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Everything posted by Tero

  1. Originally posted by Skipper: Yes, but let's say that in the context of this here argument (professional vs conscription), Poland lost utterly enough without soviet help. True. Even though professional army is theoretically better prepared for the early stages of war. I have seen claims that early Polish mobilization would perhaps altered the chain of events. Theoretically speaking a truly professional army should not have to mobilize to be able to conduct limited combat operations. Was the Polish army a professional army, really ? Someone (dont remember who) said that germans did not practice blitz-krioeg in training. Let me disagree. Certainly, they did not practice it in soldiers training - on the tactical level it doesn't matter that much (shooting, throwing grenades, moving, digging in and other fieldcraft remains the same). But on the operational level they practiced it an awful lot. Read Guderian for reference. That's how they won in Poland and France - even though on tactical level there were all sorts of funny problems. When they went to Russia - at that time they were the most battle-hardened army in the world. I have to agree with you: how does an entire army train large scale operations for a new form of warfare that is supposed be a secret ? They had trained in Soviet soil with the Red Army but I think that was only the administrative side or the orchestration side of the Blitzkrieg they were practising there. The small unit battle drill and other essentials had to be done elsewhere. I'd say they had the basic unit battle drill and tactical training integration between branches down good.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Dobler.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I promise for my part to keep this a non-chauvinist scientific debate. The intention is to quantitify the unquantifiable. This time from what I think is a scientifically quantifiable POV. Come on, I know you want to chip in.
  3. Originally posted by Sergei: there are green pro's and veteran pro's, and then there are green conscripts and veteran conscripts. Which do you want to compare? None of them. And all of them. The question is really about the infrastructure from which the armies could wage war, not the experience levels or other current CM abstractions and approximations as such. When the war started the masses in both sides were green. Only the conscript armies had a broader base from which to draw pre-trained replacements and form new shake and bake formations to swell up the army into war footing. Also, do you people think that an army of volunteers (like the jolly Afghan coalitions) is a conscript or a professional army? Maybe it doesn't attract people in the same level as a forced conscription does, but neither is it a "career" or "job" like in professional armies: even the most patriotic guerillas usually plan to return to their pre-war occupation. Also, the warriors might be more dedicated to the cause than conscripts (slaves) or professionals (mercenaries). In WWII terms they would be the resistance fighters or partisans. I suppose any army in the world does have some traces of professionalism, excepting a few guerilla bunches which might happily dismiss themselves when the fight is over. I mean, in every army there are officers and some expensive-to-train folks like fighter jockeys, who are there not because of a must but because of a want. Quite. But the few selected specialist military trades are exceptions and uniform in all armies. It is the cannon fodder that is at the core of my premis. In my view, conscription has a better chance of attracting good men to army, because otherwise many potential officers would just go to study and civil work. Agreed. But the cadre officers and NCO do not form the entire army. Does it really matter that much, dunno. That is what I am trying to find out. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: tero ] [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skipper: I thought they were completely crushed by the Germans first, then Russia entered the fray. Do you know something that I don't?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Before that, when they went and signed the non-aggression pact with it's secret allocation of speheres of influence.
  5. One interesting remark I found the other day stated that it was SOP for the Red Army artillery FO's to come close to the front line and even sneak inside the defensive positions so they could spot and direct fire better. And then there were of course the usual balloons.
