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Posts posted by Juardis

  1. CMPlayer, who is this Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife and why are you proudly holding him? Sounds kinda incestuous. :D

    Screw the number of points, I want to know what would happen if the entire allied forces hugged the edge of the continent in their advance to Berlin. Or tank costs...do tank costs include the crews? If not, then if I were to use my crews like scouts and they died, the sum of the parts would be greater than the whole? And of course, what cost do you place on the generals? Surely one Patton is worth 3 DeGaulles.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Baker350:

    Damn I didn't realize asking for help with one little equation would create such a stir. I would just like to answer Juardis's question to me as to how this equation has anything to do with CM. I don't feel like a full explanation of what I am working on is needed, but I will say that it is an equation to calculate the probability of an event occuring. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    OK, I don't get it. You some kind of statistic geek? If you can come up with the equation, then surely you can solve the damned thing? I mean, I'm a nuclear engineer and solving equations is easy to me. Coming up with the equations is an entirely different story. If you're smart enough to come up the the equation, then you're way smarter than me.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -Havermeyer-:

    There's been an awful outbreak of gamey edge huggers, lately.


    Gamey? Maybe, but not as gamey as those crews you're sending to try to capture my VLs. And that's on the side of the map that you're not edge hugging you gamey bastahd.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Baker350:

    I am sorry if my algebra skills are not up to your high standards Juardis. I haven't had to mess with it since college. You could of just helped a CM brother out instead of chastising my meager abilities.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It's not your algebra skills I'm chastising, it's the fact that you expect us to beleive that this is related to CM. So you could have come clean instead of feeding us a bull****e line about this being related to CM. But you got your answer so all is well in the world again.

    In the off chance that I am wrong and this IS somehow related to CM, I'd sure like to know how.

  5. Charlotte NC. Columbia's closer than Raleigh, but I have me mum-in-law in Apex, so might work better for me there. Whatever, you guys call it, I'll see if I can't weasel out of a night with the wife. "Ummmm, hon, there's a home repair shop in Columbia that has just the things I need to finish all the honey-do's around the house, problem is, it's only open on Saturdays. So...see ya". Yeah, I think that'll work. Make it so.

    And slappy, I can give you all the tips you need to survive in the cess.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter:

    After all the testing I went through on that scenario, I just sent it to the the Bin, and clicked empty.

    [ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I had a suggestion for you but since it was so long ago that you posted your problem I figured I'd let it go. But...try putting scattered trees in the offending area or build the hill slightly higher in front of it to see if that helps. Too late I guess. As for being in the open, I'm guessing that is the case. Hell, I can run through trees without being spotted, but can't sneak through the open space between tree tiles without being spotted. So I'm deducing it's the open ground.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    It really isn't that big of a problem IMO.

    Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's relative I guess. In a 300 point battle, losing 1/4 of your points because your opponent can kill a gun he's not supposed to see is a big problem. I guess the rule of thumb is this - if it's in the open, it can be spotted from just about anywhere - moving or not, within LOS or not.

  8. I was testing a scenario last night and playing it in hot seat. I had a British gun, sitting on a hill, in the open. No german units had LOS to it at the beginning of the game. Yet, when I plotted the german moves for the first turn, there was the gun, sitting on the hill. Not a sound contact mind you, but ID'd as a gun?. I couldn't target it because, as I said, none of the germans had LOS to it. How is this possible?

    Needless to say, this could explain a lot about my dying-a-lot in games. Or it could be that I suck, but I much prefer the former. But I'd like to know why this occurred.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xavier:

    Great, but these screenshots aren't new for everybody on this planet ;)

    Is there such a space between the turret and the hull of the T34-85 ?(I'm talking about the high turret ring). If so, is there a particular reason for this design ? :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I noticed that too and had the same question. Otherwise, thanks for the boner,er,bone Matt.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

    Well, what are we supposed to talk about?

    [ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, we can revive the thread about MGs not being able to run. Or discuss ad nauseam about the turret speed of a Panther under the control of an elite crew. Or my personal favorite, revive the ultimate niggle thread about the American Robin in the ETO.

    Barring that, I guess we talk about CM and CM2.

  11. Lorak, please stricken the name of Juardis from your roll. MrSpkr, thank you for taking me as a squire. May you live long and prosper. Berli and bauhaus, I apologize for whatever I did to piss you guys off. Mensch, no need to return our battle. Lars, I already surrendered in ArtyFest 45. I have no desire to continue that particular battle. Good luck to you as well.

    Mr. Shaw, I know you said stick around if you dare venture in here, but I no longer have the heart to continue abusing or getting abused in here. Thank you to you as well.

    p.s., I don't hate signatures, I just don't use them.

    Jeff Abbott

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:



    [ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Please my liege, not so loud. Yes, I'm guilty of imbibing in great quantities of mead to celebrate the glorious cheerleaders of NC State. I withheld the pictures of the inflatable sheep though. Just couldn't keep the chunky bits down.

