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MajorH TacOps Developer

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Posts posted by MajorH TacOps Developer

  1. The demo package includes a file named "Guide - Scenarios.pdf". Every factory provided scenario is listed and explained in that file.

    Also included is a file named "Guide User.pdf". Chapter 18, "Scenario Editing And Umpire Tools" provides a pretty complete picture of the scenario editing options.

  2. I have dodged making new scenarios myself because I kept expecting each year to complete a scenario creator/editor that would allow users to make their own scenarios to share, complete with an AI opponent. Obviously I have not been successful in that plan and it doesn't look good for this year either.

    >I do not know how the coding or mechanics of TacOps work,...would it be

    >possible to make a patch or something that would allow the player to

    >change maps, as long as it has the same number of objectives? In other

    >words, if a scenario has 2 Objectives, say A and B,the player loads a new

    >map and point and clicks, like saying "this is now objective A and this is

    >the new Objective B.

    >Could this be done or is it much more complicated than that?

    No. The TacOps AI computer opponent does not work that way.

    >Also wondering has anyone ever thought of having the LOS tool as a

    >semi-transparent circle that extends in radius from the unit? The areas

    >not visible would be like darkened "pie slices".

    That is on the wish list. It is much harder to do than it sounds.

  3. >Game is nice I like it,

    >but IMHO some things to change:


    >1. Size of units is not varies enough. Can the biggest one be little bigger?

    A TacOps unit map marker can contain up to 15 items. For dismounted personnel that usually means up to 15 fire teams or squads. For vehicles that means up to fifteen vehicles. A unit marker can thus usually represent at least a company sized grouping. Unit markers larger than that would not really be appropriate to the TacOps map scale and would invite catastrophic losses to enemy artillery and air strikes.

    >2. Tank icons looks like each other. Its almost impossible to distinct BMP

    >from Tank, the difference in few pixels only. You have to be almost 10 sm

    >near monitor to see it!

    In order to make the vehicle silhouettes more distinctly different I would have to greatly increase the size of the unit icons. Larger icons would make it much more dificult to view and interpret the map terrain.

    >3. Why right button add vehicle run-point, ether left one? I thinks its

    >more convenient to add it by left button and delete it by right one. Or

    >right click can control unit direction. That will be much convenient.

    I have other plans for the right click button.

    >4. Changing time of demo shooting while combat phase. So user can make

    >units move faster and shoot faster if he knows what happened, instead

    >going to kitchen to make a coffee.

    Place a check mark next to the "Options/Use Click Sound" menu item.

    >5. Show ammo information on orders window, so I do not need to go to other

    >window to check it. At least for primary ammo! Add 'NO AMMO' sign to unit

    >icon, otherwise player need to open EACH unit to check it.

    The unit orders window is already so large that it tends to obstuct the user's view of the map on notebook computers. I really do not want to make it any larger. Clicking on the "Unit Info" button in the unit orders window will show you how much ammo that unit has. You can also get ammo information by right clicking on a unit marker and selecting the "Info" item from the pop up menu list that will appear.

    > There is no list of all units with status and ammo also.

    Select the "Reports/Logistics Reports" menu item.

    >The same about QTY of

    >units\personnel. Its really important to see most valuable information as

    >QTY/Strength/Ammo/Terrain while giving order to unit. Opening 3 different

    >windows for it is really annoying.

    Click on the "Unit Info" button in the unit orders window. Also look at the unit information that is in the info line at the bottom of the map window whenever a unit orders window is open.

    >6. Add default ammo type for artillery support menu, I always want to

    >shoot and it always proposing "adjusting" first.

    Others like it the way it is.

    >7. Mark letter player need to press on keyboard to select that button.

    >(Example '_L_oad', 'P_R_one') As it done in Windows. It's really hard to

    >remember all of them.

    Noted but that would greatly complicate my coding of the Macintosh version.

    >8. Add Icon in the top of the screen, if there is avia support coming next

    >minute, just as a reminder for player.

    Noted but I don't like to obstruct the player's view of the map terrain and unit markers with anything that is not extremely important. There are dozens of similar important things that a player might like to be reminded about but if I put up a window for each of them then there would be no map view left.

    >9. Bottom - make log window sizeable and scrollable so player can check

    >some results. Log records must include casualties also.

    It already is. Left click and drag on the lower right corner of the Ammo/Logistics report.

    >10. Autosave and game replay doesn’t work in demo.

    Yes they do work. The autosave or game replay files are in the folder named "Auto Saves". In order for the feature to work properly you will usually need to either keep that folder clean of multiple games or else move the files for a particula game session into another folder.