  6. Originally posted by Gyrene: We'll here I go again with my USMC-centric observations, but the Corps at least had a strong core of Officers and NCO's who had quite a bit of field experience by 1941 in Central America, China & several others. Granted the USMC was but a fly speck by 1944 standards, that experienced core made a huge difference in holding their units together in the early battles. Can you verify if they were indeed career (=professional) servicemen ? While the USA has always had a professional Army this century, remember that the US Army was still practicing armor manuevers on trucks with the word "Tank" painted on the side as late as 1938. The will was there, but the money was not. This brings up a rather important point: if a conscript army on a shoestring budged did the same type of training how many men would they be able to train in a year compared to a professional army ? And I am talking about the rank and file, not cadre officers and NCO's. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  7. Originally posted by Affentitten: As to the performance of conscripts versus volunteers in a mass battlefield situation,...... Interesting parallels. Can you say how the Aussie troops rated the conscript German and Japanese troops they were fighting against ? ...and usually outstripped the British draftees they fought alongside. In your opinion, is there any difference in being involuntarily drafted in a time of war and being subject to a conscript system already before the war and then being called up from the reserves to active duty ? (With the exception of Crete, but we can blame the Kiwi general for that one!) That is between you and the Kiwis. I'm not certain, but I also believe we didn't have conscription in WW2,..... We DID have conscription in Vietnam, and suffered the same social upheaval over it as the USA did. That is interesting. Can you give any reasons why did you go to conscription (in case you indeed did migrate to conscription)? Once again, this voluntary theory paid off in that Australian combat performance in Vietnam was proportionately better than that of the American units made up more heavily of "against their will" levees. I think examples like Vietnam when talking about conscription are very localized and affect the opinions of the people who "suffered" from it. While your arguments against concription seem valid they are based on highly isolated cases (in the global scale). Ever since Vietnam the US military has been trying to polish its shield and clean up its reputation and therein lies the seed of rather selfserving scorn of conscription. Wars of aggression have been very hard on conscript armies. Especially unpopular lost wars. But still that does not warrant the wholesale disregard of conscription as a viable military option. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  8. Originally posted by Bobbaro: This writting may be a rambling crock, and I am not satisfied that it adds much to the question. To conscript or use a professional force, that is the question ? Your contibution is valuable. Perhaps the question could be better too. I am not so sure that the conscrip vs. professional question is the best expression of what is at stake. Indeed. I try to steer clear of the metaphysical side and adhere to the historical aspects pertaining WWII. I have read many a book and debated many a time over "force specific" qualities. This pre-war conscription vs pre-was professional army is the only angle so far that has been accessible without going into chauvinistic arguments. Verily a first time when the un-quantifiable can at least be put in some sort of frame of reference. My thesis may not be perfect and my questions not so well put but least they are a decent enough start. Surely a military requires a professional knowledge and practice at its core. Agreed. A concript army with elan but no workable doctrine does not last long. A nation owes its young men of warrior age a routine military background of sufficient professional quality as to make any sudden and compelling need find a body of conscripts already prepared to be soldiers. In Finland the majority is still willing to serve. IIRC those who would be willing to take up arms in defence of the country is still 70-90% (depending on the gender and age). If we suffer as a population for having sent children to war and to die, then surely it is worse for them to die and for the enemy to prevail as well. Sometimes that is not an option. I submit the damned thing. It was a satisfaction to say it, so not making any difference is beside my point and your point is if you have read it; you deserve it. Sensible people quit reading much sooner. It is not everyday you run into a poet in these boards.
