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Posts posted by Panzer_Meyer

  1. A friend of mine from High School is Russian. His Grandfather was a tank driver later a tank commander through out the entire war.

    In the Finnish war he drove a tank and later in in the Patriotic war he commanded a tank.

    His Grandfather died 4 yers ago. I visited his house and my friend has pictures of his grandpa and all his medals. He has a huge collection of medals. And quite a few pictures from WWII.

    I'll try to get hold of him, and ask him if I can scan those pictures in or something.

    By the way, AWESOME story ridgeway. What book is that from???

  2. Yeah, I know.

    I did the same thing at work. There was an Apple rep there, but he couldn't figure it out either.

    I tried messing with the IE5 settings but nothing works. I tried Netscape6, that worked. IE 4.5 and 4.7 worked for me on PC and Mac too, just not IE5 on MAC.

    Every other image works fine, except this one.

    As far as I know there is nothing wrong with the code.

    Thanx Again Griffin!!!

  3. Thanx Griffin,

    Yeah, it's been only a week since I started learning HTML. Thanx for looking it over, I really apreciate this. I spend all day looking it over, and trying to fix it.

    I brough from school on Friday and when I looked it up on my computer, it looked completly different. So I spent about 2 hors or more fixing it.

    Ofcourse it would of took less than that, but being a new to this, it took me forever.

    Oh yeah, the spelling, I will fix that right away!

    Thanx again Griffin!!!

  4. Thanx,

    I have one question:

    I am at work right now, so I wanted to show people my site. So I tried showing them on a mac, Imac and a G4 to be more specific. I opened the site using IE (I think IE 5). Well the Picture on the homepage doesn't show up. The big "Panzer" picture doesn't show up on these macs.

    So i tried a PC and it works fine. Anyone know what the problem is?

    Thanx in advance!

    p.s. any one alse care to comment?

  5. Hi everyone,

    I have been learning HTML for the past week. So I decided to make a new website using my limited knoweldge of HTML. The site is ok, but to me it seems it is still missing something.

    It's only partially up, I am working on it as much as I can.

    So check it out at


    Remeber, I've only been using HTML for a week. If you have any suggestion tell me!


    [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Rommel22 ]

  6. I second that idea. I like the idea of in depth battle were the VL are a distance apart not only side by side be in depth. This wold be more of challange for the attacker and the defender.

    I also hope that when playing a QB you are able to see the map you will fight on. That way you can choose your forces accordingly. In some cases commanders did see the map (field) which they will fight on.

    This could be re-presented by a QB purchase. You can purchase scouts, this will not be part of your force but would show you what the map will look like.


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