  4. Australian and New Zealand Order of battle tends to vary from unit to unit. Also, that info is considered "sensitive" by the Australian and New Zealand Armies so the military connected folks here who could answer your question are likely hesitant to do so. I won't answer the question because the info I know, I got via a military contract.

    You might try the TacOps forum at the site below. There are some Australian civilians there who might have looser lips. smile.gif


  5. That is correct program behavior. All TacOps maps are done at the same scale of one hundred pixels per UTM 100 meter grid square (one screen pixel per ten meters). Thus, if a map is only a few kilometers wide then it is not going to fill up a monitor set at 1024x768. It was never my intent that a small map should zoom so as to always fit the available screen space. My design intent is for all TacOps maps to be presented at the same scale (given the user's preferred screen resolution) and that TacOps act as a cooperative, windowed application rather than as one that highjacks/changes the user's desktop settings. The majority of TacOps users prefer it to work the way that it does.

    TacOps4 works the same way.

    Providing an optional alternate behavior is on the wish list but its priority is too low to offer much chance of it ever getting done. It has a low priority because most users can change their screen resolution with a couple of clicks.

    P.S. You should try the free v4 demo at the URL below. v4 has a much better looking interface than v3.


  6. Accidentally deleted the thread containing the original question but it was something like ...

    >What is the typical unit size in TacOps ... I am

    > used to playing another game at Division level.

    Most of the factory provided scenarios pit a company against a battalion or a battalion against a regiment. A few are larger.

    Download the TacOps4 demo package from http://www.battlefront.com/downloads.html.

    The demo installs a 202 page PDF file named "Guide - Scenarios.pdf" which will show you the situation, OOB, and missions for every factory provided scenario.

    The largest factory provided scenario is described below.

    Task Force Mizokami (plus two variants)


    Map 015

    Scenario time limit 240 minutes (4 hours).

    A US Brigade consisting of an armored cavalry regiment (-) and two airborne (air assault) battalions has successfully penetrated and flanked OPFOR's forward line of troops. The Brigade has swung North and is about to conduct a deep spoiling attack to seize and block a major OPFOR line of communication that runs East to West through an industrialized, gently sloping valley. The valley forms a natural chokepoint for several important roads and rail lines. The valley also contains an airfield, several important factory/warehouse complexes, a POL depot, a railroad repair facility, and a power plant. Garrisoned in the valley is a mixed battalion consisting of small regular army units, reserve light infantry units, and militia units. Each major facility has a permanent, platoon sized detachment of reserve light infantry or militia for local security. US intelligence has pinpointed the garrisons' primary positions, however up to twenty percent of their personnel are often on foot patrol or otherwise away from their facility. A regular army Motorized Rifle Company (BTR) is billeted at the Northeast end of the valley. Its BTRs are the only armor currently in the valley. A motorized rifle battalion (BTR) is encamped fifteen kilometers off the eastern edge of map and can reinforce in one hour.

    The US brigade's original intent was to rapidly seize the valley with an air assault. The armored cavalry regiment was to arrive two hours later to set up a deliberate defense. The air assault is underway and has just entered the valley. However, moments ago US intelligence detected two moving motorized rifle regiments about sixty kilometers East of the valley. Signals intelligence indicates that the regiments intend to pass through the valley and then launch an attack through OPFOR's forward line of troops. The Regiments are moving on parallel routes and recon elements of both are expected to reach the Eastern edge of the map in about two hours. The US Brigade must continue its attack.


    US - Clear Brigade objectives A through E. Block the valley. Prevent significant enemy forces from crossing the West edge of the map.

    OPFOR - Penetrate the US defense. Move at least 40 percent of original force across the Western edge of the map.

    Admin Note 1: At some point during the action, each US Brigade objective must be cleared. A US Brigade objective is "cleared" if there is no enemy unit inside of it at the end of a combat turn. It does not matter if the US player occupies the objective. It does not matter if OPFOR later reoccupies the objective.

    Admin Note 2: For a balanced game it is suggested that the US Armored Cavalry Regiment not enter the map at any point East of the 08 Easting grid line.



    0700: 2 x Airborne (Air Assault) Battalions (+)

    0700: 1 x Air Cavalry Troop

    0900: 1 x Armored Cavalry Squadron

    0915: 1 x Armored Cavalry Squadron


    0700: Valley Garrison - Light Infantry Battalion


    0800: 1 x Motorized Rifle Battalion (BTR)

    0900: 1 x Motorized Rifle Regiment (BTR)

    0900: 1 x Motorized Rifle Regiment (BMP)



    3 x 155mm Howitzer

    1 x MLRS

    6 x F16/F18

    5% chance of additional arty ammo.