  9. Originally posted by Triumvir: Professional soldiers are good for the wars that they fight. In other words, small, limited conflicts that do not affect the homeland. Agreed. But for large conflicts, there can be no comparison between a conscript army and a professional army; quantity has a quality of its own. The only thing is nowadays the effect of information warfare can produce results neither side anticipate. However, the traditional benefit of a professional army -- the unswerving will and ability to die without flinching -- can't be discounted. Then again in the olden days you could win your opponent by simply paying his mercenaries enough to sit it out. A conscript army simply doesn't have the first problem; by coercing the fitter and brighter part of the polity, it in effect levels out the initial disadvantage of less training. Does less training automatically and/or necessarily translate into worse training ? Motivation, though, is a incredibly important part of a conscript army; and it is much harder to develop and nurture such motivation in any war apart from the defence of the homeland. That is why they are mostly called defence forces these days. All the armies in WWII were conscript armies. I would hesitate to break up the continuum that should run from the -30's straight past Sept. 1939 and beyond. This perculiarly Anglo-American practise of arbitrarily chopping off the history into seemingly disjointed entities is very annoying when trying to build up a big picture that runs contrary to the "established" dogma. The North Koreans nearly crushed the American Regular Army in 1950. German troops routinely place ahead or equal with British and Canadian troops in gunnery. That is why it would be nice to be able to establish quantifiable "force specific" parameters. And let's not talk about the Israelis, the modern day uber-Finns. Why not. (Incidentally, has anyone ever won an SPII game playing the Arabs against Israelis, apart from 1973 battles?) 1967 the Arabs got thermal sights so low LOS engagements against regular Israeli tanks is winnable (if they do not have those damned Panhards ). As counter examples are the British at Salamanca, and the UN coalition in Korea and the Gulf. Korea does not count IMO as the Chinese forced a stale mate. They could have sweapt the UN forces right into the sea (right before the first nukes were dropped). To sum this long rambling post, conscript armies, ceteris paribus, will defeat professional armies because they can recruit from a wider and thus better pool; and shunt the fittest and brightest into combat positions. This is why the recent wars have been so short. In any prolonged conflict the professional army just lack the stamina as they are dependant on the political aspect of the conflict more than a conscript army is. But in a war fought far from the homeland, the conscript army's will to fight will inevitably diminsh while that of the professional army will stay the same. The überFinns started refusing to go any further once they had crossed the old borders as the justification for the agression had been met. This can tip the scales enough that the conscript army will lose to the professional one. True. Oh, and wasn't it me who first came up with this suggestion? Hoarding this for a long time, eh tero? You and others. Naughty naughty uber-Finn... 8) Nobody prevented you from posting this. I will not admit any large scale plagiarism. And we überFinns are famous for our ability to turn trivial household items and other unlikely objects into lethal weapons. :cool:
  10. Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: Why does it have to be one or the other? In fact it isn't. Even the conscript armies have a cadre of career military. Why not train citizens for 2 or 3 years after the end of public school and then let them leave. Some will stay but you can call up those who already know how to clean, load, and fire rifles. Exactly. With a little refresher training they are ready for action. Always group green troops with pros when the crap hitting the fan is immient. Not always necessary. I have been reading a (Finnish) study on troop morale and "warrior" types and there was a some ink spilled over the age, maritial status and the like and how it affects troop performance. It would appear that older reservists tend to be calmer under fire even if they do not have any combat experience. Same thing with officers, do what the Germans did for awhile. Send your good officers back to a staff college that plans for the unexpected and give the generals extra options, but they all have to get rotated to the front. And you could make sure that new officers always started their service assisting an officer who has already spent time at the staff college. I think the British did that. In their military and other colleges they had a working system where the new boys would be given to older boys for training and indoctrination.
  11. Originally posted by lcm1947: I'm no expect but I would assume since Germany had training in the Spanish war they were more of a professional army by War II The Spanish war was OJT and doctrinal trial runs made by cadre "volunteers", mostly from services which are by and large manned by cadre in all armies anyway (airforce etc), be it professional or conscript. By the same token the Red Army would be a professional army since they too had "volunteers" fighting in Spain. plus them knowing that they were about to attack Poland they had a head start didn't they? Strategic initiative does not really fall under the issue being debated here.
  12. By Commissar Would the Nazi war machine be considered a professional force or a conscript one? It is true that the soldiers were conscripted, but it is also true that many other volunteered and were very enthusiastic about serving "the fatherland". Were the German conscripts less enthusiastically involved in the serving of the Fatherland than the foreign volunteers ? They of course also had superb training. So that would make the German army a professional army and not a conscript army ? Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: As for Poland - why did they lose? Russia stabbed them in the back, for one (remember them?), and political considerations did not allow them to defend behind river lines - that would have meant abandoning half their country on the first day of the war. They also failed to mobilize early when all indications were pointing towards war. That would have negated some of the importance of the rivers as defensive barriers.
