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David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. This has been covered quite recently. The unit bases are not BMPs, they are RGB values programmed into the game, so I'm afraid there's no easy way to change them. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  2. People, people, people. The subject of ease of spotting has been discussed from top to bottom over and over and over again. The best way to sum up, is to say that there are a myriad of factors which gauge whether a unit is spotted or not. It is never, ever as simple as it seems. The system has been subject to intense scrutiny throughout the game's development, and I can assure you that it all makes sense. Ski, if you have a unit hiding in a building, there is very little chance that it'll be spotted, so there is probably something you've overlooked. First thing would be to check that Fog Of War is switched on (you get this option when you're starting a game). If you want more detailed information, use the search function. People keep complaining that it's too difficult, but you'll get the right answers if you ask the right questions. The more words you put in, the more specific the records you'll get back, so just think carefully about which words refer specifically to this subject. Sorry to sound patronising, but some people don't seem to understand this. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  3. DrD wrote: > all I can say is that anything with the words "combat mission" will be an instant sell for me. Interesting bit of marketing psychology there. ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  4. Fionn wrote: > Umm, I'm hoping you meant to type EASTERN Front there. Well, I'm thinking about the likes of the Comet and the Pershing, that were so new they barely saw service. To be honest, I wasn't really thinking about the Russians' latest kit - you might say I was referring to the 'latest and greatest' kit which us Westerners would be most familiar with. Most of all, you must agree that the Germans weren't resisting long enough for the British and Americans to test out all the new kit they'd invented. I do agree that the Russians were coming up with some excellent designs. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  5. Schatten wrote: > Anyway the battle is to take the hills and ridge around a fictional German town and cut the Autobonn. Would that be Autobahn? David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  6. Von Brizee wrote: > perhaps there are a bit too many German trucks? I started off with more over by the mansion... then I allocated some of them to the men who have just arrived, rather than increasing the number. I don't think there are too many sitting around - I wanted to allow the option for the Germans to relocate swiftly to a different part of the town. Even then, you'll be hard pressed to get all the men into trucks. It's also partly for the sake of realism - you wouldn't have a town full of Germans without any vehicles. Does it cause a problem? Thanks David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  7. The Western front was maybe where all the latest and greatest kit was employed, but once the Allies had established a beachead in Normandy, the war was really a foregone conclusion, because the Germans simply didn't have the resources to fight on two fronts. Combat Mission specifically avoids this issue by modelling small-scale engagements where the outcome isn't so certain. The Eastern front was a far larger conflict, and it was fought tooth and nail - so not only are the engagements going to be tense, so is the strategic background. It's not just a "Germans stop retreating for a moment to put up a fight" scenario, or "Americans fend off small German counterattack". I think a lot of Westerners (myself included) know more about the Western front simply because our own forces were involved there. If we lived in Russia, we would be far more conscious of the immense battles which were fought there, and understand far better how important they were. So, in other words, don't dismiss the Eastern front. I think Combat Mission 2, game though it is, will probably teach us a lot about the war that we didn't know. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  8. I designed a scenario with a Sicherung battalion, and the battaltion AT battery (PaK38's) had two LMG42's. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  9. Refer to the recent thread "Tree bug in CM Demo" started by Apollo11. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  10. In my experience, yes. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  11. Raze wrote: > OK. Lets try this again. What the heck are you doing, starting a new thread when your original thread on exactly the same subject has only just started? Sorry, but that is bizarre. And you've already had plenty of answers - this has been discussed many, many times before, and you can be assured that the computer has no advantage over you. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 08-20-2000).]
  12. Michael emrys wrote: > But it is quite possible that during any given set of trials (such as the playing of a game) that 1% probability event might just turn up ten times straight. My rule is, probabilities don't matter. Either something happens or it doesn't. If you have a 1% probability of dying while crossing the road, that is absolutely meaningless - either you do or you don't. I hate statistics. ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  13. Not directed at you personally, Blackhorse - but glad it seems to have clarified things anyway. =)
  14. There are one or two minor issues with 1.04, but it has numerous improvements over 1.03. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  15. This is inconclusive - it seems to be map-specific. British Vickers in All Or Nothing has problem. American MGs in Riesberg don't. German MG42's in Last Defence don't. Hope this helps. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  16. I'm on a Mac. Tried a game created in an earlier version. Problem. Tried a game created in 1.03, but modified in 1.04. Problem. Tried a game created in 1.04. No problem. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  17. I started a game in 1.04 and got this problem. I'll check to see what a game created in 1.04 does. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  18. From what I've seen, this is more in the way of a funny grey-and-blue jacket over the muzzle end, not camouflage. I was wondering about that too. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  19. *Captain Foobar* wrote: > (Oh god I hate myself....) Join the club. My life would be a whole lot easier without me. =P David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  20. There's a thin line between "challenge" and "bloody nuisance which would make you quit the game in frustration and go and play Quake". David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  21. I was interested to see that a Churchill (VIII I think) armed only with HE didn't have any qualms about blasting away at a Marder II - and the Marder didn't have any intention of sticking around. I also noticed that German tanks and guns would try to kill Bren carriers with AP (and usually succeeded). If it's worth throwing HE at a Marder, it should be deadly to a UC, but I'm not sure whether AP or HE is better for that purpose. Anyway, I don't have any useful information for you, so I'll shut up. =) David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  22. Are you clicking on "Play Scenario" or "Load Game"? ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
  23. You've still gotta watch - if you leave your men in the woods too long, the tent worms will get 'em.
  24. Well, I thought the same thing to start with. I reckoned vehicles would have to maneuvre around each tree, as they do in Close Combat. What a real pain. I'm very glad woods are abstracted in Combat Mission. David ------------------ There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT
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