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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    Way to go Keith! Wait a minunet, my name is Keith!! Am I patting myself on the back? No one told me I had been appointed to this position of honor. Stop talking to yourself Keith. Damn it, I said stop talking too---look you, if you don't stop I'm gonna. . . redface.gif


    You forgot to take your medicine again, didn't you? :eek:

  2. Originally posted by White4:

    WOOT! Hey, SuperTed, when are you going to send out the 2nd scenario of the second round? Leta is almost done pasting..er, excuse me, handing me my hindquarters. The song going through my head is "The EXHAUSTED CONSCRIPT ROUT SHUFFLE"....


    I didn't know you guys wanted it. Both of you need to send me an email to verify it.

  3. Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

    Don't you use that sass-mouth on me, lest you feel the back o my hand!


    Hmmm, a threat from a Bears fan? Assuming you grossly overestimate the effectiveness of both your offense AND your defense in all matters, I have no reason to fear you OR the back of your hand. tongue.gif

  4. Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

    Hey Teddo, you forgot to post it on the site. I can't very well download it to my computer by looking at the purty screenies can I?


    To quote myself in an earlier post from this very thread, "...before the week is out, the only place where this will be available is CMHQ! Word of the official release will be made here..."

    Any more questions? :rolleyes:

  5. Originally posted by Panzerman:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:


    Boots & Tracks will be back in the game very soon! We are currently in the process of strengthening our team and re-designing our website. We do not intend to "beat" any other site, of which there are several very good ones. Rather, we intend to add another top-notch site to the mix for the benefit of ALL.

    Any questions?

    Well said Ted.

    I think that for the most part scenario designers don't compete in a racing sense anyway. I think groups like Boots & Tracks inspired many scenario designers, including myself. Its also good to hear that Boots & Tracks is going to make some more, excellent quality scenarios like it has in the past.


  6. Originally posted by Manx:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gordon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wwb_99:

    For those of us non-CMMOS types, any chance of seeing a 'normal' version of the mods made avaliable. I have not added anything new because everything recent comes out as a CMMOS set, not a good old fashioned zip file.


    But these are existing mods that have been repackaged into a convenient (al beit rather large) package for your CMMOS-enabled enjoyment.


    "The difference between commitment, and to a great extent dedication, and involvement can be seen by a typical Midwestern breakfast. Eggs, ham or bacon, toast, juice, etc. Looking at this spread one can clearly see that the chicken is involved in this breakfast. On the other hand, the pig is committed to this breakfast."

    - Unknown</font>

  7. It is! It is!

    Field and Stream is ready to hit the streets!

    F&S consists of four RuleSets named "Field and Stream," "Leaves of Grass," "Shrubbery," and "Wet and Wild."

    "Leaves of Grass" consists of 16 subdued grass sets, some of them not well known and/or difficult to find. They form the basis of the edition and allow you to construct your own mix-and-match mod that can be tailored to season of the year, time of day, and/or weather.

    "Shrubbery" and "Wet and Wild" are all the other subdued natural terrain mods (with a few non-subdued ones thrown in to simulate the colors of spring growth). There is a plethora of choices for everything except trees (there are more than a few of those, though), and this edition will allow you, once and for all, to speak with real authority when you say that a certain scattered tree base looks best with someone else's grass and yet a third person's brush. Because of the magic of CMMOS, a bewildering variety of combinations can be tried out at the push of a button.

    But, wait! There's more! Because many can't remember what mods they installed before the converted to CMMOS, Field and Stream allows you to save up to three user-defined terrain sets. So you can save whatever you've got on your hard drive now and summon it back up later at the push of a button. You can also save two other combination versions that catch your fancy later on.

    And finally, there's a section in "Field and Stream" that specializes in giving you all of the mods from a particular set, and then lists what other terrain mods will be needed to supplement it. This is the section in which the seasonal mods truly come in to their own.

    Take a look at the screenshot in the first post to get a peek at how these things work.

    The Field and Stream edition does not cover winter terrain, but never fear, that will be taken care of in a few weeks with the release of Winter Wonderland. In addition, Gordon has been adding features to his building set, and that will eventually cover all man-made terrain types.

    What's that you say? You want to see this baby in action? Okay, here goes...

    This is called "Autumn in the Vosges"


    Here we have "Springtime in the Ruehr"


    A fine view of "Summer in Normandy"


    And, the for the fourth of the seasons, we have "Winter in Limbourg"


    Impressed? You should be! F&S will change your life! Never again will you be forced to endure the agony of waiting for the seasons to change! Now, at the touch of a button, you can have whatever season you want!