  13. Originally posted by The Commissar: If you're asking which system is likely to produce better soldiers, I would definately say proffesional army. You have to define what makes a soldier better. The pre-war professional British army failed to produce better soldiers. One of the largest is the fact that manual conscription requires people to go get training against their will. That is why you have to make sure the motivation to serve remains high. By comparison the professional army can suffer from the lack of suitable raw materiel due to unappealing circumstances surrounding the service. If you make someone do something when they dont want to do it, they will not perform totheir full efficiency, nor will they want to do so. They just want to serve their time and get the hell out. This is a classic pro-professional army argument. What prevents the professional army from going on strike if they do not get what they need ? A pro army on the other hand is usually based on volunteers, who actually want to do this. This being kill, maim and learn a few cool moves to impress your friends ? Also, since as previously mentioned, conscription is done against people's will, it means that the govt can't keep people conscripted too long - it will cause major commotion and general dislike of the govt. Really ? Can you name any examples outside USA (which was engaged in an unpopular war at the time) ? So countries with conscript armies usually dont have the same standards because they can't keep their men training as much as pro armies can. What makes you think so ? Which army would be hit the hardes if, due to a recession, the military budget is cut ? A conscript army can cut down the time in service by cutting corners in the training schedule and concentrating to what they think is essential . The Finnish army did that in the 30's. The overall number of trained men was/is kept the same or even increased. If a professional army winds up in a similar situation they have to resort to methods that endanger the efficiency of the army. Of course, how you use your men, conscript or pro is what really matters. Yes. But the "infrastructure" laid down by pre-war events is what determines what you can expect of your army. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  14. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: I would contend that (outside of Finland?) there were no professional armies to fight in Europe during WW II. My premise does not even beging to try to state that. The premise applies to pre-war conditions. And the question is how they affected the course of the war. Perhaps Poland is an exception; they were reputed to have the best trained army and the toughest soldiers in the world. What about the French ? Seriously, it just occured to me that it would be useful to get some intel on their pre-war practises too. But the Germans, British, Americans, Russians, Canadians, French - all relied on conscripts, or else volunteers who enlisted after the outbreak of hostilities. The Germans and the Russians had a pre-war conscription system. The British and the Americans had a pre-war professional system. Finland had (still has) a conscript system and the only true volunteers in Finland were those who wanted to joing up before they became of age and were called up in their turn. Everyone thinks the Germans were practicing "blitzkrieg" before WW II, not realizing in many cases that "blitzkrieg" was not a word in German, nor did many German soldiers train with tanks, or even motorized transport. Indeed. But this is not the main issue here. The main issue is the differences in the systems and how they prepared a nation and its army to war. Many doctrines and tactical approaches used in training before the war, and even during the war, date back to World War One. Yes. But again this is a side issue. I am not sure what the argument is here (refresh me). Just what exactly is the thesis vis-a-vis conscripts versus professionals? The Thesis (unrefined): <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> When we look at the broader picture the armies based on pre-war conscription seem to have faired better in the field against odds the armies based on professional gadre and limited reserve of volunteers could not take. Only after the numerical odds could be stacked higher in their favour did the professional armies start winning. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is only a draft copy filled with all sorts of holes and bugged by all kinds of caveats. - How did the respective systems prepare the army as a whole to war ? - How could the systems respond to changing needs at the outbreak of the war and later on when the situations fluctuated ? - Some armies seem to have transcended the barriers: the Japanese and the Soviet armies in particular spring to mind. One can argue that the British and Canadians, and the Americans to a lesser degree, were professional armies by D-Day simply because they had been training together for so long. So that does not apply to armies whose men had fought together for so long ? What is our definition of "professional"? I rate the pre World War One "Old Contemptibles" as professionals. But the war was won in part by Kitchener's Army, Do we consider them professional simply because they won? No, the term "professionals" should