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Posts posted by Andreas

  1. Originally posted by John Kettler:


    While I agree that some of those pics shown do indeed appear to be from the Thunder Run, many of the others would appear not to be from there and seem to exhibit precisely the kind of damage we'd expect from an IED. Given such nifty practices as stacking several antitank mines, burying aerial bombs or several artillery shells together, coupled with the flat bottom of the M1 series, a broken track is the good end of the likely outcome spectrum. This is borne out by the long string of shattered M1 carcasses being returned to the Lima, Ohio facility (jointly operated by Chrysler Land Dynamics and the DoD) for total zero time rebuilds, as seen recently on the History Channel's Mail Call.


    John Kettler

    How long is that string? In numbers please. Did they break it down by reason for rebuild?

    All the best


  2. Originally posted by RMC:

    Um, EPA is the MRE. The M1s were outfitted with a powered metal sleeve inside the turret to warm the meal packets. Does the Leo have something like that?

    If eating an MRE warm makes a difference, it is not EPA, since there it makes no difference. It tastes like ****, you only have a choice of eating warm or cold ****. It is therefore pointless to warm it, and that obviates the need for an EPA-heater. No need to thank those who developed EPA for their foresight in this matter.

    The canned sausage is rather nice though, and almost makes the Panzerplatten edible, but you eat that combo cold in any case.

    All the best


  3. I think number of kills is irrelevant, since it is not a function of tank quality in today's conflicts, but of target availability.

    And with that most of what people think has been proven in the field is gone.

    I do think however that battlefield experience is important in terms of performance during MOUT operations, including ability to withstand small arms and RPGs, mortar and rocket hits; durability on mission; impact on the supply chain that has to keep units operational; crew comfort during long missions; other 'soft' stuff like this.

    All the best


  4. Field experience with Leos exists from Bosnia, and soon will be available from Afghanistan, if the Canadians send them there. It will be interesting to see how they do in the threat environment and environmental conditions.

    Performance in the field against outdated Soviet trash is pretty much irrelevant, unless somebody seriously wants to argue that a Leo II would not be able to dispatch a T-72 in the same manner as the M1 does?

    All the best


  5. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Other former employees left after years of being in business to do things like Grand Priest of some satan worshiping cult (OK, that's just a guess, but a good one!),

    Matt has left BFC? :eek: :eek: :eek:

    All the best


  6. I wouldn't give that stuff to my goat, if I had one.

    I still can not understand how Hungarians got the idea that you drink Unicum BEFORE a meal. The only possible explanation I have is that it gives the food an opportunity to cover the taste of that vile drink, and that it does not interfere with you getting wasted on something decent, such as this, which is clearly the only good stuff they make, and kosher to boot, so it makes you feel virtuous AFTER the meal.

    Actually, that does make sense. I look forward to my trip to Buda and Pest next week now.

    All the best


  7. Originally posted by John Kettler:

    This was news to me but would seem a likely place to find reprisals emanating from.

    Ordinary German Wehrmacht units were perfectly capable of committing reprisal crimes without anyone from the SD enticing them to do so. Whether they did or not was primarily due to local command policy. If local command was not into the business of reprisal, the SD in a military area of operations would also not normally be able to conduct them, on a large scale at least. Individual killings of suspected spies/resistance members are a different story.

    All the best


  8. I was in the Luftwaffe. When the weather got too bad for our Herren Offiziere, the 72 hour exercise was stopped and we all went home.

    On the truck on the way home, I could see French infantry being trucked in, without awnings covering the loading area. If it does not kill you, it makes you stronger, I guess.

    All the best


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