    I think I sent Lars a turn last night, but I cannot really be sure. He blabbers much today though, so perhaps I did. And if I did, I no doubt crushed his will to defecate, let alone pontificate. An update on ArtyFest 45 you say? Yes, yes, sorry. There is a copse of woods on fire on my side, and perhaps a building destroyed. Not to worry though, I was nowhere near them. I was under the falling volkswagons. A company of mine is routed (per my design - reference the rope-a-dope plan in the previous thread) but they will soon recover when I show them the pictures of the sheep.

    He on the other hand, oh He is floundering about like a walleye out of water with those big fish eyes staring blankly back at nothing. That can only tell me that my 300mm rockets are having a most desirable effect on his daily constitution. I destroyed one of his buildings but no one was in it. Nothing is on fire, no flaming Richard Pryor's to speak of - yet. But through the mead induced haze of last night I seem to remember big holes appearing on his side of the river near where a company of his was having a picnic. Again, cannot be sure, but I hope to relive the glory in a more sobering state.

    Now then, where did I leave that bottle of tylenol...

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Seanachai that ... that was ... brilliant! If any of the 'pool have done as I usually do and skip over the vast majority of The Bard's posts, DON'T skip this one. Why it practically sings of the soul of the CessPool.


    Goood, I'm glad it doesn't have M&M in it. Justicar (similar to Juardis I might add), is a brilliant word juxtaposed upon the innocent and unwary. i PArticlaryly like the part about not having to splain yuerself. And it's much more fearsome than PaPoTOTC (which kinda sounds like something from Idaho, if y9u nnooo what imeans) - ssooorry, too muchhh to drink and too late to correct.

    NCSU-35, pooor pathetic bit 10 school (that owuld be IU)-14). HA! HOWWWWWWLLLLLLLL. go PACK! as a PS i'd like to thank MRSPKR'S 0U bouyz for curhsing the likes of chapel hill beneathe their clod encrusted heels.

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    A third party is not required now (so long as you trust your opponent). First player buys the Allies and sends to the second player, second player buys the Germans and starts the game<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Berli is correct. But the key is that the ALLIES should buy first since, when you open the file, it defaults to Axis purchases.

  15. AAAh-Hahahaha, Lars, my fine Minnesota walleye, you have fallen for it. Yes, it! I am like Ali doing a little rope-a-dope. I am unto a grizzly bear that which plays dead only to rise up and run away when the coast is clear. I am like Rocky fighting...well, pick any of his fights... allowing myself to get pummelled round after round (the Russian fell for it too, so don't feel too bad). But now that we're on turn...turn...well, whatever turn we're on, now that we're on it, it's time to pull off the gloves, poke you in the eye, hit below the belt, and snap you with a wet towel. You have exhausted yourself on worthless troops, troops that I have purposely allowed you to kill. You have dropped your load in one mighty, unconvincing spurt of violence. I have suckered you into thinking that I was beaten, even going so far as to throw the file into the bottom of the cat litter box. But the only throwing I will do now (other than up) is to throw more troops in the vicinity of the falling volkswagens to make you think that I'm still clueless. And while your smugness smuggles you into smuggly thoughts, I will capture all the flags, moon your units from across the river, and play loud elevator musak from atop the many local churches. And there's nothing you can do to stop me! Nothing! Bwahahahahaa!......haa!..ha.

    And for my impending victory, I bow to the superior intellect of MrSpkr for showing his unworthy squire the right way to take a right hook, the correct way to catch walleyes, and the true way to righteousness.

  16. Mr. Marlow, (may I call you Mr.?, or alternatively, if you put Mr. and M together you get M&M, so may I call you an M&M?), I think what Mr. Shaw (if you put Mr. and S together you Mrs., so may I call you Mrs.?) is saying is....

    Make the freakin' boy a SERF and then you can have your way with him!!!

    I mean, you cannot collect $200 without passing GO first. By doing so, you are trying to cut out red tape that is obviously put there to keep people like Mr. Shaw gainfully employed. If you go about cutting up all the red tape then Mr. Shaw will have to get another job title and I feel pretty sure it will have something to do with M&Ms. Green M&Ms. Green M&Ms with peanuts! Do you really want that?!?!


    [ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]

  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

    It seems our local new Librarian is getting to excited again. so my slow minded Orange furry friend let me explain a few things there before you start taking my dried frog pills to calm down.

    plus some other gibberish NOT worth quoting


    OMG, Mr. Mensch, you do like to repeat yourself don't you? Yes, yes, I quite understood all of what you said the first time. But if you go back and read carefully, you'll notice that I was talking to MrSpkr and explaining to him why his Squire was suddenly inundated with hoof in mouth disease. In no way was I indicting you on being slow. However, since you apparently have a reading comprehension problem in addition to feeling the need to restate the obvious, then perhaps I should speak to you in terms your Dr. Doolittlish brain can comprehend?

    oooohhh oooooohh ooooookkk ahhh aHHHH AHKKK AHKKK AHKKK.

    OK then, as I swing back into the trees clutching my banana {insert snide comment here}, I shall remind you of thing. You are an ape descended life form. Which makes the monkey your daddy.

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