apply only to that personel who joined up received a sallary. A professional army was an army made out of paid government employees. And do we put the 1944 British Army in the same league as the Old Contemptibles? No. Or does that matter in your definition? Not really. All armies evolved during the course of the war. My premise deals with the conditions the armies worked in pre-war years and how that affected their overall performance at various stages of the war. [ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  15. I get a bellyful of Poke- and Digimons at home: Originally posted by Germanboy: tero - I think the comparison falls down when you argue that the German system was better, because it probably was not. I'm still working on it. I just think that the conscription theory works better than the "warrior tradition" one scientifically. As for it being better or not: that is open to debate. To date I have not seen any sources besides Finnish ones that lists conscription as a criteria for the supposed better proficiency of an army over another(in the Finnish case the supposed better proficiency of the Finnish army over the Soviet Army). And when we look at the broader picture the armies based on pre-war conscription seem to have faired better in the field against odds the armies based on professional gadre and limited reserve of volunteers could not take. Only after the numerical odds could be stacked higher in their favour did the professional armies start winning. The Soviet and the Japanese armies are the ones that do not seem to fit this bill. But with enough research I think they too can be fitted in. Pre-war it was creaking due to the much too rapid expansion of the army (Masson, amongst others, in 'Die deutsche Armee' makes this point quite well). I doubt that my grandfather (conscript 1937-39) did get very good training, but I check with him. Good is a qualitative term that I think should be fielded with care in this context. The pre-war training was given to a suit a doctrine. I think the "goodness" is dependant on the fact if doctrine survived first contact in actual combat conditions. For the Finnish army the pre-war training delivered as the basic doctrine was proven sound even if the tools were inadequate (because of budget cuts). I am seaching the facts concerning this for the other armies. The British Army Training in 1940-44 does reinforce my initial hunch that there is something in this line of questioning.
  16. Originally posted by Germanboy: tero - I think the comparison falls down when you argue that the German system was better, because it probably was not. I'm still working on it. I just think that the conscription theory works better than the "warrior tradition" one scientifically. As for it being better or not: that is open to debate. To date I have not seen any sources besides Finnish ones that lists conscription as a criteria for the supposed better proficiency of an army over another(in the Finnish case the supposed better proficiency of the Finnish army over the Soviet Army). And when we look at the broader picture the armies based on pre-war conscription seem to have faired better in the field against odds the armies based on professional gadre and limited reserve of volunteers could not take. Only after the numerical odds could be stacked higher in their favour did the professional armies start winning. The Soviet and the Japanese armies are the ones that do not seem to fit this bill. But with enough research I think they too can be fitted in. Pre-war it was creaking due to the much too rapid expansion of the army (Masson, amongst others, in 'Die deutsche Armee' makes this point quite well). I doubt that my grandfather (conscript 1937-39) did get very good training, but I check with him. Good is a qualitative term that I think should be fielded with care in this context. The pre-war training was given to a suit a doctrine. I think the "goodness" is dependant on the fact if doctrine survived first contact in actual combat conditions. For the Finnish army the pre-war training delivered as the basic doctrine was proven sound even if the tools were inadequate (because of budget cuts). I am seaching the facts concerning this for the other armies. The British Army Training in 1940-44 does reinforce my initial hunch that there is something in this line of questioning. [ 10-18-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  17. Originally posted by tss: What he has said is that he considers the US system to be the best. Nothing wrong with that. Except he jumps on people for expressing similar opinions which are not to his liking. Now, whether this claim holds or not, I can't say. Most of my knowledge on the subject is about Finnish artillery, and I don't know enough of Western Allied practices to really comment on it on a direction or other. That is why it would be ideal to form an opinion from both Slappys and your (or my) data. But Slappy does not feel like posting his data on the board, he want to use private channels instead. BTW: check out Valeras BBS and this thread in particular: http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=116312&messageid=1002874453 In general, Finnish artillery was very accurate and flexible, Concur. but was it more accurate and flexible than the US one? Beats me. Me