    Who created this masterpiece? Well, I think it's safe to say it wasn't me. ;) Kudos go out to Philippe for getting this baby organized. Also, I believe Gordon had a small part in developing a little thing called CMMOS. Don't forget Manx; he's the one who will be posting this so all of you can get your hands on it. Finally, lest we forget the man who will likely take all the credit anyway :rolleyes: , a big "Well done!" goes to Madmatt for.....uh....for doing.....ah.....for taking the credit! Let's hear it for these guys! Well done!

    Now, you may be saying to yourselves, "Wow, this is great stuff, but where do I get it?" Well, before the week is out, the only place where this will be available is CMHQ! Word of the official release will be made here. I suggest you keep your eyes glued to the forum.

    [ February 06, 2002, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  8. Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

    I don't know, but what i do know is your sytem would boot faster if you got rid off most of that crap in your start up menue. Keep your task schedualy, norton, and if you feel like it, your creative tab.

    What kind of creative card do you have by the way?

    I went with the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz myself, best card hands down in my opinion.

    Alot of people swear by eax though so it all comes down to your ears anyway.


    Thanks for the feedback.

  9. Originally posted by White4:

    Mid game sitrep for Blood and Steel -

    spoiler alert!













    I think I have defeated the wave of Stuarts and the remains of Leta's recon screen of jeep MGs and armored cars. Early on I was reminded just how deadly the Stuarts are to MkIVs, and lost several MkIVs in close range shootouts (stuarts reloading and firing twice as fast as my MkIVs) as we both tried to sneak through the wadis. His was a coordinated attack on both flanks that cost me 3 MkIVs to 1 stuart! After that, I stuck to overwatching from way far away with hulldown MkIVs while I tried wide flanking movements to the left and to the right. Leta tried a flank attack inside my right flank with 6 stuarts and 1 AC, and I have just managed to destroy (I think!) the last vehicle in that attack by fire from 3 sides, but have had to expose my flanking attacks. He has just shown up a dense mass of shermies and TDs on my far right flank (in actuality his board edge, what, like 4 km from mine!). It is still VERY much anyone's game, as we both vie for position and concentration of fire.


    This scenario really brings out the best and worst of individual tank types! Absolutely fabulous! We even had a bit of an infantry assault when one of my crews running for cover encountered one of Leta crews occupying the cover!


    It sounds like you guys are having a blast. I may have to play that one. Speaking of which, I suspect the scenario has good replay value. What do you think?

  10. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    While I must admit Ted has been a great boon to CMHQ but I rather doubt it's fair to say he "RUNS IT". ;)

    Hey, now, the people have spoken. ;)

    Originally posted by Madmatt:

    there aint room on CMHQ for any ego's bigger than mine!

    You ain't kiddin'. tongue.gif

    Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Honestly ( I say "honmestly" like that as normally I just lie to everyone here!) Ted is awesome and once I found out he is still to be part of my willing thrall at CMHQ and that I wasn't loosing him completely to my nemises, the shriveled up "kulnel', I was thrilled to see him adding this latest notch to his belt...

    Hey, I wouldn't want to leave you and Manx to try to run things without me. :D

    Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Kinda reminds me of a young bald upstart here on the forums about two years ago...Well other than the fact he aint bald and isn't much of an upstart..More of a sidewaystart...downstart???

    I know an old bald guy, but who is the young bald guy? tongue.gif

    How about a kick start? ;)

    Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Anyway..Congrats my boy, ya done good and don't let them Raiders push around much (there a bunch of pansies mostly anyway from what I have heard but they might try and gang up on ya), thats still my job!


    Ultimate Evil Overlord

    If I apply all you have taught me, the Raiders will fear me! Mwahahahahahaha.......

    In all seriousness, thank you. smile.gif

  11. Attention All,

    If it should happen that one of the scenarios being used is found to be wildly unbalanced (60:40 ratio or worse), I plan to use Nabla's scoring system to "correct" the problem. Now, it is highly unlikely this will be needed, but I thought you should know.

    [ February 05, 2002, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  12. Originally posted by Ligur:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:

    Here is my AAR for the scenario I played against Hobo. The name of the scenario was "Le Camp Crossroad."

    Okay, first I set up my troops. Then, I told them to wait and shoot stuff. Then, Hobo surrender.

    Man, these are tough! ;)

    Play me! I already wrote the AAR of our battle. Here:

    Here is my AAR for the scenario I played against SuperTed. The name of the scenario was "The Fusillade of Doom."

    Okay, first I set up my troops. Then, I told them to charge and shoot stuff. Then, SuperTed surrender.

    Man, I'm sweating!

    No but really, wanna play me SuperTed? I'd wub to get spanked even more then I usually am. Cheers.</font>

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