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Steve Clark

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Everything posted by Steve Clark

  1. Any chance they could use this same game engine for a Civil War game? That would be my ultimate dream.
  2. I understand now, thank you all. I just got on this forum yesterday, so forgive my ignorance. The reason for my specific questions is that I would not be interested in this game if it played like Rainbow 6 or one of those stupid RTS games. For my wargaming experience, I am looking for a more exciting alternative to moving hundreds of units around a hex map. I believe I have found that alternative.
  3. I'm wondering how many would be willing to pay $20 extra for shipping and handling for FexEx? That is a typical alternative shipping method and cost, provided they can get timely pick ups.
  4. Thanks Joe, that really helps. It is just a priority for me not to download and play the demo. I just want to get a better understanding of this type of gameplay. Another dumb question. When you say 'plot your turn', what exactly are you plotting? Movements? Firings? Support? All of the above?
  5. That does sound pathetic. What difference does a few days make? I just ordered the game this morning and will likely receive it next week. Then it goes on the shelf until Fall. I just have too many other priorities right now.
  6. OK, I was intrigued enough to go ahead and order the game. I am still a little unclear as to how exactly one plays a phase (turn?). I am a veteran of the Talonsoft wargames and understand the mechanics of turn-based wargames, but I want to get clear of how one plans and makes moves, conducts defensive/offensive fires and how they are all executed simulaneously. A step by step description would be helpful, if it's not too much trouble. I know that with 60000+ posts, all of the answers to every question are here, but it would take more time to search than I have. Thanks.
  7. I'm intrigued. After reading the info at battlefront.com, I'm wondering if this game is more like Rainbow 6 set in WWII or does it play more like a traditional wargame with a 1st/3rd-preson 3D view?
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