too. That is why Slappys data would be invaluable. If he would post it on the board for all to see. In the battles of summer '44 it was quite common for a junior Finnish FO to call fire of up to 7 artillery batallions (84 guns) of different caliberes at the same target as a TOT barrage without any spotting rounds. [There was no technical upper limit for the number of firing batallions. However, in practice the fire was usually allocated in 5-7 batallion "fire groups"]. There was one nine-batallion barrage (118 guns) called in by an infantry major. Concur But there is one important aspect where the US artillery was clearly better than Finnish: radio communications. There was a chronic shortage of radios in Finnish army and far too often FO posts had to rely on field phones or even flare guns or messangers. Concur on the communications. But how does the "fire at the sound of the fighting" practise figure in in all this, if at all ? I have read several accounts of batteries out of contact with the FO firing on targets based on the sound of the fighting. These fire missions were also directed on know friendly positions, yet friendly fire incidents were not too common to cause problems that would have made the authorities ban this practice. Also, the artillery was used to direct in bombing missions against priority targets unspottable from the air. When the planes were on final approach the batteries would fire a salvo in the four corners of the target area and the bombers would target that area. [ 10-18-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  18. Originally posted by Slapdragon: For the US Army, some of its best units were National Guard (45th Infantry for example) and in a complex research paper by Dupuy, delving into what units the Germans thought were the best at the front, the humble 88th Infantry Division, a conscript unit, was the best. Can you give any data on the US system as a whole ? How did the fresh conscripts get treated by the system dominated by professionals and National Guard volunteers ? Also, what was the timetable of the expansion of the US military forces ? Did it start already in 1939 or only after Pearl Harbour ?
  19. Originally posted by Germanboy: tero - to be honest, I don't have a lot of answers to your questions. Shoot. I have been searching high and low and it would seem that these matters have not been covered from this angle. The territorial army was expanded in 1938/9, but that would not have been enough time to give them decent training. Were they called weekend warriors back then ? E.g. in the DCLI, there were 4 active battalions. Only 4 ? In general, I think most regiments had two active battalions, and these would provide the cadre to get the territorial battalions up to strength and training quickly. This fact would support my notion of the system not being overly agile in compensating for attrition while thumping up new formations. So the question you are asking is a bit like 'how long is a piece of string'? I also want the answer in both imperial and in metric format. Menpower was not much of an issue, since a lot of men were rescued at Dunkirk. Agreed. But the army was expanding at the same time so how much was this base of trained materiel "diluted" with untrained materiel ? At the core of my premise is: how much better or worse was/is the system based on conscription compared to the system based on a core of professional soldiers supplemented by a limited force of part-time volunteers. How did these systems affect the performance of the different armies ? All the sources seem to focus on the tech-spec, which is easier to quantify. Then again I really can not see how a British study could conclude the cosncription system is/was better. It really only became a problem about half-way through Normandy, and would stay a problem since. They were starting to experience the same problem the Germans were experiencing ? The problem may well have been more with the quality of the training than with the quantity of the instructors. AFAIK all soldiers went through the full training circle before going to the continent. What that was worth is anyone's guess. Did you order that book on British Army Training? I got it yesterday, very interesting, and it seems to reinforce Anthony's point that the UK went into Normandy with no doctrine. Well worth reading. What training ? According to the book the rank and file did not receive much realistic tactical training I received a few weeks ago but I have managed to snatch time to read only 1/3 of the book so far. Dumfounded is not powerful enough a term to describe my feelings. Anthony's point is valid if we believe this book. Before reading the book I would have dismissed it as too incredible but now I am inclined to think differently. Regarding the VG divisions - a lot of these men were really specialised workers, in reasonably good condition (industrial/skilled workers would get extra rations, AFAIK). I wonder how much did them being called up tax the production quality. Or did it even make a difference any more at that point.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: are you sure you are not confusing Volksgrenadier with Volkssturm?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not exactly confusing but using an inappropriate generic term. Back to the chambers.
