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Posts posted by Panzer_Meyer

  1. In the AirBorne Assualt demo there is a picture of all the BTS guys together in one shot. If click on credits and wait till the end it shows everyone. One thing, it's to small and goes by so you don't get such a good look at everyone.

    So is it possible for any of you BTS guys to post the picture here on the forum.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. I guess you are right, Airborne might work in this game. But again, the scale as far as distance is to big. I mean 50km per hex, that means that that Airborn Corps will only affect that one hex. You'll only be able to drop it behind one other unit and thats it. It will be stuck behind enemy lines out of supply, easier for the enemy to kill it. But yea, thats what did happen to the Airborn, I know. I just dont think a Airborne corps in this game will have any value. There are no roads to seize, no airfields to capture, no bridges to secure.

    So what would the airborn do in this scale? They would drop a hex behind an enemy unit and maybe reduce it's supply by 2 points, while itself has no supply. A turn later it is destroyed by other units behind the lines. To me they would so pointless, having no value at all.

  3. I don't care about the airborne either, plus this is on a much bigger scale, so it's abstract by the armies and coprs units. This scale is way to big for airborne units.

    If the hexes were smaller, 20km a hex, and we had smaller units, down to divisions, yes AirBorn would be possible, but not in this scale.

    And if we did, they would have to have a strength of only 5 points imo. Because lifting up a whole coprs would not be so easy, so a 5 strength coprs could be as a airborn unit.

    I can't wait for the demo.

  4. Thanx for the answers, it does clear up a lot of things for me. I like the way the supply works, type of terrian matters, how far the unit is and so on, sounds awesome.

    Another question is how will a nations manpower be modeled? Will you just get certain amount of points each week/month to buy new units? So Russia for example gets 200 points a week to buy untis, but germany gets 40points to buy units.

    And how about the peace negotiations be medoled? Will you be able to ask for peace or offer any peace offers? Or do you have to simple conquer the entire country and capturing it's capital to win? Personally I hope not, I hope you can offer peace and initiate in peace negotiations with the nation you are at war with.

    So lets say you are fighting Russia and you conquer everything all the way to the Volga, including Lenningrad, Stalingrad, and capture tha Caucasus oil field. Now, we know Russia would still keep fighting (most likly). Will you as Germany be able to offer peace terms, or if you are Russia in the same situations, will you be able to offer peace terms?!

    Thank you in advance.

  5. Hi,

    This game sounds amazing. I've never had the chance to play the older grand strategy games that people always talk about. So this is something I am really looking forward to.

    It seems like almost everything will be modeled, oil, production, resources. Will man power be modeled in anyway, if so in what way?!

    Also, will tank groups be able to travel further than infantry? My guess is yes, but you never know.

    So how does one capture territory, do you just have to drive on to the countries captial and ask for a surrender. Or can you beat them to submission and starve them off natural resources, like oil and the like? Btw, will other natural resources other than oil be modeled? I saw oil rigs in one of the screenshots, so oil will play part in the game, thats for sure.

    Will road and rail-road networks be modeled in anyway? So if your troops use roads, they will move further? And if these are cutoff by enemy formations, will they cause reduced supplies for frontline troops that are cutoff?

    Well I thinks thats all the questions for now, thank you, I am really looking forward to this game!

  6. Andreas, have you even read the book, Grenadiers? If you haven't give it a chance, I think it's real good and it can certianly be used for Scenario design.

    You might as well say the same about all the books written as they are all bias, when written by a veteran soldeir from any side. So does that mean we should not rely on any account written by veternas from whatever side, no. You use multily sources and learn from each one.

    All things aside, the book is great, and thats whay PL was asking in the first place, not about the political views of Meyer. Thank you...

  7. Ok, I never said dietrich was "good". Meyer, mentiones him, because Sepp was Meyers commanding officer, so he has to mention him, abviously.

    Meyer does not say any pro-nazi quotes or speeches or does not excuse nazis im the book. He mainly focus on the battles and the things that happen in between and more. He does not go into the polittical aspect at all. He has one paragraph about Hitler, and thats it.

    So into the book, he does not come across as a Nazi, not to me anyway. He does not potray himself as one.

  8. Hi PL,

    Yes, Grenadiers is an exelent book, I've read it a couple of time now and still read passages from it time to time.

    The book takes you trough Meyers carrier in the SS. He took part in the Annexation of Czechkoslovakia, invasion of Poland, Greece, Yoguslavia, France, Russia and was back in France comamnding a regiment from the 12th SS hitler jugend in 1944.

    His accounts from the east are amazing, very detailed and he shares his tactics and personal feeling at times on the battles and actions trough out the campaings.

    Some of the battles he describes are amazing, without giving to much away, he talks about one where he and his "Auflkarung-Abteilung-1" storm a village and he is at the front of the charge in his armored car. The Advance goes real good and they suprise the Russians.

    But all of a sudden there is a crash and a AT shell strikes the armored car, penetrates and blows of the arm of the driver. They jump out and of the armored car and run for cover, later being picked up by other soldiers.

    He also talks about Sepp Dietrich, his commander, and he talks highly of him. He also mentions some of his best soldiers and officers, like Gerd Bremer a company comander, who survies the war with Meyer. He also mentions many others he is close friends with in his division, Fritz Witt, Max Wunshe and others.

    At the end of the book, the last 2 or 3 chapters it's about him being captured and how he is treated and the trial in Canada. It was really interesting to read his thoughs on the trial and such and his treatment while there.

    One thing you have to keep in mind though is that he was a Nazi, even though he does not mention it in the book, directly. He says that he did not commit any war crimes or gave orders to though his career. He says he never gave any orders for prisoners to be shot.

    I highly reccomend this book, it is a must read, very detailed, historicly correct as far as I know. Plus you get read about Meyers thoughs trough out the war, his tactics and his later capture and trial. BUY IT NOW!

    p.s hope this was helpful.

  9. WOW, WOW!

    I have a picture in a book, Grendadiers by Kurt Meyer, where there is a picture taken a few seconds before that one. I'll try to post it later.

    Basicly the picture only shows the rear of the Armored car and it shows 2 German soldiers running toward the rear of it, one carrying a satchel chage.

    In the picture on e-bay it looks like one of the soldiers got hit.

    Caption of it read "Bubi Burose destroyes an Armored car North of Cherson"

    Here I got the picture


    [ April 08, 2002, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Rommel22 ]

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