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Posts posted by ARRPEEGEE

  1. Of Rabid Fanboys,

    Where have they all gone? Anyone who thinks the posters here are rabid fanboys shouldv'e been around in the gold demo/just prior to release CMBO period...Ahh..those days, I thought every other WWII game forum was going to have to invent some sort of anti-CM fan net guard to stem the 'jihad' as it became to be known..IIRC, even some of the battlefronters had to tell everyone to stop it..THEY were rabid, now..we're rabbits smile.gif

    "We were rabid once...and young"

    [ September 11, 2002, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: mch ]

  2. I'll try to pick the big three, as I see them.

    1)The balance of play: In CMBO, it always felt wrong..there was a sort of an unbreachable gap between infantry and tanks. Now, everything's all nice and combined-armsy smile.gif It just feels better and more realistic, the pace, the weapons, all of it.

    That's really all I need, but..I'll pick two more

    2)Features that refine the TacAI: Like covered arc, ect..Targeting, esp. armor targeting nearly drove me to distraction in BO many, many times.It's sooooooo much better now.

    3)East Front! says it all...

    [ September 10, 2002, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  3. hehe..post edit catch up!

    As far as after the prospect of a post-release demo goes, I dunno..I guess it'd depend on how sales went and if BFC felt it needed to bolster the image of the product. I tend to feel that pretty much everyone who bought CMBO will buy BB. They've got us wargamers in the pocket. And for everyone else, it's hard to say..Word of mouth has always done well (maybe better) than demos..I predict that you're looking at the final demo , though..I don't think they'll need to change it.

    But, suggesting that it might help: Not whining in my opinion.

    [ September 10, 2002, 02:57 AM: Message edited by: mch ]

  4. Burden of proof? okkkkaaaayyy...

    First off, I'm not saying anyone's being greedy, but, maybe a weeeeee bit dishonest. Hell, I want another demo scenario too! (but NOT because I don't like the other two, I just want more, more, damnit!) But, I don't expect or think BFC should give us more...

    As for all of this proof buisness..The demo thread(s) have been going on for awhile..I just thought it was sort of funny how, all of the sudden, after many threads about wanting more scenarios, replay value not being good, not getting off like the CMBO demo got you off, etc, all of the sudden, one guy in that poor scenarios thread mentions this line about 'making it better for prospective customers by adding another scenario, and..5 replies later, it's the honking company line...The yeah! what he said! factor was enough to make you gag. So, these things have a life of their own..If one door slams in your face, you try another, and another method to get at what you want. So, anyways, that's just how I see it...I don't know if that's 'proof' enough for ya, though..That is just my perceptive picture of events.

    And bear in mind, I'm speaking solely of the complaints aimed at getting new or more demo scenarios.If you think they're unbalanced or boring, fine! great!to each his own..but, the (insert random here)..so, we need more scenarios,now! bit I feel is more than just a little lame. They said no on D+1, and I don't think any ammount of hounding will make BFC change their minds.

    Anyways, it was suggested and refused, whatever the motivation,...So....Guess some folks better find something else to do until the full version arrives.

    edited not for content, but grammar, spelling, etc..

    [ September 10, 2002, 02:25 AM: Message edited by: mch ]

  5. well, you've got to kind of wonder when you see "Everything would be OK if we could just have ohhhhh..say a 2000 point quick battle with lovely lush tactically interesting terrain with nigh ulimited replay value so we could..uh...err...Oh yeah! bolster BFC's sales!"

    posted about ten thousand times.

    And as far as incorrect, or under optimized-Who in the heck is to say? I personally know seven people who HATED, and I mean HATED CMBO, and never bought it, and, now, have already pre-ordered BB from what they've seen in the demo...

    So, as I said before..Gimmie a break!

    [ September 09, 2002, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  6. And, it's not like anyone's nit-picking, that I see..At least that'd be informative smile.gif

    They're just groveling for more demo scenarios, and trying to make it look like they groveling out of a pure, keen intrest in CMBB's sales..Gimmie a break.

    I'd almost like to see more nit-picking in terms of gameplay, Definately needed more in BO's times, but, anyone who tried got shouted down.

  7. psst...killmore...it's satire...I love the demo and if I read one more whiney thread about who is disappointed with what, I'll scream.....
    You shouldn't take the whining so seriously..It's endemic to the computer game player mentality, I dunno why, but it is. As soon as something new shows up, the last edition instantly reaches nigh mythical status of virtue and quality, even though IT was the subject of the whining until the the new version stepped up to take the abuse.

    It's not just CM, this goes on everywhere.

    [ September 09, 2002, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  8. I think some people overlooked something very obvious, and were operating on one major perceptive fault; They were compaing the experience with the gold CMBO demo. Now, when we got the BO demo, it was brand new..No one could have been playing CM for more than 4 months or so, with the Beta demo. Now, when BB has rolled around, we've been playing CM for about two years.

    It's not going to have the same 'effect' if that's what you're looking for (and why in the heck would you?)So, it gets blamed on the scenarios, etc..

    I've been thrilled with it..It's fixed all the things that I didn't like about CMBO, and added tons more. It's a pleasure to play.

    [ September 09, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: mch ]

  9. In both demo scenarios, it's easy to tell who wins:the side that started with more tanks.
    Not nessecarily. There's been a big tilt in play balance in the demo that at least I've seen so far..In BO, you're right. Terrain permitting, whoever won the counterarmor fight won the scenario. Now, in BB, the infantry, especially the HMG units are much more lethal to soft targets than tanks are..well, cannister rounds excepted. Also, In stare, I've had more sucessful infantry assaults on the tankers then I've ever had in all of BO, so, looks like tank crew spotting has been turned dowm, which is a good thing.
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