  21. Originally posted by Germanboy: Tero - you do know that the UK had the Territorial Army, which was something like the National Guard then? So the trained manpower was much larger than the professional army. I am aware of their existence. But what was the ratio between territorials and totally untrained materiel in the British war time army ? They did make up a reserve but how long before the general populace was needed to be involved ? And how much of the pre-war trained materiel in the formations were lost early on ? Were there other than cadre and territorials in BEF 1939-40 for example ? Many of the very well-performing units in 21st AG were old territorials. What about the not-so-well performing units ? AFAIK the VG divisions were not old men and boys but the result of a call-up of previously exempt units, who had a very short training cycle? You are correct of course. I may have been a bit unclear with the terminology. Both of which makes quite a few of your points incorrect. Not necessarily. But they do undermine them some though The previously exempt in VG had still received basic training but they had been exmpted because of war economy needs or ill-health. As for the territorials: can you provide any numbers ? Were there enough of them to replace the losses in the standing army or could they be used to swell up the numbers alongside the standing army at the time of crisis ? And for how long before the untraine d materiel turned up at the front.
  22. Originally posted by Slapdragon: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The US certianly did artillery well, better than any other country in fact<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Was this not your original statement ? Witness the above comments for proof that the ubercrowd is going to fulminate and meltdown as soon as anyone comments that the Finns / Lithuanians / Gypsies / Alsatians were not able to hip shoot a 155mm cannon. You seem to know an awfull lot about the Finns / Lithuanians / Gypsies / Alsatians and their artillery doctrines and practises. Not to mention the Commonwealth artillery. At least your original statement would indicate this since you use the blanket better than any other country enhanced with the definitive in fact. You have accused people of being übersomething or another for making the same kind of statements you make yourself. If you follow the "thineself be true" train of thought would it not be logical for you to call yourself an überAmerican ? I personally do not take offence to your remark as such. But your past performance has shown that you do not actually practice what you preach. As to the supposed remarks that there were nations who could not hip shoot a 155mm: Nobody has not stated that. And that is not the issue. Are you so myopic that you do not see that it is you who is saying in effect that the Americans could hip shoot a 155 ? Does it really hurt that much to present some proof in the forum in form of sources and comparative facts that would definitively show the apparent superiority of the US artillery doctrine ? You demand it of other people, why don't you practise what you preach ? Since your knowledge of the Finnish WWII military is so extensive why don't you present comparative facts that clearly show the US artillery was superior in every aspect to the Finnish artillery ? That should not be beyond you.
  23. How does the peace time conscription affect the effectivness of an army during the time of war ? (Yes, the old professional vs conscript army angle ) I have recently taken a closer look at these "national modifier" related things and this has been a recurring pattern. The armies who relied on peace time consciption had a broader base from which to draw materiel rapidly. These armies had a standing army which was made out of cadre officers and both cadre and conscript NCO's. The rank and file of the troops received uniform basic training which was (or was not as the case may be) periodically updated in refresher training. On the other hand the armies which relied on a standing army comprised of cadre professional soldiers in all levels was not as agile to broaden its base. It was also susceptible to bloodletting early on that left it in turmoil if the losses were critical. That was because the influx of new recruits was utterly untrained and could not be brought to service standing with a brief (or in times of crisis no) refresher training. What makes this interesting is the fact that both western Allies fall into the latter cathegory. And both had to use quantitative superiority in men, vehicles and weight of fire to overcome the supposedly more proficient but less lavishly equipped enemy. The Red Army had shot itself in the head just prior to the start of the war and its peacetime conscript training had been directed more on the ideological training than military training so they had the worst of both worlds going for them. From what I have read the British career military personel seems to have thought the influx of volunteers (or called up men) at the time of war was cramping their style (for the lack of a better term). This negative attidude towards conscription is