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Posts posted by ARRPEEGEE

  1. Modern? Nahh...Unless you want to wait for 20k maps to load...The 'typical' modern engagement range is 3400m.

    Seems like going back would be much more feasable than forward. Napoleonic, Civil War, even the more fluid battles of WWI.
    ACW stuff in 3D would be a real kicker! I'd buy it. Those Sid Meiyer games never had the realism to make them fun..
  2. I think that the absolute knowledge about a unit's experience under EFOW was a little disappointing. I was hoping for, at least, something like "High?" or "Low?" denoting the observed quality of the unit's performance (like, are those guys in cover doing a really bad job of keeping covered. Are they noisy? then they are likely "Lower" quality).
    I've had a raised eyebrow over that one, myself.
  3. What about a +70% standard rarity rule?

    Just don't use anything over +70% rarity?

    I don't think it's unreasonable for the early war Germans to have to learn to use AT guns, even if they have to start the game with them embarked - with EFOW, this is doable.
    Heh..in Infantry QB's, Infantry guns have beome a STANDARD part of my arsenal now...I would've never used 'em in BO but, they kick butt, now...

    [ September 27, 2002, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: mch ]

  4. I know BFC offers the new harsh environment as more realistic, but... Maybe they got carried away. Until now, it seems like a continuation of the infantry ennui from the Demo battle, Yelnia Stare.
    I think they were carried away in the last one smile.gif

    You could have a crack squad, give it a bonsai charge, and it'd lose every man without so much as becoming 'shaken'

    Also, alot of what you're seeing is the new suppression model..troops are going to get down in MG fire, instead of walking through it like idiots.

    As an experiment, I imported the Yelnia scenario from the Demo into CMBB. I maxed out the HQ morale bonuses and raised 'fanatacism' to 50%. Only then, was the bulk of the Soviet force able to stagger up to the German MLR.
    There's a reason why trench warfare in WWI worked..Advancing across open ground in the face of enemy MG's usually means you're not taking the position...

    Plus - That's just your experience..I, for instance, won Yelina giving the Germans +200%, no morale or HQ bonuses, whatsoever for the Russians...So..something to consider...

    [ September 26, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  5. BFC:

    If you DO change the tracers, please make it optional..I play at very high res, and have no problems seeing anything..Sure, they're harder to spot from higher up but, you can always go lower when the action starts.. I like the new ones alot better than the old'lazer' flash..

  6. It defends alot better than in BO, it even counterattcks at good moments! But, on attack, it still channels too much...nothing like seeing an entire battalion in 20 meters of ground..All in all..it plays a smarter game, but it's hard to tell where improved weapon modeling picks up and where AI leaves off...So, better play in general in BB..I've never been in battle beofre, but- this 'feels' right.

    [ September 25, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  7. Only 1 battle and 1 Operation! NOOOOO!!!! please tell me you've got something uploading over at gamesofwar! I really enjoy playing your stuff, it's well researched, and haven't come across one I didn't like yet. I was sad to see you only had one apiece on the disk :(

    Hope to see more scenarios from you, soon.

  8. Actually, there are on-line manuals..It does happen..Sub Command, for instance, has an on-line manual.

    I haven't heard anyone mention what sounds to be the CMBB anti-warez weapon, however...LOL-If they filled up an entire CD, and stuffed it-heh..imagine the dumb warez jerk trying to D/L it on a 56k smile.gif They'll give up before too long.

    Fortunately, though..I don't think CM is a real 'warez' fan game..it's turn based! you have to wait 5 seconds before you see something blow up!

    [ September 23, 2002, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: mch ]

  9. Andreas - I tend to agree. This time I'm going to be REALLY choosy with mods. I ended up spending more time modding CMBO than playing at one stage. Mind you it did look pretty darn spectacular when it was done. Trouble is Ihad to keep back tracking and putting in mods I'd took out to make them match new ones I was putting in
    Ain't that the truth!

    Hopefully, I'll just have to pick up some nice winter vehicles this time around..

  10. MORE:

    Alot of folks who D/L warez games tend to come around looking for manuals..It's their copyright, and they don't want to help those who D/L it illegally, by giving them a free manual to help them figure out how to play it..

    That's what they mean.

    I don't think it ultimately threatens sales, as warez guys are warez guys..they won't buy it anyways..But, it's copyrighted material, and they don't want it distributed, and I see why.

    [ September 22, 2002, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  11. It's not so much as the .bmp's but the models..To change them, they'll have to code in new models to cover with new .bmp's etc..I'd like to see it done though..I think the patch thing is just a rumor.I never saw it said officially.

    Seems sort of unlikely, though. Dosen't it? They would have done it in the first case, or just left them out alltogether, it seems.

    [ September 22, 2002, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

  12. OK, As we'll have some newer retail customers coming around, just a reminder that it's polite to not talk about the 'out of the box' scenarios on the boards..Quick Battles, equipment, features, sound, mods, everything else is cool...Just not canned scenarios!

    (Not to anyone in particular, just saw a spoiler in the 'germans have it, tell us' thread..So, figured a reminder wouldn't hurt..Not trying to be a net-cop, or anything)

  13. Woah! got some spoiler info in this thread..Be careful about posting info on canned scenarios-Alot of people are looking forward to not knowing anything about them until they play them against others. I skipped over it pretty quick, so, I didn't see much, but..Whoever wrote that might want to edit it..Something about a scenario called the Gatekeepers?

    [ September 20, 2002, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: mch ]

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