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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I am filled with...doubt. Every word I write, fills me with disgust. I took a leave of absence to reassure the Powers That Are. Now... It's like I'm hearing a voice. A voice that tells me that my time is done. It's not an Aussie voice, because there's no sound of throwing-up on the background. But I'm wondering if there's some higher place I should be...
  2. A day here, there, on one side of a line or another...That's for Accountants. Peng was wished a Happy Birthday. It was near as dammit to whenever he first came forth to ruffle the waters to count. Not one of you satchels of pus managed as much. I haven't been on a paddle since October 7th, and I'm unlikely to have another go until Spring, sometime in May. This is making me...cranky. On that note, Folbot is having a sale on their folding frame kayaks. Man, I am so tempted to plunk down the coin for the Aleut with the expedition fitting... I pity the most of you, who live removed from the ability to paddle the Earth's waters, and know it not.
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MRPENG! Wherever you are... C'mon, everyone! Give it up for Peng, without whom none of this would have been necessary...
  4. Damn. Nothing more. Just 'Damn'. Sometimes, you stay up way too late. Sometimes, you think there's a point. But mostly, at 3:30 AM, you hope that in the somewhat later morning, despite everything to the contrary, you'll spring out of bed with a merry song on your lips. That isn't going t happen, of course. Goddamn Boo Radley.
  5. Sounds impressive! Except that I know you, and have met the women. You're a horrible little man. Ummm...is Shari's sister seeing anyone who isn't in a Biker Gang right now? And what would you do then? Dance about and sing? Lars, you're an ass. But you're my favourite. It must be your 'Gary Shandling Look of Ultimate Confusion'.
  6. Classic Eve Complex. The drive to be First Mother is not only a primary driver of our entire species, it is polluting the very centers of our collective awareness to the point of being considered normal. And this in the face of 1500 years of concerted effort by the Church to prove otherwise. Girls are inherently vicious because they are cursed with the need to receive the best "seed" and be a foundation for entire races. It isn't fair but it probably explains a whole lot in the dairy aisle. Now combine this feminine drive with the modern constructs of power and we have the whole damn thing swinging back to a matricidal society where every little girl not only has to replace good ol Ma, devour Pa but also has to be a CEO in order to re-estblish the natural order of things. So where does this leave us poor bastard who have been cursed with testicles, a Y chromosome and a central driver which is the sum total of "lets get drunk and screw". Well the simple answer is that we are the gravel of the future..something to keep in mind but once it is laid, it should be quickly forgotten. The gays and women not only outnumber us but have a stronger evelutionary drive that leave us clearly heading towards the dust of history. Lets face it lads, muscle mass, fake tears and a working love-hammer is simply not enough anymore. In short, little girls are viscous because they have their eyes on the prize...humanity. In the end once our swimmers are harvested we will be food..or maybe soccerballs. But until the end we'll smile like idiots, be proud of our little girls and march into the fires of extinction, flexing and combing-over the entire way. </font>
  7. What the hell is that? What is this pseudo-evolutionary gibberish that I'm after seeing here? IS THAT SOME KIND OF LOW RENT SCIENTOLOGY IN MY 'POOL?! IS THAT WHERE ALL THIS 'KNIGHT-SQUIRE-SERF' THING HAS BEEN HEADING OFF TO? 'CAUSE I CAN'T BE HAVIN' WITH SCIENTOLOGY, JOSEPH! Is that what you're in here doing, Justicar? Some kind of agent for Tom Cruise?! Some fifth column intent on betraying Humanity?!!! Everything is suddenly suspect and...dirty. The demented and witless 'Feudal Heirarchy' thing? I mean, I always thought: What's the point? There's the Olde Ones, and the various people they vicariously raise from the Mass and give weird arsed titles to for reasons that largely involve alcohol and that night's musical selection, and everyone else just sorts it out the way a dog pack does. The whole 'Goober Nation' thing? What I thought was simply an arrogant, 'Modern Day Rome' attitude towards the various subject nations that we've marginalized in our drive to tell everyone in the fecking world what to do, now begins to look like the vicious ravings of a man intent on glorifying L. Ron Hubbard. I call an Olde One Inquiry. Peng, you swine. Leave off 'Bending it up Victoria Beckham' long enough to apply your admittedly somewhat disturbed judgement to the Issue of the Justicar being an Agent of Scientology, or at least some equally really stupid dumb-ass eugenics smooching operation. And someone go sober up Berli and get his arse in here! Ummm.....send one of the Aussies. If we can spare anyone, it'd be one of them. You do it, Mace. He likes you. He told me that one time, while he was killing a chipmunk with half a pool cue. He said 'cute vermin remind me of Australians'. But he was smiling while he said it. And the over-hand blow he used to crush the skull was not only merciful, it was wonderfully executed...
