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Posts posted by howardb

  1. Originally posted by pad152:

    Silent Storm was ok until the mech and lazer guns showed up, that just killed it for me

    That was my opinion exactly as well.

    Edit to add:

    I can't honestly understand why game designers do that, add lazers, tesla guns and cowbells (well more cowbell is always good). If the game is good the average idiot will play it anyway. If the units and weapons are realistic you'll expand your customer base to people such as ourselves too. Take CM eg. not many would think a game with such realism would seduce the average gamer, but it did. It even made a lot of people interested in WWII. I know because a lot of people joined our community interested to learn more.

    That's my gripe about Total War too. They're dumbing it more and more down for each sequel. I understand there's something called playability and fun, but please "screeching head hurling morale killing women?" Missile units with more pyrotechnics than the bombing of Dresden? Platoons of Olympic gold medal runners?

    I think they're doing a huge mistake because they're loosing their original fanbase (which made it to what it is today). I've even heard average players saying "Total War is great and it's how they fought in those days". Historical credibility is a selling point not the opposite.

    Oh well there's always Total War Realism...

    [ August 12, 2006, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: howardb ]

  2. Originally posted by RMC:

    Search. But since you're a bigweez, I'll just tell you straight. Congress has passed a law the limits the total number of Mac games on the market to 10 at any given time. When one is retired another can take its place. So right now there is no Mac version. Maybe in 2009.

    That's actually one of the best Mac-bashings I've ever heard. I'm gonna remember it for future reference ;)
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