV. The IV comes out behind. In real life the Sherman had the advantage that counted. Quantity has a quality all its own.
  10. How in the heck did you screw that one up Mace? It was like shooting fish in a barrel (or the proverbial frog in a bucket). Of course, you weren't playing AussieJeff.
  11. Ever notice that all the rest of the employees cheer when someone from Human Resources gets fired?
  12. Takes longer if the spotter doesn't have LOS.
  13. I once bought a beer from Wally the Beer Man at a baseball game. Well, several beers really.
  14. Maybe they're saying it for the same reason we asked Japan to pony up before we took off to save Kuwait.
  15. Not as unlikely as you might think, Terence. Egypt ready to wage war on Israel ... for $US100 billion Should we take up a collection and settle this?
  16. Okra, the only thing that I've found that is more disgusting than lutefisk. Lutefisk was at least once a fish. Okra, no matter how you cook it, remains a vegetable.
  17. News Flash!!! AussieJeff has requested a Ceasefire in the Scenario known as Dornet. On turn 9 of 35. German troops were heard muttering something about their lack of Physical Education training. Allies are preparing to send a fresh load of jump ropes to help the underdeveloped Less-than-Uber WundercKinder.
  18. Haven't seen it but it doesn't change the stats, just the skins.
  19. Try here. http://www.dragonlair.net/combatmission/
  20. That must explain this paragraph. If you can't get the results you want, fudge the data. Oh, well. They had to get it by Congress somehow.
  21. You may be right, redeker. I got it off of this web page. The numbers were for on a hard surface. M1 Abrams Found this further down the page. and Anyone have better numbers?
  22. No, you're not. But I do like Shatner's and Nimoy's singing for the pure comedy value. Although they could have done drugs like the rest of us to get through the 70's.
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