  8. When the sun goes down, the tide goes out, The people gather 'round and they all begin to shout, "Hey! Hey! Uncle Boo, It's a treat to beat your feet in the ol' Cesspool. It's a treat to beat your feet in the ol' Cesspool". What a dance do they do! Lordy, how I'm tellin' you... They don't need no band... They keep time by clappin' their hand... Just as a frenzied as a gaylord losin' his cool, When the people beat their feet in the ol' Cesspool. Lordy, how they play it! Goodness, how they sway it! Uncle Joe, Uncle Peng, How they pound the mire, how they dance and sing! Joy! that music thrills me! Boy! it nearly kills me! What a show when they go! Say! they beat it up either fast or slow. When the sun goes down, the tide goes out, The people gather 'round and they all begin to shout, "Hey! Hey! Uncle Boo, It's a treat to beat your feet in the ol' Cesspool. It's a treat to beat your feet in the ol' Cesspool". What a dance do they do! Lordy, how I'm tellin' you... They don't need no band... They keep time by clappin' their hand. Just as goofy as the Justicar as he stands there and drools. When the people beat their feet in the ol' Cesspool.
  9. Trust me, if I'm singing it'll be you guys that will need the liquor to numb the pain. Nice to see you again, Seanachai. </font>
  10. OH, BY THE GOOD GODS, THE BAD GODS, THE GODS THAT LIKE TO LOOK AT WOMEN WITH THEIR TOPS DOWN WITH A SORT OF SLY SMILE ON THEIR FACES WHICH SORT OF QUALIFIES THEM AS, AT LEAST, 'NAUGHTY' GODS: IT IS GOOD, TO BE BACK. Someone give Bugged a double shot of single malt, and get her to sing, start to stop, 'I've been a Wild Rover'. Someone get a taser and shoot Grog Dorosh in the arse! Someone find Emrys and tell him we're going to do Poetry! Someone find my endlessly disloyal, piss-poor excuse for a Minion, Boo Radley, and tell the bastard to get me a drink!
  11. What makes you think I 'gunned it down', oh Almighty Justicar? I am the wind beneath it's freaking wings, is all. As I shall be beneath yours, my little lad.
  12. QUITE POSSIBLY, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE AUSSIE FECK! Rat about and see if you can find it to stand in it until I'm ready to deal with you. If you can't find it, scrawl that fact onto the stub of your last totally undeserved paycheck, roll it up, and shove it into your latest empty bottle and chuck it at the head of the Justicar.
  13. Well, well, well, what is this that I see before my unbelieving eyes? Could it be the most disgusting puddling of poodle urine since the cataclysmic 'Toy Dog Competition Pissing Debacle of 1998'?! Mrunbelievably foul expletive deletedPeng himself deigns to begin the Thread, and you lot of whoresons do not fall all over your worthless fecking selves to kiss the soles of his obscene gerund deleted feet?! YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MEN! GET YER FECKING SHAGGY ARSES INTO A LINE NOW, RIGHT NOW! Right, then. I shall be going to each of you in turn. AND I SHALL BE LOOKING FOR AN ACCOUNTING! And where, oh where, shall I begin, I ask myself, hands in pockets, whistling a simple tune of disingenuous unconcern?! WHERE, OH WHERE, I ASK MYSELF, IS THE GODDAMN UNNATURAL AND POSSIBLY PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE ACT DELETED JUSTICAR?! Joe, deeeaaaarrrrr and gentle soul! It is I! Seanachai! Perhaps, if you could take a few minutes out of your busy and endlessly important schedule, to give me a few words on what has been passing? I would be ever so thankful!
  14. A buzz of muted conversation can be heard from an unseen crowd in the vast darkness of the cavern. A set of solitary, measured steps echoes through the damp chamber as they approach a simple lantern hung above a wooden podium. tap, tap, tap And the whispered conversations scurry off into a breathless silence "Ladies and Gentlemen, hello. I am with you once again." the sound of shuffled feet "If I have not always behaved as I should, I have at least behaved as the gods made me, and as I thought I should." the sound of a multitude breathing rises to fill up a vast darkness "So, I also give you...A butterfly!" "Pull!" and the flat, hollow boom of the first shotgun of the autumn reverberates through the darkness...
