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Posts posted by JeffRaider

  1. Another "don't matter much" suggestion, but I'd really like a Movement to Contact Order. I find, mostly in forest combat, that if I order my men to advance, even on sneak, they'll sometimes keep advancing into the enemy. Now, this can be a bummer if it's not consistent. Example: A platoon advancing three woods. Center squad runs into enemy squad, stops, and starts firing. Beautiful. Left squad also sees aforementioned enemy squad, stops, starts firing. Perfect. Right squad also spots enemy squad, fires a burst and keeps on moving. Right into the jaws of a Volksgrenadier company. D'oh! I'd like a MTC order that forces your men to stop advancing once they come into CLOSE CONTACT with an enemy squad, meaning them spotting a tiger tank 2000 meters away will not stop them. Whaddayathink?

  2. Maybe these are for a patch, or maybe CM2. They're not of the greatest importance, but they'd be nice. . . smile.gif

    1) How about a detailed organizational chart for both sides at the end of the battle, showing casualties, kills, dead and wounded broken down by company and platoon. Sort of like CC or SP. . . Not necessary, and I know I can use the map view afterwards, but it'd just be kind of nice. . .

    2) Is there any way to get rid of the Eliminated/Knocked-Out text above units that are out of LOS of the camera? When I've got the camera close to the ground, I see every single text label on the map through whatever terrain feature I'm behind. I suppose this might be too much work for too little reward, but it's something to think about. . .

  3. My favourite game of Axis Vs. Allies in VoT was when I just attacked, three platoons on a line in the first minute of the fight. Luckily, my platoon on the left got the drop on two platoons of Amis and their Co. HQ, and my other platoons went one for one with other Ami platoons, both winning, but with extremely heavy casualties. After that, I schreck'd one Sherman and faust'd another. I sent the remnants of my two right platoons up the big Ami hill and cleared out some FO's, then proceeded to set up a beautiful ambush for the reinforcements. A couple of turns later, the two platoons of reinforcements should up. The infantry platoon was slaughtered mercilessly, reduced to only three men in two squads in one minute, and I got two more Shermans in the first minute. Next minute, I had the other two. I waited another turn for it to end, but it didn't.

    Perplexed, I plotted moves for my platoons to spread out and head back to base, looking for whatever was left.

    My guys didn't even get a chance to move, before a pair of flame thrower teams and a bazooka attacked my remaining strong platoon(the one from the left). The attack routed and nearly wiped out that platoon, but the attackers were eliminated after their first shots by my other infantry. The match ended next round. I think the score was around 65-35 for me. Oy.

  4. I got bored of Modern Wargaming after iM1A2 and Steel Panthers 2.


    "Oh, god! We've been ambushed!"

    "Doesn't matter! Just put our front armor towards them and we can plink them off at a rate of one every five seconds!"

    Steel Panthers 2:

    "Wow, Captain! They've got an entire regiment facing our Company team!"

    "No problem, Sergeant. I've got my Brads and Abrams in brilliantly devised positions..."


    "You know, sir, you were only half right. We won the battle. . ."

    "But we lost the war due to utter boredom. I know, Sergeant. Oh, the horror..."

  5. I've never seen them just disappear, but I have seen the little bastards become uncaptured when not in close attendace of one of my units, and race away. Sort of makes me wish there was a "War Crime" option. smile.gif As Charles B. Macdonald said:

    "Company G committed a war crime today. We're going to win the war, though, so I suppose it doesn't matter."

    (Possibly slightly paraphrased, done from memory)

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