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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. You can't.

    Basically when you choose to have Detailed Hits then there is no test and all results are displayed whether logical or not.

    If you play Villers Bocage long enough, you'd see that sometimes you score Gun Hit against HTs.

    For those who are not schooled in the way of VB, that is when you HIT a half track with a 88 gun from your Tiger and score a puny hit on a bloody MG...

    How could a 88 simply jam a MG is also left to be explained.

    So as a matter of principal and to avoid such nuisance, turn off Detailed Hits.

  2. In Steel Panthers it was more of a moral issue.

    You could reach that suppressive effect firing with almost anything actually.

    I had crews bailed out because some guys popped 9mm of the armor.

    IIRC there was a threshold which could be reach faster when confronted with potent assets but the cumulative effect of fire was also just the same.

    I could be wrong though...

    In CM there is no such thing as that "**** nobody love us" factor.

    Your tanks could be fired upon by and large without even being vexed.

    It's more a lethality threshold there.

    HMG won't do much, gun fire will trigger a hasty withdrawal.

  3. Ok guys!

    Err, how many slow learners in here?!

    Let me sum up.

    Scipio did a Schurtzn MOD.

    Said schurtzen could be added to any other PzIV MODs.

    I mentioned such MOD when it was released in the time line (Hadn't put up a pic since it was not a full PzIV MOD but a sidekick).

    So ANY other PzIV save for the one with the fish could put Scipio's Schurtzen on top of the one they are using.

    Am I clear?


    Glad you loved it BTW...

  4. Must be the weirdest Newbie By we ever had.

    Err, let me see, since I'm the only Frog in here I get it the cheese reference is an incentive of sort.

    So to sum up, you took up all of the courage you could munster (Tis a cheesy SSN guys, I know it's not MUNSTER gimme a break) since registering a while back and risked a dip in the MBT just to tell us you have a prosthesis thingie that does nothing more than Bangity Bang when it's shaken?

    You're lucky if Panzer Leader doesn't post something to no avail for your benefit only...

  5. Well I am not doing a search and post pointers just now but some might remember that BTS said the games would be backward compatible and that enhancement of one would be in the rest of the series so that interrest would be the same all along.

    It was specifically stated that it would be done in order to AVOID such things as we are discussing here to happen.

    Now they may have changed minds and keep that for CMII.

    In any case I trust BTS to do the best for us as they've done so far in such an outstanding way...

  6. First time I noticed that someone actually read that article.

    Just so I know if I should do the rest of the serie, do you guys actually went there and read it on CMHQ or is it a strict Joshik-PawBroon relationship?

    BTW, nice one for a crude first attempt.

    Should need some weathering or be toned down to look a bit battle weary.

    Keep up the good work...

    [ 06-05-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

  7. It is NOT BTS policy to delete threads.

    Some of those who had been locked in the past had been pretty sick and even had pics included.

    Best thing is to lay low, bump other threads to have the culprit out of page 1 and that's it.

    In any case, should such thing happen again, it had been said that the best way to deal with it is to ignore the Troll, to resist the urge to post in the would be locked thread and mail the URL to the Moderators so that they would know what's cooking even if it's on page 2 or so...

  8. Here comes the latest News concerning Marco's latest Jewel...


    I come close to the point of splitting the mod into the normal and option packs. Tomorrow night should see the send-off of the HR mod final-check version ( including winter files), which will necessitate a complete resend. HR Plainpack should be either concurrent or soon after.

    There are going to be a mind-numbing number of optional files, due to there being 3 different optional hull sides for every nationality for both vehicles.

    Thus Spoketh Marco If it ain't 6Mb it ain't a MOD Bergman.

  9. Gas oven jokes in a WW2 related forum.

    That's grand.

    No, it's far more than just grand, it's brilliant...

    I, for one, think it's quite worthy of note that SquireLeader should frown upon that stupid vetting rite of playing someone with Jawo!.

    That's an outstanding accomplishment when you manage the simultaneous usage of insipid posts and challenge free games.

    BTW, being a Pooler had never been about gloating.

    It's all about how you gloat (not GOAT Mace stop humping me!).

    Now go the Hell outta Dodge before I get on top of Mensch's soapbax...

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

    Well, according to the cliché, as long as the GI wouldn't see the tank he would still think it is a Tiger, be it actually a Sherman or a Panther. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It would also look like a Tiger if you were playing Axis and had a Firefly heading your way...

    MODing is not that difficult.

    Open the BMP, paint some swab of red on it, boot the game and see for yourself if the sound contact art is not the same generic file.

    Anyway, I'm not long out of the office now and I'll whip a quickie to go check on how it looks.

    Shouldn't take me off too long from the Daimler...

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Petite Mere? What is that "little sea?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Little Mom...

    Markings off historical pics.

    I told Marco french AFVs had battle name on them but it was only for MBTs.

    So the M8 gives more leeway and thus we found such exotic markings.

    Glad you love that MOD guys.

    Marco IS a talented artist.

  12. Of course, but Marco is ill.

    Not ill as in Arghhhhhhh mind you, but an illness that makes a MOD coming slowly.

    First I'd like to say Marco that I wish you well and that no matter how much time you take with those, EVERY updates had been outstanding...

    It was perfect from the start and now it's even way beyond that.

    I'm glad we have someone so dedicated put so much time on the Greyhound.

    And now for those who are not Beta Testing it, the TEASER..


    One of the MANY optional files.

    The Cav M8 with just enough eye candy to blow your socket off.


    The Free French M8, notice the tweaked side BMP...


    The M20. Nothing much to say here.

    I have a Duplessis induced fondness for it...


    Frog on Wheels!

    That is a beauty...

    All in all it's coming slowly but it's coming nicely.

    Thought you might like the heads up.

    [Edited because I pasted TWICE the Free French M8, now people will suspect I'm french]

    [ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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