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Kanonier Reichmann

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Posts posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Can Battlefront please indicate when the new model for the King Tiger (porsche turret) shall be released.



    A reasonable request I would have thought seeing as Steve mentioned in a post over 2 months ago that a patch would be released to fix the problem. I would have thought that a reasonable expectation would be for it to be released by now, since making that statement.



  2. I agree that different model MG's should have different chances of jamming. The Vickers and other Maxim style MG's would certainly be one of the most reliable if part of a well prepared defence and not hastily moved when access to water may be problematic. At the other extreme would be the Italian Breda MG's which weren't exactly renowned for their reliability so if they ever appear in an East Front game I would hope that this would be reflected somehow.

    The MG34 & especially the MG42 would probably be somewhere in the middle of the two extremes in terms of reliability. You can't tell me that an HMG configured MG42 (with no form of water cooling) that can pump out 1,200 to 1,500 rounds per minute isn't going to have problems with jamming from time to time, especially if handled by inexperienced troops.

    As a side note, I believe the M60's design was based on the MG42's, except with 18 more mistakes!



  3. I wonder if it's a decision to improve "game play" over realism. An MG jamming could well cause serious problems, but a radio going out for a minute isn't going to, not directly, especially since artillery FOing doesn't require a working radio to be effective.

    I doubt that. BFC have always prided themselves over creating a realistic yet playable simulation of war with their Combat Mission series of games so I don't see why they would leave out machinegun jams (which were a pretty commonplace occurence, especially in the heat of battle) while including the rather esorteric problems associated with radios.

    Seems a bloody odd set of priorities, that's all.



  4. I made a thread about it a while ago..... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=101886

    There's a few replies that suggest the 'Gridded Terrain' Mod, which I've tried and is very useful.

    I like the 'idea' of contour mapping more, and being able to toggle on and off, but the gridding functions pretty well.


    WG, you may want to refer to post no. 51 from Lanzfeld, some 4 posts above your last one. Are you able to assist with his request?



  5. It's a graphical, visual "issue" after all.

    Not important at all to the gameplay (IMO).

    I disagree. It can have an effect on gameplay when a tank comes to a halt and rocks & rolls all over the place while trying to fire accurately at an enemy target that it acquired a bit before coming to a halt. Here the rocking does affect the shot so that it can either slam into the ground woefully short of the target or alternatively, shoot over the target as if shooting for the stars and miss by the proverbial country mile.

    There's just one example of a real effect within the game that is unrealistic compared with what would happen if a Panther or Tiger or whatever tank you care to mention which was properly designed to absorb the recoil energy of its gun or of its movement. All for the sake of eye candy that grossly over exagerates the real situation of WWII tanks.



  6. OTOH I wonder if we were a bit hard on JK - he always provided plenty of entertainment.

    BINGO! People always took JK far too seriously. I always regarded him more like an eccentric geezer who was always entertaining to read, even if you didn't believe a word of what he had to say.



  7. OK, for JonS's sake as the holder of the ARB award (work it out yourself) I give you...

    Yes, the SdKfz 251/16 is the only vehicle armed with something other than machineguns in the Combat Mission series of games (including the current versions) that can fire its primary weapons in 2 completely different directions simultaneously. A very neat trick indeed.

    Happy now?



  8. Whatever. I believe most people would understand that when referring to primary weapons I meant something other than MG's. If you want to play the role of Mr Picky in all his uberness then that's your choice. If I wanted to go down that path I could point out that your suggestion that it was an oxymoron to mention weapons in my statement about firing in 2 different directions wouldn't apply to a weapon that fired a cannister round with lots of sub-munitions going in different directions now would it. :rolleyes:



  9. .... SNIP ....

    In general it's good that tanks are trying to face an enemy. Especially enemy tanks, I'm not sure they should rotate whole tank to face any single infantryman sen 100m away. But maybe the "computer driver" should get a "stop" command in the moment the turret is rotated to target and the gunner begins the aiming process. The aiming should have a priority over facing. After the gun was aimed and fired, the driver could resume the process of turning the tank to face the enemy - for the time or reloading. Then again stop it when the gunner is ready to shot.

    It would be also good if the tanks while trying to face the enemy were programmed to turn with the more efficient and faster way ("turning while moving method") instead of much slower "pivot turning".

    Funnily enough, another game modelled this desired behaviour really well. I belive it was called CM1.



  10. Well, I'm pretty sure in the situation I described the commander wouldn't simply sit there for up to a minute doing absolutely nothing once he had spotted a viable threat. That's what happens at the moment in the game when playing in WEGO mode in the circumstances described. Do you believe that's an appropriate reaction when using the hunt command?



  11. The problem we have with the current game is that there are 2 sighting perspectives when dealing with an AFV, the commanders and the gunners. The decision to do this was, no doubt, to improve realism but the problem that now creates is that in a WEGO game with 60 second gaps before new orders can be issued, an AFV can currently hunt to a position and then just stop when only the commander spots something. If that something is an ATG then the ATG can fire away for up to 60 seconds without there being any possible retaliation since the gunner has no LOS.

    In reality (and also if played realtime and spotted), the commander would immediately shout to the driver to either advance forward a bit to allow the gunner to fire back or immediately withdraw out of LOS of the enemy threat. It's the combination of more realistic spotting combined with WEGO play that's causing the problem here. In the circumstances I don't believe it's asking too much to query if a better movement order can be formulated for the game that ensures an AFV continues moving (in a hunt like situation) until it can actually fire its main armament at the spotted unit. At least it will have a chance in the circumstances described above.

    Possibly the situation as it is at the moment is a case of introducing realism factors to the 'new' game that works well (and in theory) when the engine is optimised for realtime play but doesn't really work all that well when played in WEGO mode, thereby justifying the addition of an extra movement order to compensate for this problem.

    My 2 cents worth.



  12. In the impressive example presented by Baneman it occured to me that there was one aspect of the scene that definitely didn't model the real world situation very well. In reality, the guy behind the one closer to the Stuart would be severely wounded if not dead from the backblast of the Panzerfaust seeing as it appears he's less than a metre directly behind his mate.




  13. 'Oh mein Gott!' - no need to translate the 'Oh'. :)

    But a question: where comes the notion from that germans say 'och'? Its very rarely used in german yet I've seen it used several times in translations.

    I thought it was well known! Just like the Germans also say things like... Gott in himmel!, as well as... Ze Britishers fight like devils! and my favourite... Mein Panzer ist kaput! a lot.



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