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Posts posted by JeffRaider

  1. I remember reading an article a long while back that said a bunch of footage had to be cut from SPR because it would have gotten it a higher rating due to the gore. The scene cut, so I heard, was an attack by Miller's Company on those 88s that he told his Battalion Commander about. Does anyone know anything about this?

    Also, has anyone heard anything about Rules Of Engagement? That looks good, too.

  2. Does someone know where I can get some paper with hexes on it, or if there's a good program that will let me print it? Can I just buy hex paper at a stationary store, or what?

    I'm designing an operational-level game of June 7, 1944 to May 7, 1945, sort of a CM companion for a buddy and I, and I basically ripped all of my hair out trying to copy and paste hand-drawn hexes in MS Paint.

    Any suggestions/thoughts?

  3. I'd love to see an Israel CM. That would be awesome, too.

    Are any of you "I have no interest in EF/NA so I won't buy those games" people serious? Do you hear yourselves? Have you gone nuts? Do you really think Steve and Charles are ignorant and stupid? Do you think they'd just pop out a piece of **** boring-ass version of CM? I think not. I'd buy any version of CM, sight unseen. I don't have much interest in EF/NA now, but I'm sure I will by the time CM2/3 come out. I know that those games WILL be interesting, WILL be playable, WILL be fun and WILL be exhaustively accurate. 'Nuff said.



    Jeff Fraser


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