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Posts posted by Priest

  1. I believe that you just download 1.03 and all your worries will be handled. The readme text says that all the upgrades from 1.01-1.03 are included. Hope that I helped ya. If you are getting it now you might get 1.02 anyway. Either way just download 1.03 and you should be fine.


    Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


  2. I use mortars to pin down squads that are either the target of a tactical move or preventing me from advance. Example: Last night in a QB I used a mortar (2in.) to pin an MG team that was harrassing my line. This allowed my PIAT to have enough time to put a hit on a Lynx that was buttoned. It is all about combos. I also in the same battle close assaulted one tanks that I isolated from it's sister unit woth smoke from mortars. Just my 0.02.

  3. JP,

    Wait a minute. Now this is my 30th post and I was gong to save it for something special but when I saw the term "F**K Americans" your post just became the reciepent of my 30th post. First off JP I think you have a lot of enthusiasm and that is good. Also the pride you feel in your family is great and I have no doubt that your grandfather deserves the praise that you give him. My Grandfather was also in WWII in the Pacific Theater. And I am horribly proud of him. But I doubt either of our grandfathers would like to hear us saying that we love war. I am personally going to attain a bachelors in History focusing on WWII and constantly preach that it is probably one of the most dynamic times in history. I have found much enjoyment studying and simulating (through games) WWII. But I would give up all that enjoyment in a heartbeat if I could make the war never happen. Yes I know America's world power was largely based from WWII but I still don't think it worth the loss of life. Second you seem to always seem to be edgy that we might label you grandfather and your family as evil because of Nazi Germany. That we will stereotype you, of course then you go and stereotype the Americans. I am an American and an ardent supporter of my country. But you are overcompensating. We have people all over the world playing this game and until today I had not heard one remark that was remotely as attacking as yours was. I know you must be frustrated with what seems to be a constant barrage but take a look from the other side. Just as a side note I play the Germans all the time and preferred Panzer General over Allied General because the German side was much more interesting in those games. Honor your German heritage, heck use the knowledge you have to enlighten this forum, but if you want respect from these people here then do it without all the negative slander. This is a great group of people that have a lot of info to share. Join them don't clash with them. Hope this seemed level headed. I'll make you a deal: i'll refrain from slandering your heritage and you from mine. When you get the game email me (its in my profile) and if you want we will PBEM. Later


    Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


    [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 07-28-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 07-28-2000).]

  4. why would you want to tweak the map? Seems to me that the random map generator does a fine job. Changing it seems a little questionable (even in single player). It seems to me to take some of the challenge away and realism. No commander I know of ever could "tweak" his terrain. No accusations or malice intended, just trying to understand the big deal.


    Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


  5. I have been to my fair share of forums and chat rooms and have to say that by and large this is one of the better ones. Example: I went to a Star Trek gaming chat room to ask a simple question about a game and found to my suprise that no one was talking about Trek. In fact I think it was a bunch of people trying to get a date (come to think of it maybe they were desperate trekkies). That being said, everywhere you go you will find idiots and losers but if your input helps another (even in a game) then why let the idiot and losers hamper your right. Any my time on the soapbox is done. Kevin I didn't know ya but good luck.


    Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


  6. Bravo Fionn. That was well said. I am an ardent patriot of the U.S. Military. That being said, however distasteful and unhonorable it may be, I have no problems believing that certain commanders from all nations involved in WWII at one time or another ordered the "NO PRISONERS" order. I would like to think that at times it was because the plan did not allow for the POW's. More importantly though individuals should not dilute themselves into being a blind altruist when it comes to their nation's activities in anything. Questioning one's own governing body is why the U.S. exists today!


    Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


  7. oh and about the FOW question. If the TacAI controlled squad happens to pick up something on the way back have the results semi hidden (ie. no positive id) until under player control and then mark the positions that the crew saw as per when they saw it. Simulates them telling the CO what happened. Okay now I am done.

  8. Okay. I agree that the crews can be used beyond their intended scope. Also I agree that radio contact is an all important element when dealing with recon information. In CM all we can hope to see is that the TacAI takes over. TacAI override is already built into the game and if I understand correctly then the parameter could just be assigned that the crew unit type becomes Tac AI property. How about TacAI controls them until radio contact is re-established (ie. redlined by a commander). Until then they would head in a general direction towards the rear. Also how about giving them the LOW ammo setting so commanders really would not want to use them in battle once they got them in command. Also players who don't already use their company level and higher commanders as rally points would have a reason to now thus helping to end any abuse of those units also. So if the crews are low on ammo and far back in the line what good are they? Why not let them go off the map? I don't know why you would not let them go off the map but at least I think it simulates a "more real" situation. I seriously support the ability to re-create ALL the different possibilities in CM. And while it was far from common and borderline stupid some commander somewhere in the post-Normandy campaign used crews on the front line. I think that by putting the above restrictions it would counter any advantages. Oh yeah they have to stay in contact of a commander or the TacAI takes over again. This would surely make someone think twice. It would simulate things like,"hey Charlie the boss ain't look'in lets git the hell ooutta here!"

    Of course with the LOW ammo rating and the already shaky morale and can here some fool commander now, "okay guys just sit in this tree line and look threatening.". Anyways I have started rambling since what seems to be the beginning of this post but I would be really interested to someones response to these ideas and I don't doubt they have been suggested already so please excuse the repitition. Email me.

    [This message has been edited by Priest (edited 07-26-2000).]

  9. Hey Preacher is above me. How spiritual is that? Anyways I am not going to rip you at all this time Tank_41. Actually I am quite impressed with the level of your testing. As far as the gun damage goes I agree that there is some problems but that has already been covered and I think BTS knows about it.

    These are my thoughts on the rest.

    1. You are testing an ambush situation which means that confusion would reign and while I admit shooting back does not quite simulate this either, immediate retreat and and popping of smoke while the proper action may be just as hard to coordinate. There might be a lag time. Also experience probably comes into play. Again I am just extrapolating anf do agree with certain points you make. Also how easy is it to put a Tiger in reverse. Lastly if you are traine d from the begginning that your vehicle is the king of the battlefield it could be the game showing German "arrogance". Again a little weak I know but....

    2.) I think the above also has some meaning in your second point. How many meters are we talking about? If it 200 or less then shooting may be (?) a better tactic. At that range allied guns are dangerous and also pretty accurate. If they miss the opening shot and it's equal I can see a commander not ordering a cut and run. Even though this may be a bad decision in retrospect I can see it happening in the heat of battle, and that is what Tac AI is supposed to represent.

    Again I am kind of playing a partial devils advocate but good disccussionary topic.

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