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Blue Macs

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Posts posted by Blue Macs

  1. maybe the setup should just be left as it is for the 1st round


    mod trees

    mod hills

    time date and weather are already set in the rules



    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  2. i think its 82 e-mails.

    2 setup

    4 each turn (2 moves + 2 movies)

    i go to uni in october so 1 per day will be a bit slow me thinks


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  3. i would certainly use a roster if it was there but i just dont think its necesary. i hardly ever use +/- keys, i find that my plans link my units together and so its hard to forget about a unit. as rosters are such a recognised thing i assume that it was thought of when making the game and therefore it was probably dropped as an unneeded idea. im sure BTS have taken our thoughts in, so try not to get too nasty guys, wink.gif


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  4. ive not been able to play CM for a few days and just played for the first time with the old apple sound sprockets, WOW what a difference, cheers BG. any mac user who hasnt changed do it now. there is a link on Ben Galanti's thread dated 08-02-2000 on this forum. do a search


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  5. No No No !!!

    i say spend more time playing the game and you get used to marshalling your forces. start small with just a platoon and support , then company and so on . soon you should be able to keep large forces under control at your fingertips. as has been mentioned in this thread, a roster may be useful in games like CC where there is less info available onscreen, but is unnecessary in CM. its just such a fab game already it doesnt need any clutter.

    less say , more play biggrin.gif


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  6. looking forward to it buddy, getting some practise in on 800 pointers. do you think players should not be able to play all battles in a round as on side, ie play at least one allied and one axis batle??


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  7. i seem to remember ( dont quote me on this) that he had flanked a jagdtiger and was shooting at its side from just a few metres and the thing just pinged right back. serves im right for being cheeky i say smile.gif do a search for it


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  8. i've come to think of the 50cal as something of a god. can anyone give me any armour penetration values on it as it seems to be performing acts of magic on light armour eek.gif


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  9. i have only seen tank and AT gun shells ricochet and they usually go miles of the map and not right next to the target, and they do map a noise. dont know if shreck/PIAT/zook shells will ricochet. i do love it when the ricochets hit something tho. there is one post around that says they had a stuart get a ricochet of an enemy tank and come back and take the stuart out- even had himself on his own kills list, this is very cool


    "If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no plane at all it's the Luftwaffe." -German soldier, Western Front, 1944

  10. for those of you who have expressed appreciation for my battle "I Love This War" at CMHQ thanks very much. i do have a slight obsession with bridge assaults as i find them tactically fascinating. there are some more historically based ones on the way so keep practising- as if your not playing enuf CM anyway. feel free to give me any ideas or improvements, the more the merrier


    Never trust a rabbit. They may look like a child's toy but they eat your crops.

    (Hungarian proverb)

  11. Ive been thinking for a while about this now and with every post i think 'but i like that one aswell'. though my heart lies with the sleek hetzer, for purely being a mean-ass tank the Tiger wins, its never going to win any all round tank awards but you just have to look at it ( i have a model on my comp) and you think'hers a tank thats purely there for blowing the *&^@ out of other tanks.....beautiful

  12. Ive been thinking for a while about this now and with every post i think 'but i like that one aswell'. though my heart lies with the sleek hetzer, for purely being a mean-ass tank the Tiger wins, its never going to win any all round tank awards but you just have to look at it ( i have a model on my comp) and you think'hers a tank thats purely there for blowing the *&^@ out of other tanks.....beautiful

  13. this has happened with Eagles Nest, Saving Private Ryan, Eldorf 2.0 (nice fix by the way ) to name a few, and even happened with my own I Love This War, which i downloaded just to check if this happened. I use MacZip 1.0 and wonder if this could be the problem.....

  14. i'm wondering if this happens to anyone else. during a one on one tank duel mine and the enemy tank blast away for a minute or two, ricochet here, immobilisation there, and then BANG they get eachother at the same time. i know this is completely random chance but it has happened so many times ive lost count, its quite ammusing usually as it completely changes the course of the battle usually. anyone else found this happening


    Never trust a rabbit. They may look like a child's toy but they eat your crops.

    (Hungarian proverb)

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