  15. I fear that I am becoming a pain in the arse. It may be a (relatively) passing thing. But to lessen the unpleasant impact, I shall be departing from the Forum until October 10th, or so. I shall spend the time in between in quiet contemplation of what it means to be me. This does not mean that I am dead.
  16. Because it is my actual name There have been Germans named Rudel and Dietrich long before the war and will be long afterwards. Adolf is still a somewhat popular name and believe it or not some famlies still use Hitler as a family name, even moreso in Austria. It is unfortunate that some with non Germanic bloodlines have taken their fascination a little too far and and then entered the wargame community. They mar anyone with an actual interest in the subject and create myths about the 'invincibility' army. Even worse some are not actually creating wargame and letting their bias slip into their work. </font>
  17. No, there would not be. Aid to Israel from the United States is almost completely bullet-proof. Short of actually using a nuclear device on American soil, there is no way that Israel would ever have to worry about the huge and unending payments of US support. There wasn't even the slightest flagging of monetary, military or political support for Israel after the attack on the USS Liberty. Israel barely bothered to apologize. There was no question of suspending military or monetary support after it was discovered that Israel had illegally transferred 'cluster bomb' artillery shells to South Africa during the period when all Western Nations were boycotting arms sales to the 'Apartheid Nation'. There has never, in the history of US-Israeli relations, been any serious attempt to curtail American military, monetary, or political support to Israel. Nothing. Nada. Nichts. It is laughable to claim, at this point in history, that Israel has to do anything more than make a very slight apologetic noise and disclaimer about civilian deaths in order to retain US support. The exchange in terms of Lebanese civilian deaths in terms of Israeli civilians deaths over the latest 'unpleasantness' is brutally in favour of Israel. And, while the Hezbollah arseholes fired rockets (with rather minimal effectiveness) into Israel, and Israel retaliated with air, naval and artillery bombardment (with much greater effect), into southern Lebanon, the fact remains that no one ever asked the victims in southern Lebanon what their politics are, or were. There's a sort of blanket assumption that, because some group of radical extremists that are heavily armed show up and launch rockets from your front yard, you are morally culpable for their actions, and, because you chose not to argue with them and catch a bullet for your efforts, you deserve to have your livelihood destroyed and family killed by massive retaliation from people who despise you and don't acknowledge your right to live in your own country, in any case. Rudel,dietrich: in the current political climate, Israel could kill a million Lebanese civilians and have nothing worse to deal with than 'bad press'. They would not suffer the loss of one penny of 'foreign aid' (which comes, almost exclusively, from the US). They would not be denied one iota of 'military aid', which either comes from the US, or which they purchase themselves from companies that aren't anymore concerned about public opinion than they are over whether angels dance on the head of a pin. Two suicide bombers in Tel Aviv that killed 30 people would completely obscure the bombardment deaths of 200 Lebanese civilians that never voiced any political opinions for one side or the other. The number of Lebanese children whose deaths America has been willing to shrug off while coming all over stern about 'Hezbollah Terrorists' has been shocking. Cause you know what? When we start to shrug off the death of children... The Terrorists win.
  18. Arrrggggghhhh...goddamnit! Rudel.Dietrich? What the hell am I supposed to make of that?! I need to get some sleep...
  19. OI !! No need comparing me to Poo Doggey. A man is bound to take offense at such insults. :mad: </font>
  20. Excuse me, you clouded puddle of infected poodle urine. You complete and utter waste of human sperm. You utter tosser who has to wash his hands 3 times a day just to keep the crust off. That is my homosexual you're throwing your feces at, you ape-like intellectually defective primitive. If I wish him tasked for his choice of song lyrics, I will do it. If I wish him tasked for being Belgian, I will do it. If I wish to see him tasked for being gay, I will do it. If I want to see a complete and utter ****-stick dribble vomit down his front while cursing the 'pooftas', well...I'll certainly keep you in mind. Mind you, we've already bid-out and contracted with a more comprehensive, independent, white supremacist, skin-head contractor for that sort of arseholery. Nowadays, you can't depend on the average arsehole for truly cutting edge bigotry. You have to go to the 'Big Providers'.
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