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Posts posted by Stoffel

  1. no they do not return and yes the gun or the vehicle is considered knocked out when the crew left it.

    except in campaigns.

    In a campaign which can have 4 or more battles there is a repair possibility.

    Abondoned or damaged weapons can sometimes be used again or repaired in the next battle if they are in territory occupied by your forces.

    This can be set from poor to excellent in the editor.

  2. My game with loki ended in a victory for me.

    Here is a brief AAR.

    We had a map with deep mud :(

    The VL was located on an open place in the middle of the map.

    My opponent had the Germans and with that open space I thought,no armor!

    Instead I bought an all infantry force with 3 76 mm anti tank guns and a Howitzer 105mm with 4 HT's to move them.

    I also bought a 105mm spotter and several bazookas and machineguns(no mortars)

    On the edges of the map were trees.

    The plan:

    I placed the at guns in the middle of my setup area overlooking the VL and the rest of the open space.

    Placed the infantry at the flanks near the map edge.They had to advance to the middle of the map where they can overlook the VL from the side,My plan was to let the germans advance to the vl so I could easy take them out.


    The first rounds nothing happened ,than in the fourth turn I saw german infantry moving towards the VL through the centre of the map,I let my 105 spotter open fire on them.This resulted in some casualties under his infantry and killed a 75mm field gun.

    Meanwhile a hetzer got stuck in the mud,useless for the rest of the game.

    ANd my opponent told me later that he had difficulties in using his Tiger and his Panther.

    In turn 12 my infantry reached their final positions from than on they were able to stop any advance to the vl.

    the .50 mg's on the haltracks with the ones I bought in the field were very capable of stopping them,and a Panther and a Tiger showed up,they managed to kill a bazooka and one of my four halftracks.

    My atguns took out the panther from over 700 meter :D without using 1 of his 7 tungsten rounds after several shots with normal AP.

    This alwways caused a mental brakedown on my part since enemy artillery fire was coming close to them.

    The crew of the gun that took out the Panther remained calm and in the next turn(13) they killed the Tiger from the same distance.

    ANd again after several shots a frontal kill,without using the tungsten rounds.

    I was screaming use the tround,my wife came in the room to see what was going on and thought I got insaned :D

    The artillery fire did not managed to kill my guns but caused some casualties among my infantry.

    At that time the odds were in favour of me,59% to 19 %.

    So I just had to wait for the German rush to the VL.

    In the last two turns my guys could easily stop their assault and the victory % stayed the same.

    Overall a tactical game with a minor victory for me.

    The first time a plan worked

    One thing that worried me was the fact that the guns refused to fire their tungsten rounds :mad:

    Good game loki and I hope you can get a revanche match in the next tournament ;)

  3. If you want a clear answer ask for it on the Tacops forum.

    There are many specialist regarding modern weapons there.

    I am sure someone will give you an answer.

    Only thing I can tell you that when we went shooting with our battallion (25 mm oerlikon canon) we could see the bullits hit a large sandwall far in the rear of the shooting range.

    It was forbidden though to aim high.

    Anyone who did that could face high penalties.

    As regarding the mg fire accident,I have been a mg gunner myself and it is very difficult to fire with a mg from the hip.

    Infact it has been forbidden here in the Netherlands to do such exercises.

    Only small arms is permitted.

  4. To add some comments on what the major said

    you will be suprised when you see the new features and the way the new game looks.

    And there will be a nice new feature that will make this game more fun than it is now.

    I cannot reveal it though otherwise I will be shot smile.gif

    So I know waiting is terrible but the result will be worth your patience.

    A Playtester for the new version ;)

  5. I might be wrong but it was a common fact that the germans had independent tiger battallions.

    They used these battallions as firebrigades and often they were used in counterattacks.

    So no tigers would be a bit odd.

    And I think that in december 1944/january 45 the chances were very high you would find kingtigers.

    I don't use the heavies anyway and the best way to avoid this if you want is to take the good weather type(rain)I can agree with the flakvehicles to be off game but what about allied aircraft?

  6. When I left the army in 1989 we had the FAL rifle,and the MAG machinegun.

    All were 7.62mm.

    I liked the FAL although it was relatively heavy compared to the 5,56 mm C6 and C7 the army uses today.

    Story goes that the army will buy the belgium light machinegun from FN as well,I believe its called the minimi?

    I think that although the 7.62 round is heavier it is more stabile in flight and have more adequate stopping power.

    I read that the seals in Somalia were not so happy with these light rounds anyway since they had to shoot a target 6 or 7 times before they hit a vital part in the body.

    And what do you think of the programs for a new assaultweapon started in the early 90's?

    I saw four prototypes which fired telescoped

    flechettes,little darts I thought it was 4.33 mm and without metal cartridges.

    There were reports here in the media that the Israelis have used a sort of this ammo against the palestinians in the recent fightings.

  7. Babra the Porsche type you search for is probably the VK 4501, 101 type

    Porsches model for the Tiger 1

    You can find the book about the develepment and productionmodels and all variants on amazon.com

    It is a very good book written by walter spielberger and is named:

    Panzerkampfwagen Tiger und seine abarten

  8. Actually if you look further you will find the mbx.

    This is soon to be starting up again after some serious problems. look at this ,as far as I know it will have some small cpx's.

    Or better ask Rikki Tikki for more specific questions.

    You can find his email in the mbxpage.

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