    10% chance of additional air support.


    3 x 152mm Howitzer

    1 x 122mm MRL Bn

    3 x MIG27

    3% chance of additional arty ammo.

    3% chance of additional air support.

  7. Bumping the thread as a reminder that TacOps and I will be in Tempe, Arizona in two weeks (8 - 12 June).

    I will provide one umpire/control desktop PC, six notebook PCs, and at least one wireless (b/g) router. Although I am bringing much equipment, players are still encouraged to bring their own wireless (b/g) notebook (Windows PC or Macintosh). If someone must bring a desktop PC instead of a notebook then kindly bring your own cables and a hub.

    Select games in progress may be displayed for the amusement of spectators via a video projector and a 6 foot projection screen.

    Please let me know if you will attend.

  8. I have my own opinions but here is a chance for you to speculate on what "how to" approach might be most enjoyable for you as a participant in a TacOps, face to face, CPX convention or club event - either as an umpire or as a player. Please stay within the stated constraints.


    Expect there to be not less than four to five players plus one umpire. If so inclined, include expansion options in case more than five players are available who might or might not bring their own wirelss notebooks.

    One desktop PC with two monitors and a wireless router are available for use by the umpire. One printer is available. Five wireless notebook PCs are available for use by players. You are free to include players who do not use computers. Eight hand held walkie talkies are available. One digital video projector and a six foot wide self standing projection screen are available. The projector works well under full room lighting. Large elaborate situation map frames are not available but there could be a limited number of folding tripod frames with three by four foot corkboards, along with laminated maps.

    Play must be conducted in one very large room (ballroom filled with circular dining tables). Separate rooms are not available, partitions are not available, but players/groups can be separated by sufficient distances to allow restrained conversation without being overheard by other players/groups. Although it is unsavory to consider theft at a gaming convention, all notebooks owned by the umpire must remain within his sight at all times.

    The scenario must be one of the factory provided scenarios. The umpire may choose to have the TacOps AI run OPFOR or he may choose to have one or more players run OPFOR. The umpire may not choose to run OPFOR himself.

  9. >It's terribly frustrating to have access to a whole slew of light units

    >with direct fire ability (Read: HMMVWs and an Air Assault Btn) that can't

    >shoot a known target area and instead end up being ground down to nothing.

    >How do we get the bad guys to keep their heads down w/o using arty?

    Get your infantry units up and moving and assault the objective. Back them up with your crew served weapons. The invisible enemy will expose itself to engage your advancing units and all/most of your guys will fire back. If you have sufficient force then the enemy units will begin to suffer greater suppresson results and greater casualties than you.

    Given the scale of TacOps, trying to do area suppresive fire using small arms would not usually accomplish anything except causing you to run out of ammo.

  10. I have registered to attend ConsimWorld Expo 2005 at Tempe, Arizona during 8-12 June 2005.

    I hope to sponsor/umpire a daily TacOps4 Command Post Exercise and or TacOps4 pickup games. Preferably via wireless networked laptop computers. I will provide at least one umpire/control PC and at least one wireless (b/g) router - more if interest warrants. Players should only need to bring their wireless (b/g) laptop (Windows or Macintosh). I suppose that I could cope if someone wanted to bring a desktop PC instead of a laptop but it would complicate things and they would have to bring along their own cables and perhaps a hub.

    I am also leaning toward bringing along a laptop driven video projector and a 6 foot projection screen so that passers by could watch and hear the game in progress on the big screen in spectator mode.

    I will develop a more detailed plan in coming weeks as I get more of a sense of how much interest there might be from the TacOps users on the forums that I monitor. Please let me know if you might or will attend.

    Below is a link to the convention info.


  11. I wonder if I can claim this as a business expense for TacOps WWII research. smile.gif

    Its friday afternoon. The wife is at work. A case of beer is in the frig. The postman, on behalf of Amazon.com, just delivered three seasons (96 episodes) of "Combat!" on DVD - none of which have I seen since I was a kid. My wall sized video projector is warming up. Ahhhhhh ...

  12. >B) Realistic Resupply. Clicking a button shames the young 88M sneaking a

    >Hemmit up towards the frontline to do a FARP or a tailgate resupply.

    TacOps4 has optional logistics package markers which can be moved around on vehicles to serve as a source for resupply points.

    >Did they ever publish a fix for the savegame? Used to be I couldn't reload

    >a saved game.

    If that was ever a bug then it was fixed so long ago that I have forgotten it. Not being able to load a saved game file would be a very big deal.

    You can download a 15 meg demo of TacOps4 from http://www.battlefront.com/downloads.html

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