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Everything posted by Coolguy101

  1. I'm currently hooking up some 2 300 watt speakers to the puter.(luckly i know people who actually know how to do this) can't wait for that
  2. oops [This message has been edited by Coolguy101 (edited 06-13-2000).]
  3. Anyone want to place any bets that rob could actually do it???
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: OK, so at least three of us watched the rerun last Wednesday night Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Better make that Four
  5. wow! for a minute i thought you meant the cops. i was starting to run! That aint cool you know. But i had a 8 game win streak then i knocked up the % for the germans (i obviously was us) in vot and got my ass handed to me. It was a good game it was down to the last turn aahhhhh memeories
  6. Howard county, md here HFSTIVAL YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. No, you weren't able to hide them during set up IIRC. im rather sure.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(What the heck is a Booooyaaa???) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> uumm I really dont know what it means. It's just something i usally yell at the end of our concerts(i'm in a rock band) I dont even pay attention to the teacher anymore I just complete whatever work she gives. I learn more from reading posts here then i do in school p.s. this thread is phat [This message has been edited by Coolguy101 (edited 04-26-2000).]
  9. hell yeah thanks it has a nice timeline. i needed a timeline. yeah!!! you people kick ass!!!! thats all booyaa J-Dog [This message has been edited by Coolguy101 (edited 04-25-2000).]
  10. All i really need to know is how germany was divided after world war2 such as which country controlled which part of germany and what nations took part and the tensions between them. i havent found a single site on it yet. The stupid teacher wouldnt know if i got it right or wrong anyway. She doesnt know crap about what she teaches. She already gave us the wrong dates for pearl harbor bombing and she even got the normandy d-day date wrong but i happily corrected her Its sad that one who is suppose to teach the subject doesnt know it and has to have a 14 year old student correct her. As for the library, I can pull better books out of my arse. Even though i will eventually go to the other one which is like far away. oh well thank Peace
  11. I know this is mostly about ww2 but does anybody have any info on the cold war. its a project thingy for school and im in school now. I am bored as hell.BOOYAA---FOOOOOL!!!. any help will be nice. (i gota download the demo here at school, that will be great) thanks aaaahhhhhhh J-Dog in da house
  12. I like the topic heading. Been watching the simpsons lately huh?? Booyaa FFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! Can you tell that I am bored I bet you cant? AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH PEACE OUT FROM J-DOG IN DA HOUSE YO!!! Coolguy101
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by All American: Is there something wrong with being in high school? All American [This message has been edited by All American (edited 03-23-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YES!!! You can play for the crap ass J-V team and loose big time and everybody has low f@#$@ing morale. sorry for posting this worthless pile of crap. I'm pretty damn pissed right now. As for the release date you can hold off on it. I don't have much free time these day's. Peace out
  14. HAHAHAHA I'm justing doing useless stuff today aaaaaaahhhhhhhh p.s.:anyone that wants to PBEM e-mail me at jason_b16@yahoo.com.This week is to damn slow
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JeffRaider: I remember reading an article a long while back that said a bunch of footage had to be cut from SPR because it would have gotten it a higher rating due to the gore. The scene cut, so I heard, was an attack by Miller's Company on those 88s that he told his Battalion Commander about. Does anyone know anything about this? Also, has anyone heard anything about Rules Of Engagement? That looks good, too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah. Except I heard the scence that was cut off was Miller and his squad getting attacked by 88's. Like after Miller is talking to the other cpt when they find the fake ryan he mentions loosing most of their ammo. Also before they attack the downed radar site Jackson mentions "we left them 88's. He is reffering to the ones that took out their jeep. Damn them movie ratings
  16. Keeping the demo away works for a while. I tried it. I then craved to play the scenario's. So it looks like my way failed for me. Oh well. It's not like i don't want to play it
  17. I would say that the crew decided to get out of there. Probally didn't know what to do cause your sharpshooter knocked off there TC. I would probally crap myself if my TC died to I'm going to stop typing as tomorrow is lazy day I better get ready [This message has been edited by Coolguy101 (edited 02-11-2000).]
  18. I found this site. It has listings of 611 movies!!!!! Well that's all I wanted to say so I am going to stop typing now. i think I may want to put the link up first http://users.aol.com/MUMBLESAIL/warmovies.html Coolguy101
  19. well i thought this tidbit would be intersting In this one book i read of personal accounts of soldiers landing in normandy. A mortar crew had been wounded so they told this rifleman to fire the shells. Well he did. But none of the shells were exploding because he forgot to pull the pins. It was a verry good book.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: worst movie? lets see... unless you like 2 hours of looking at trees i'd have to say the "blair witch project". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I second that!!
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