apparent even in relatively recent studies made by civilian researchers. The British army lost a sizable portion of its trained peace time manpower early on in large numbers all around the globe. They were simply written off in Europe (Norway, France) and Far East and also in the Mediterranean area in spectacular sweeps. The British made things worse for themselves with the abysmally poor (read non-existent) training for ordinary infantry and to some extent the armoured force. They had to compensate for these deficiencies by making the infanrty support element better. Apparently there was nothing wrong with the troop morale. They were just not prepared for combat because they had received no or minimal training. Most of the tactical and doctrinal training was given to the NCO's and officers. How was it for the Americans ? They too lost a sizable portion of their manpower trained during peace time in the cataclysmic losses in 1941. Was there any scorn or apprehention in the US professional military circles towards the non-professionals being called up that would have affected the training cycle, training methods and tactical and doctrinal thinking ? The TD doctrine with is notion that "regular" tanks (manned by the less trained bulk of the crews) should leave the enemy armour for the highly trained TD arm would point this way. When looking at the Germans the VG has always been belittled. But was their supposed ineffectivness due to the lack of training or was it attributable to something else (like poor or fragile morale) ? These formations were comprised of young boys and old men. But since the early 1930's there had been various government schemes that were nothing more than military training in disguise. That would mean that they all were for all intents and purposes troops who had undergone basic training similar to the regular conscipts. The quality of the troops inside a unit was uneven. They were out of shape and untested in combat (do WWI veterans apply ?). They had also been subjected for years to the demoralizing effects of the Allied bombing campaign more than the frontline troops (who had suffered reverses but they were not helpless bystanders).
  24. Originally posted by Bastables: I my self would like to hear your reasons why in WWII arty you consider "USA number one." He is not expressing any überAmerican bias. He is merely stating cold facts substantiated by a host of sources (most of which are by incredible coincidence totally impartial sources originating from the US). These sources have compiled an extensive knowledgebase from all around the world and they have drawn these inevitable conclusions based on totally scientific criteria. And the inevitable conclusion is the US artillery was the bestest, baddest, meanest, accuratest and all in all the only representative of the service in all armies deserving the title "The Best Artillery in the Whole Wide World". When other people use sources originating from their respective countries and make similar statements they are quilty of being übersomething or another because they do not accept and/or belittle the US superiority. And they are America bashers to boot. BTW: I too would like to hear his reasons for making such a blatant non-überAmerican stament. [ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: tero ]
  25. http://carlisle-www.army.mil/cgi-bin/usamhi/DL/showdoc.pl?docnum=145 Combat Lessons No.5, War Department Pamphlet, 1945 <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Using Enemy Weapons: Lieutenant Fosdick, a platoon leader of the 4th’ Infantry Division, FRANCE, reports: “When captured enemy weapons are to be used by any member of a unit, all member; of the unit must be so informed; On one occasion,a sergeant was killed when he began to fire with a captured German machine pistol. This weapon has a characteristic sound when fired. Other troops of the sergeant’s own unit thought a German sniper was in their midst and fired on the sergeant, killing him.”<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How does that reflect the extreme rarity of the use of captured arms by the US troops ? http://carlisle-www.army.mil/cgi-bin/usamhi/DL/showdoc.pl?docnum=146 Combat Lessons No.6, War Department Pamphlet, 1945 <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>“Staff Sergears Robert G. Rhodes, Company B, 315th Infantry, 79th Division, was in charge of the platoon that had just captured a certain hill position on the Seine River, north of Paris. The inevitable counterattack was expected at any minute and the sergeant lost no time in preparing for it. He placed the squad close to the crest of the elevation: this group was to serve as a base of fire. The other two squads he distributed, one on the right front and one on the left front, both well forward. The two flank squads were given German machine pistols and German machine guns and were given orders not to fire until the enemy had advanced beyond their position.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can anyone in the know tell me what kind of a special unit was this Company B, 315th Infantry, 79th Division ?
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