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  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Games, guns, gals, ships and dancing
  • Occupation
    Software Test Lead, ex-game designer

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Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. And now you are cooking with gas... I am a happy Thog.
  2. It'll be about Battlemechs. Definately.
  3. "Thog! You are indeed a lurkur par excellence." Heh, more a "Lurker par Lazyness", since I keep forgetting my damned password and am too lazy usually to bother to hunt it down. But hey, I'll take the freebie. *g*
  4. Sounds good to me. I think it's pretty easy to lose perspective when you're passionate about something, and if you've been part of a 'community' for many years that's doubly true. Experience going back to the BTS days indicates these guys will make a good game. If I dislike the decisions made to the point that I dislike the game itself, I won't buy it, but I'm not the designer and not responsible for the outcome. I suspect that at worst I'll be disappointed if the topic doesn't match my interest (I'm rooting for a post-1950 game), but I won't exactly expect these guys to fall on their sword if I don't get exactly what I think I want. I'm not quite OCD enough for that. *g*
  5. Unfortunatly, parts of both will run if you do that. This is much worse. Thog
  6. I've never been able to figure out how to change video modes. It never asks, and I can find no setting. Any hints? Thog
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