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Formerly Babra

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Posts posted by Formerly Babra

  1. Well, jeeps are for recce, and recce has to go out front. A "rush" wouldn't be my preferred way of doing it. I'd at least try to make it look like a proper recon using cover and short fast rushes.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi:


    The underlying cause of the American Civil War was slavery<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Not quite correct. The underlying cause of secession was slavery.

    The underlying cause of the war was the attempt by the North to keep the South in the Union by force of arms.

    If you don't see the distinction, there's nothing I can do to illustrate it.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  3. Hundminen. There are such books, but you are looking in the wrong places. The things you find on commercial bookshelves are what is called "popular history". They are targetted at mainstream consumers.

    If you want scholarly books, go to the source. Go to your local university's history department (better yet a military academy). Many, many fine, scholarly works never see a bookstore shelf.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  4. Golgotha, it's loud. It's so loud it ceases to be noise any more. Flinching ceases because the bang of your puny gun is inconsequential next to a tank battalion engaging with 105s. When it's over your whole body is numb not from adrenaline but from sound shock. Ever sat right in front of a speaker tower at a 50,000 fan concert? It feels a lot like that. Hearing loss happens a lot.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  5. I'm guilty of participating in O/T threads. How such threads get started, though, is beyond me. I agree, this is a Combat Mission forum and should be used as such.

    I will always support THE thread, though. Despite what some people think, it's for people playing each other PBEM and will always be so. wink.gif


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  6. To slip OT just once more, some clarification is needed. A "Civil War" is by definition a war for control of a state, two factions fighting a war for control of the government of a single nation.

    This does not describe the American Civil War. The South did not want to control the North; they wanted to be removed from it. A number of other names have been proposed for it, but I prefer Héros von Borcke's "War for Southern Independence" as hitting closest to the mark.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve Clark:

    Formerly...and the Confederate army did not fight some campaigns as if they were a war of aggression? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Southern armies only twice crossed onto northern soil, culminating the battles of Sharpsburg and Gettysburg. Hardly a war of aggression. The goal (in their view mind you -- I'm not making value judgments here) was to defend the South from perceived Northern aggression.

    Desertions in the ANV rose sharply during the Maryland campaign as Rebels who had signed up to defend their hearth and homes were loathe to leave Southern soil. The Gettysburg campaign was an attempt to bring the Army of the Potomac to battle on Southern terms and defeat it. "Conquering" the North was never even remotely considered as policy.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  8. Well, the Kangaroo wouldn't mount the .50 cal on the turret ring obviously. But can you imagine five guys trying to mount or dismount from this thing? It's ludicrous. There's plenty of documentary evidence on how it was accomplished with the Ram, but I think the real confusion here is the label "Kangaroo".

    The Ram Kangaroo is a purpose-converted APC. That does not mean that any vehicle carrying the name Kangaroo is also an APC. As pointed out by someone else, any tank with its turret removed is by definition a Kangaroo.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  9. To include everything, there would be literally hundreds more vehicles in the game (and thousands of hours of coding to put them there).

    They did they best they could. Everyone has a wishlist for new inclusions (me included, and it ain't a small list), but let's be patient.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  10. Here's a pic of the Stuart "Kangaroo" (actually, a Stuart Recce) I found on a model website.


    I'm kind of on a crusade to have it explained how even a half squad could be carried in such a vehicle. They could certainly ride on the hull, but ought not to receive any protection benefits. What little I've been able to learn about this vehicle is that it was used for recce work, not battle transport.

    As for the Firefly IIC, Ben Galanti is right -- I never did get an answer about that. I'm not sure it didn't exist (I'd be surprised if it didn't), but the hybrid hull IC should have a higher representation IMO.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

  11. The leadership failings in the Canadian Army were at the staff level, not below. Note that these weren't bad officers, just improperly trained in essential staff work.

    One of the difficulties in appraising Canadian performance is that one has to take into account the very different experiences of the divisions. 1st Infantry Div was battle exhausted by the time it reached NW Europe. 2nd Div had to be rebuilt from scratch after Dieppe, but had never shaken that experience. 3rd Div lacked any experience at all. 4th Armoured was probably the worst div in the army, performing as poorly as the British 7th Armoured, if not worse.

    All the divisions were suffering crippling manpower shortages in the rifle companies, seldom mustering more than 40-60% TO&E strength.


    Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.

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