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Everything posted by Pirate

  1. Well, this is what I have to say about pirating. If you think it is Ok to pirate a big company's game because they can take it, you're just plain stupid. The main reason for my point of view on this is that the big game companies don't "make" games. Developers make them for the big companies. Many of these developers are just small operations like Steve and Charlie, they just don't show up on your radar. What you are doing hurts these "little people" because they make their money off of royalties, and if you steal from the big fish, they don't pay the little ones. So all of you grow up. This game will be pirated. The Beta has nothing to do with that. It will most likely be pirated by some one who works for the company that dups the CD's. Unless of course, Steve or Charles do them all them selves. Then the pirates will just buy a copy and do the same thing any way. It will then be sold to three main buyers in Asia. After that you will see it everywhere computer games are sold at auction on the internet. BattleFront will then have to try and squash the sales of these pirated games. But the damage will be done. Just an old hack, Pirate
  2. time limits are the way to go if the game ain't real time it is all you can do i can only imagine what hoops timers would put on a turn based game in the coding department
  3. The 57mm was used on the canadian Ram as well
  4. this has me laughing hard this cd will be on every hard drive in the pacific rim and russia in a week tops after release that is the cold hard truth pirates are everywhere, and always will be
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