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Capt. Ayers

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Posts posted by Capt. Ayers

  1. Just saw the movie this afternoon. I thought it was ok. Definitely started better than it ended. In terms of language, I didn't mind the British accents as much as some English terms used, like "you look smart in that new uniform". Also, it seemed awkward that all the other Germans outside of scenes with Ed Harris spoke German. I think it would have been better to have Ed Harris speak German with subtitles. At least it would be consistent.

    Would have enjoyed more battle scenes to better portray the massiveness of destruction and suffering that occured in Stalingrad on both sides, but the days of movies showing more than a couple of big battle scenes are gone. I doubt we'll ever see a movie on the scale of A Bridge Too Far in the near future. (CMII will have to satisfy that urge.)

    Surprisingly enough, the love story didn't distract me as much as I thought it would. As others have said before, there were women in the Russian army so it doesn't feel too Hollywoodized.

    My two cents, feel free to agree or disagree.


  2. Okay this is wierd.... I tried an interesting scenario using only sharpshooters. I wanted to recreate a rifle squad entering a town and trying to flush out enemy snipers. I had 4 Axis Sharpshooters in the town and 11 US sharpshooters posing as individuals in a squad. As the scenario goes on, of course a couple of my men get hit out of nowhere and I scatter my men. I get a lucky kill with some area fire after one of the snipers exposes himself. This is where everything starts to go wrong. For the rest of the scenario, if the US sharpshooter has a clear line of sight on a target and targets the enemy directly, HE WILL NOT FIRE! Hello?!?! If I chose area fire around the target, he may shoot, but it was not a guarantee. Anyone else have this problem with sharpshooters? It seems strange because the Axis sharpshooters had no problem picking off my men. =(

  3. Major Belles,

    Please forgive me for what I may say, but why do you even play wargames if you don't like the thought of shooting AT people? I looked at your profile and I see that you are developing a game based on the Civil War. A war which was the bloodiest in terms of Americans killed in American history. What do you think you are creating, but something that represents people being mamed and killed, yet alone shot at? It seems an awfully silly hobbie of choice. It's like saying I work for a meat company and I'm designing a new meat grinder, but I can't bear the thought of someone actually putting meat into it. Does it not occur to you are quite hypocritical. Sorry to go on with this, but I was just so dumbfounded after reading your post, that I had to reply. Like I said before, please forgive me, I'm not trying to insult you at all, but I would suggest a different hobbie all the same.

    [This message has been edited by Capt. Ayers (edited 01-03-2001).]

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