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Posts posted by Panzer_Meyer

  1. They are not gamey at all! Sturmgruppes alreay cost 700 points for a company, compared that to a Rifle or even a FJ company, the Sturmgruppes cost double if not tripple that of a rifle company.

    In a 1500 point ME, if you puy the sturmgruppe (SG) thats pretty much it for infantry. At 700 points it leaves no room for additional infantry maybe another SMG platoon, but thats all. One has to know how to use the SGs, a player who doesn't know how to use SGs properly will loose 700 points in one or two turns.

    SGs are affective, but their price is a great deal to consider before purchasing them. Sure they have 13 men, but those 13 men die as fast as 8 men under a 105mm VT barrage. Unlike SMG platoons which can be bought cheap and in big numbers the SGs cannot.

    In the end SGs are not gamey, the price tag is a great deal to consider before purchasing them and one only gets a company.

  2. I am curious if BTS has done all the voices for CMBB, Russian, German, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian and Finnish. If so, how long did it take to record all the voices and who did them for you, the Russian ones in piticular?

    And if you can tell me (us) will the Russian yell something like "Za Rodinu!" when they charge or move out. If it's possible can you maybe post a link to a sound file and lets us hear a sound byte from CMBB?

    thanx in advance!

  3. Not sure when they adopted them officially, but I have pictures from a book, (Grenadiers, bu Kurt Meyer) which shows SS soldiers having camo uniforms and cloth covered helmets (the cloth also being camo) in Poland, 1939. I am not sure if it was common at the time, but there are two or three different pictures showing soldiers from the SS lieberstandarte with camo uniforms and cloth covered helmets.

    Hope that helps, somewhat.

  4. Count me in too, I want to see some photos. My grandfather also fought in the war, in the 12th SS. He doesn't have any pictures, at least not that he can find. He does have an official picture of himself taken, but not during a battle. And I think it's taken even before the war.

    Anyway, I would love to see some photos also.


  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Oh sweet nectar, finally a winter mod that wont require sun glasses to be gazed upon.

    I would say so far that about 1-3% of my CM games were in snow, I cant stand the brightness of the whites used so far.<hr></blockquote>

    I think, I might be wrong though, it's called a britghtness setting. And I think, I just specualting here, if you turn the brightness down, I think it will make the display a little less brighter. Hope that helps.

    Anyway, awesome work, release it already!

  6. So you've had a TCP/IP game crash, who hasn't?! But there is a way to continue the game. So listen up and you can be on your way to lossing your game again!

    Ok, first you must get into the habbit of saving the game on every turn, but the autosave should be fine. (I save manually in every game, every turn) No the game crashes on your first turn, what do you do? Simple, fire it up again, BUT as a PBEM game. That right a PBEM. All you do is select the game file (save, or autosave) and fire it up as a PBEM instead of TCP/IP. (in asks you in the menu).

    So once you select PBEM and enter your password you are back at the battle field. All you do is issue orders again, save the file and send to your opponent. He issues orders, send it to you, you watch the movie and issue orders. NOW, when you finnish that one turn, and are about to issue orders again. All you do is, SAVE IT, no I don't mean finnish the orders, I mean save it, ALT-S.

    Exit the scenario, open the file you just saved, and fire it up under TCP/IP again! Now you are back to playing the game TCP/IP.

    If you have any questions, let me know.

    p.s. This has worked for me many times. I don't like PBEMing, so I tried doing this, after the crash going into PBEM, doing one turn and trying to play it as TCP/IP again. Works everytime!

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