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  1. BULL**** ! Private Joker! its not what Lars wants or he would not have made his own thread! How do you know What Lars wants? "I gotta a Hell of sense of humour don't I Corpral Biggs?" ! -tom w [ January 16, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: major_tom ]
  2. WHAT! what the hell has gone so horribly wrong in this topsy turvey upside down world of yours that the Peng thread now NEEDS three seperate threads? the horror the horror -tom w
  3. The funny thing is the game (CMBB) seems to be selling EXTREMELY well Despite the Demo scenarios which some folks here suggest did not have the same fun factor or mass appeal as the GREAT CMBO scenarios. (Which IMHO were something special if not almost mystical as they were NEW and the WHOLE concept of CMBO was Ground Breaking and new!) I have found CMBO and CMBB a tough sell with my friends as well oh well 11 thousands registered users here (and many new friends) and I have plenty of PBEM opponents, so who cares let them play Civ 3 all they want. "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink!" -tom w
  4. Does the peng challenge thread of have Multiple Personality Disorder??? or is it JUST schizophrenic (there is a difference you know) :eek: -tom w
  5. Oh no Oh NO! the peng challenge thread is out of control TOO many Challenge threads the forum will blow up like a Phaser on Overload! :eek: ahhhhh......... Run for your lives!!! -tom w
  6. oh NO! the Peng challenge thread is mulitplying She told two friends and She told two friends.. and on and on soon there will be ONLY peng challenge threads in the Forum I think the challenges threads about to mulitply like Zebra Mussles in the Great Lakes (THERE is a REAL organism mulitplication and reproduction problem in case you did not know!) and choke out all the other Threads :eek: oh the insanity of it ALL! -tom w [ January 16, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: major_tom ]
  7. ROTFL! That is a good question so who decided to bail out on you?? -tom w
  8. Tom W, Hardly a grog, I think you need to be an engineer to achieve that distinction. If you want more undercarriage(u/c) info go here. If you can wade though this and still need clarification, just ask, I'll be happy to fill in the blanks. Rgds, KC[/QB]</font>
  9. oops [ January 07, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: major_tom ]
  10. I thought that if a tank overran infantry that the inf would suffer some negative morale effect like they might break route or panic? -tom
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